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🇺🇦Минає три місяці від початку російського вторгнення в Україну: 🇦🇺 🇨🇦 🇨🇿 🇪🇪 🇪🇺 🇮🇹 🇯🇵 🇳🇴 🇸🇪 🇨🇭 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 виступили зі спільною гуманітарною заявою щодо захисту цивільного населення в 🇺🇦.



🇪🇺As the passes the three month point in , 🇦🇺 🇨🇦 🇨🇿 🇪🇪 🇪🇺 🇮🇹 🇯🇵 🇳🇴 🇸🇪 🇨🇭 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 have made a joint humanitarian statement on the protection of civilians in 🇺🇦



🇺🇦Сьогодні на @wef в межах «Українського дому» у 🇨🇭Давосі-Клостерс відбувся 1й міжнародний Diia Summit .

Горді бути залученими до цього важливого заходу через наш проєкт @Eu4Ua, який надав інформаційну підтримку.
In digital we trust!🇪🇺🇺🇦👉


🇪🇺Today, the 1st Intl. Diia Summit took place at @wef within the Ukrainian House platform in 🇨🇭Davos-Klosters.

Honoured to support this important event through our @EU4DigitalUA project, which helped with the promo.
In digital we trust!🇺🇦🇪🇺👉


RT @UNDPUkraine: As part of an effort to strengthen the capacity of first responders, more than 200 staff and volunteers at several shelters for displaced Ukrainians in Chernivtsi Oblast received first-aid training at seminars organized by @UNDP, with financial support of the @EUDelegationUA.


🇺🇦«Дякую @ZelenskyyUa за теплі слова під час звернення до @wef.

Наша платформа відбудови демонструє відданість ЄС майбутньому 🇺🇦 як вільної, демократичної країни, що процвітає.

Це також один із багатьох проєктів, над якими ми спільно працюватимемо на вашому шляху до ЄС».
RT @vonderleyen: Thank you @ZelenskyyUa for your kind words during your @wef address.

Our Reconstruction platform shows the EU’s commitment to Ukraine’s futu…


🇺🇦 «Мене не полишають картини руйнувань»: читайте повне інтерв’ю Директора з питань сусідства та середнього сходу @EU_ECHO щодо гуманітарної ситуації в Україні для @Ukrinform_News 👉
RT @echo_Europe: “I witnessed haunting images of destruction.” Read the full @Ukrinform_News interview with @EU_ECHO’s director for Neighbourhood & Middle East about the humanitarian situation in here 👉 uk


RT @EU_ECHO: Russia's war in has left people across the country struggling to maintain access to everyday essentials, like:

🍲 food
🚰 water
🧼 hygiene items

With EU funding, @IOMUkraine distributed hygiene kits in Zaporizhia, Zakarpattia and Dnipropetrovsk regions.



RT @MattiMaasikas: A beautiful and grateful gesture by @ZelenskyyUa to confer the honorary title of the Rescuer City to Rzeszów, a city in Poland that also offered temporary shelter to many Embassies who had left Kyiv.


The EU helped rebuild this bridge back in 2014-2016. And we will help rebuilding what was destroyed by in now. 🇺🇦🇪🇺
RT @DefenceU: Bridge connecting Severodonetsk and Lysychansk. russian agents first blasted it in 2014. 🇺🇦rebulit it in two years. Today, russia destroyed it again. We are a persistent nation. We will rebuild the bridge after victory. To achieve it -


🇺🇦 Рада директорів Європейського інвестиційного банку затвердила кредитну лінію у розмірі 4млрд євро, аби підтримати міста, регіони та громади в державах-членах🇪🇺, що приймають людей, які рятуються від 🇷🇺 агресії проти 🇺🇦. Докладно 👉


🇪🇺 The Board of Directors of the @EIB has approved a €4 billion credit line to support cities, regions and local communities in all EU Member States who welcome people escaping the Russian aggression against Ukraine.
Find out more👉


RT @eu_eeas: "One of the most wonderful things happening is the increase of support to Ukraine’s EU Membership among EU citizens. It gives me hope that the population, the voters won’t let the politicians forget Ukraine." Ambassador @MattiMaasikas on 🇺🇦 Ukraine joining the 🇪🇺 EU


RT @eu_eeas: "Everyone who is not under bombs and bullets is having it easy these days. We are motivated by the Ukrainian spirit. We see that the Ukrainians are fighting back and it motivates us" Ambassador @MattiMaasikas


RT @eu_eeas: @MattiMaasikas @MBildziukiewicz @TwitterSpaces "Presence is the added value of Diplomacy. I am where I have to be." Ambassador @MattiMaasikas on the reopening of the @EUDelegationUA in Kyiv.


🇺🇦 Cьогодні - День Європи в Україні.
Україна належить до європейської родини.


RT @JosepBorrellF: Unspeakable crimes are being reported from liberated regions in Ukraine. Sexual violence as weapon of war against women & children among atrocities committed by Russian troops. Perpetrators must be held accountable.

EU works globally to eliminate conflict-related sexual violence


RT @eu_eeas: Want to know more about the work of @EUDelegationUA and how EU continues supporting Ukraine? Join the EU Ambassador to 🇺🇦 Ukraine @MattiMaasikas and Head of East Stratcom Task Force @MBildziukiewicz tomorrow on @TwitterSpaces and ask your questions ⤵


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