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📢 Are you organising a Vocational Education & Training event in 2022?

Do you want to raise its profile & maximise its reach?

📝Register it as part of the Week & join a network of more than 1,000 VET events.


RT @VDombrovskis: Today’s @EU_Commission recommendation on minimum income aims to:

➡️tackle social exclusion by ensuring accessible, adequate social safety nets

➡️help to reach 2030 🇪🇺 targets of reducing poverty, boosting employment

➡️support people re-integrating in society & labour markets


RT @NicolasSchmitEU: The minimum income proposal the College adopted today will help lift people out of poverty and support those who can work into a job.



Addressing the health risks of exposure to asbestos is essential to protect people’s health and the environment, while ensuring decent living and working conditions 👩🏽‍🏭

🛡️ Actions we take now will protect our future generations!

More on 👇 @EU_Health @EU_OSHA


Up to 7️⃣.3️⃣ 🇲 workers are currently exposed to asbestos. We will achieve an by:

🤝 Supporting victims
👷🏽‍♂️ Protecting workers
ℹ️ Improving information
☣️ Ensuring safe disposal
💶 Providing support

Read more 👇


The Council Recommendation on for the EU 🇪🇺 countries will:

🛡️ Protect the most vulnerable by reducing the risk of poverty & social exclusion
🤝 Provide support for people returning to work
🎯 Help achieve the EU’s 2030 social targets


More than 1️⃣ in 5️⃣ people in the EU are at risk of poverty and social exclusion.

Today we propose a @EUCouncil Recommendation on to help people to move out of poverty and support people who can work get back into the labour market.

See how 👇


📣 Today we will present two proposals:

🫂 A Council Recommendation on to to reduce poverty and social exclusion in Europe.
👷🏽‍♂️ Actions to protect people from asbestos and ensure an .

Stay tuned!

RT @EU_Commission: This week, the meets to discuss:

🔹 Artificial intelligence liability
🔹 Product liability
🔹 Minimum income
🔹 Protection of workers from asbestos


🇸🇪 has set realistic yet ambitious social targets; by 2030:

8️⃣2️⃣% of working-age people in
6️⃣0️⃣% of adults in every year
1️⃣5️⃣🇰 fewer people at risk of

More on 🇪🇺 EU social targets ⤵️


RT @NicolasSchmitEU: Pleasure to speak to 🇭🇷 Labour Minister Piletić about Croatia’s active labour market policies, how they are working to boost employment across all ages, and the importance of strong skills policies.


Asbestos is a highly dangerous, cancer-causing substance that remains present in older buildings.

⏳ Tomorrow we will present a proposal to better protect people and the environment from it and ensure an asbestos-free future.

Stay tuned!


RT @earlallEU: 🌟Today, we learnt more about the lessons learned from the European skills ecosystems at the I exchange meeting.

🤝Let's keep working together to promote & and to build strong 🇪🇺

Join us⤵


⚙️ELA TECH Conference 2022
📆Friday, 4 November 2022
📍 European Labour Authority – Landererova 12, Bratislava 🇸🇰



Join the discussion at the - let’s work together to achieve a fair & inclusive green transition. Register here 👉!3HfByF


Actions & funds like the Social Climate Fund help address social issues arising from the green transition - like tackling energy poverty & improving access to climate-friendly transport in the EU. How do you think we could best help those most in need?


People in energy inefficient housing are more exposed to cold spells, heatwaves & other impacts of .


Changes to our energy systems affect us all. Too many 🇪🇺 households struggle to heat or cool their homes, some even struggle to pay their bills.
Energy poverty is a complex challenge linked to:​

💶low income
🏠high energy needs
🏭high energy prices


The Covid-19 pandemic changed the way many higher education employees work.

The Czech 🇨🇿 UTB DUO project, backed by , offered a workshop to university staff working from home allowing them to develop time-management strategies and resources.


How can digital media be accessible when your first language is sign language? 🧏🏽‍♀️

Read the story of the Austrian 🇦🇹 project ‘Sign Time’ that provides quick sign language translation through animated avatars and celebrate the International Week of Deaf People!


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