So, Europe is all about
🇪🇺rule of law
🇪🇺peace & stability
But how does this affect you🫵 in your daily life?
is Open Day @europarl_en
1/6🧵A thread on why you should visit!↩️
@othmar_karas @pinapic @ewakopacz @MarcAngel_lu


2/6 There’s no need to remind you about the economic challenges of recent years, you feel them in your pocket
So you’ll be interested to know how the EU helps boost economic recovery in your country↩️
@itinagli @SMuresan @EGardiazabal


3/6 🔥 Temperatures this year already broke records
No one can ignore the need to mitigate the effects of climate change
We explain how the European Green Deal works↩️

@EP_Environment @pcanfin @Esther_de_Lange @BasEickhout @TimmermansEU @EUClimateAction
RT @EP_ThinkTank: In 2019, the European Parliament declared a climate emergency, calling for immediate, ambitious action to limit effects of climate change
🧵1/3 Our experts explain EU action to fight the emergency …


4/6 What we learned from COVID19?
⚕️We need a European Health Union to tackle diseases that show no respect for borders
Such as antibiotic resistance💊
@EP_ScienceTech @MEP_Ehler @IvoHristovMEP @ijabs



5/6 Migration makes headlines, whether migrant ships, asylum-seekers living in the street, or arguments about fairness
📽️Watch, we explain EU migration policy
@abiralsahlani @MarcAngel_lu @MalikAzmani @pernandobarrena @gunnar_beck @djambazki @SuncanaGlavak


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6/6 At EPRS, we try to help your representatives to plan, by analysing issues with a potential to feature prominently on the political agenda
💡Perhaps you could suggest others?
Drop by and tell us!
@Evelyn_Regner @katarinabarley
RT @EP_ThinkTank: What will 2023 bring?
From economics to elections, fuel prices to media freedom, in these times of crises and war, we look forward to the
10 issues to watch



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