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RT @HistoriaEuropa: Today marks 81 years since the 1st Soviet deportations

Join from 14h-19h as we remember the victims at Esplanade Solidarnosc @europarl_en

Soviet crimes are still being repeated in

So far an estimated 1mil Ukrainians have been forcibly deported to Russia


RT @BelgiuminIsrael: @BelgiuminIsrael attended today the ceremony at @bengurionu where @vonderleyen was awarded an honorary doctorate. A great moment for friendship between EU & Israel "Long Live Europe "
"Am Israel Chai"


RT @PLinIsrael: It was a great honor for @PLinIsrael to attend today’s dr.h.c. ceremony @bengurionu for Dr. @vonderleyen, President of @EuropeanCommiss, together with @EUinIsrael & EUMS colleagues. Let's defend together free world


RT @SwedeninIL: It was an honor for @SwedeninIL to attend today’s confirment ceremony @bengurionu for Dr. @vonderleyen, President of the European Commission, together w @EUinIsrael & EUMS colleagues. Defending and , fighting climate change and antisemitism remain key challenges.


RT @GerAmbTLV: "Long live Europe. Am Israel Chai": at her honorary doctorate ceremony from @bengurionu @EU_Commission president @vonderleyen underlined the benefits of Israeli-European cooperation to address challenges of our time, from climate change to erosion of our democratic systems:


RT @DTzantchev: מנאומה של נשיאת הנציבות האירופית 🇪🇺, ד"ר אורסולה פון דר ליין, הבוקר באוניברסיטת בן גוריון בנגב: "אירופה וישראל נועדו להיות ידידות ובעלות ברית. זאת משום שההיסטוריה של אירופה היא ההיסטוריה של העם היהודי."


RT @vonderleyen: We are doing so in facing Russia’s war in Ukraine and in fighting the climate crisis.
We are stepping up 🇪🇺🇮🇱 energy cooperation, to help the EU break free from Russian fossil fuels.
We are also preparing infrastructure projects that will help us along the green transition.


RT @vonderleyen: The strongest bond EU and Israel share is our belief in democracy and its values.
Your freedom of thought has turned a small country of just a few million into a global trailblazer for science and innovation.
Today more than ever, democracies like ours should stick together.


RT @vonderleyen: EU and Israel are bound to be friends and allies.

Because the history of Europe is the history of the Jewish people.

Our democracy flourishes if Jewish life flourishes, too.

I am committed to fighting antisemitism and fostering Jewish life in the EU.


RT @bengurionu: President Ursula @vonderleyen’s honorary doctorate ceremony will be broadcast live on BGU’s Facebook page on Tuesday, June 14th, at 09:30 am IST.
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Photo Credit: Etienne Ansotte


בעוד כמה דקות בשידור חי: נאומה של נשיאת הנציבות האירופית🇪🇺, ד"ר אורסולה פון דר ליין @vonderleyen, באוניברסיטת בן גוריון בנגב:👇👇


in 1985 the Schengen Agreement was signed 🇫🇷🇩🇪🇧🇪🇱🇺🇳🇱🇪🇺

France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg & the Netherlands decided to create a borderless area and make freedom of movement a reality.

26 European countries are today part of the Schengen Area


RT @vonderleyen: Thank you for the good discussion @YairLapid

We will work together on further strengthening 🇪🇺🇮🇱 bilateral cooperation and political dialogue.

And on addressing broader issues, including the impacts of the Russian aggression of Ukraine on food security and energy supply.


RT @vonderleyen: Very happy to be in Israel. Let‘s work together to strengthen further the 🇪🇺🇮🇱 partnership.

My visit will focus on energy & food security, stepping up cooperation on research, health & climate.

We’ll also discuss the regional situation & efforts to build a secure Middle-East.


RT @EU_Commission: As President @vonderleyen stated during her visit to Kyiv, we are relentlessly preparing the recommendations for EU countries.

The assessment will be finalised by this week.

The path is known, it is a merit-based path forward. And Europe stands by your side.


RT @EUSec_Defence: Kremlin toxic messaging attempts time and again to tap into the primal emotions of fear and anger. Russian barrage aims at sowing distrust and confusion amongst its targets.


RT @EUSR_Koopmans: Glad to be back in Jerusalem, ahead of an important visit by @EU_Commission President @vonderleyen, and engage with all sides on current developments, risks, and necessary efforts for peace and security.


RT @EUCouncil: Russia’s invasion and attacks on infrastructure and crops in have further aggravated the global crisis.

As a leading exporter of grain, Ukraine has seen a dramatic drop in its exports. Learn why this is causing food prices to go up for everyone.

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