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Re Ho apprezzato il nostro colloquio sul futuro dell'economia europea, sul comune supporto all’Ucraina, sull’immigrazione e su come ottenere risultati concreti per i cittadini Italiani e di tutta l'UE.
@Palazzo_Chigi 🇪🇺🇮🇹


RT Giorgia Meloni
Ho avuto il piacere di accogliere oggi a Palazzo Chigi @RobertaMetsola, Presidente del Parlamento europeo. Insieme abbiamo avuto un ampio scambio di vedute sui principali temi europei, a partire da migrazione, Ucraina, economia, anche in vista del Consiglio europeo del 29-30…


Excellent start to the day in Rome meeting young people and journalists, answering questions at the Europa Experience.
On jobs, climate, migration, and transforming our economies, Europe will continue to deliver.
Thank you @Agenzia_Ansa.
Let's keep the conversation going 🇪🇺🇮🇹


È sempre un piacere incontrare il mio amico e vice primo ministro @Antonio_Tajani a Roma.
L’Europa può continuare a fornire soluzioni alle sfide che i nostri cittadini devono affrontare.
Continueremo a lavorare insieme 🇪🇺🇮🇹


Grazie al sindaco di Roma @gualtierieurope per avermi accolta in Campidoglio e per il sostegno alla nostra campagna . Continuiamo ad aiutare insieme i nostri amici ucraini.


A special moment in Rome as I receive the .
The honour is testament to the @europarl_en's leadership in supporting Ukraine and our commitment to burst through the Brussels and Strasbourg bubble and take Europe to every corner of our Union.
Europe can be more.


Delighted to address the first edition of the Brussels Urban Summit.

Our cities are where Europe's heart beats loudest & we must keep it that way.

Grateful to all the cities who joined the campaign & provided generators & transformers to Ukraine.


Cyprus is not alone and Europe will never be complete as long as Cyprus remains divided.

Thank you President @Christodulides for your commitment to our project of hope, possibility and trust.



President @Christodulides, welcome to @Europarl_CY 🇪🇺🇨🇾

Cyprus plays a strategic role on energy, and for peace and prosperity in the Mediterranean.

Let's continue using the power of Europe to find solutions and ways forward.


Russia's attack to destroy the was barbaric and horrific. Aimed against innocent Ukrainian families who are now left without homes and clean water.

It cannot be left unanswered.
We must help Ukraine even more.

Those responsible of war crimes will face justice.


Stop killing women.
Stop beating women.
Stop abusing women.

Just in the last weeks, Giulia, Ana Vanessa, Délia, Fatiha and others were killed in Europe.

We cannot become immune to the horror of femicide and violence against women.

The cycle cannot continue.

Not. One. More.


RT @RobertaMetsola: Silvio Berlusconi: il combattente che ha guidato il centro-destra e che è stato protagonista della politica in Italia e in Europa per generazioni.

Padre, imprenditore, eurodeputato, Presidente del Consiglio, senatore. Ha lasciato il segno e non sarà dimenticato.

Grazie Silvio.


Great to be in Malta with @MartensCentre colleagues as we discuss how Europe can continue offering solutions.

We must be ready for the next challenges: security & defence, climate, economic growth, energy, health, migration, jobs.

Ready to reform and challenge the status quo 🇪🇺


Women have changed the world. We don't say that enough.

They have broken barriers and smashed ceilings.

But some ceilings still need a few more cracks. Our commitment is to make sure that those who come next, can break through.

We can make it happen.


Amazing to see our @europarl_en full of young people today in Strasbourg at the .

10,000 change-makers ready to regenerate our project.

This is Europe 🇪🇺



We can protect our borders and find an approach that is fair and humane with those in need of protection, firm with those not eligible and strong against traffickers exploiting the most vulnerable.


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Today's agreement by Member States on new migration rules is good news.

@europarl_en welcomes this breakthrough and is ready to start negotiations immediately to reach a deal before the end of the term.

We can find a way forward.


Choquée par l'attaque à l'arme blanche à qui a blessée plusieurs enfants.

Mes pensées vont aux familles et victimes auxquelles je souhaite un prompt rétablissement.

Je salue les forces de l’ordre qui ont agi rapidement.

Nous sommes avec la France 🇪🇺🇫🇷



Women are forces of change.

And that is why we need more women in leadership.

We must make it easier for those who will come after us: to break many more ceilings, take up further leadership positions and be drivers of change.



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