🔴 From ca. 11.00 CET, tune in for the @EP_Justice hearing on law enforcement and surveillance in the public space, with:
Nicolas Bessot (@EUHomeAffairs), @ellajakubowska1 (@edri), and Sebastian Hümmeler (German Federal Data Protection Authority).
📢Rights of persons with disabilities
The report by @ASPelletier speaks on
• use of EU funds, policy cohesion
• phasing out segregation
• intersectional discrimination and legal capacity
• a Commission proposal for inclusive enterprises
📄Read more: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20221114IPR54104
🗳️ @EP_Justice has endorsed the trilogue deal on non-acceptance of Russian passports from occupied regions in Ukraine and Georgia, with:
48👍 0 👎1 0⃣
The plenary will decide on final approval next week.
🔴Tune in for @EP_Justice from 9.00:
- Votes: not accepting 🇷🇺 passports from occupied regions & rights of persons with disabilities @evinincir
- Debate on June 2022 incidents at 🇪🇸/🇲🇦 border (Melilla)
- Schengen Borders Code report @sylvieguillaume
🔜 Tomorrow from 11.00 CET, tune in for the @EP_Justice hearing on law enforcement and surveillance in the public space.
RT @EP_Justice: 🚔📹 Law enforce…
‼️ 🇵🇱 Consequences of the de facto abortion ban in Poland
Don't miss the hearing by @EP_GenderEqual and @EP_Justice w/ Barbara Skrobol (relative of Izabela Sajbor, first known victim), @kamila_ferenc (@federapl), Neil Datta (@EPF_SRR), @HicksonHic
🏥Consequences of the de facto abortion ban in 🇵🇱: hearing w/ Barbara Skrobol (relative of Izabela Sajbor, first known victim of the ban), @kamila_ferenc (@federapl), Neil Datta (@EPF_SRR), @HicksonHick.
Info: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/public-hearing-on-the-consequences-of-th/product-details/20221110CHE10902
Meeting docs: https://emeeting.europarl.europa.eu/emeeting/committee/en/agenda/202211/LIBE
🚔📹 Law enforcement aspects of surveillance in the public space.
Hearing with guest speakers Nicolas Bessot (@EUHomeAffairs); @ellajakubowska1 (@edri); and a representative of the German Federal Data Protection Authority (TBC).
Debates (Thu)
- 🇪🇸/🇲🇦 border: exchange of views on the border incidents in Melilla w/ @CEARefugio and the Moroccan Association for Human Rights
- Schengen Borders Code revision proposals (rapp. @sylvieguillaume)
🗳Short-stay visa freedom for citizens of 🇰🇼 Kuwait and 🇶🇦 Qatar in the EU (rapp. @ErikMarquardt)
🗳️ Towards equal rights for persons with disabilities (rapp. @ASPelletier)
This week in @EP_Justice (17/11):
Votes (Thu)
🗳️ Non-acceptance of Russian travel documents issued in occupied foreign regions (rapp. @JFLopezAguilar)
As no objection was raised during or after this week’s mini-plenary, trilogue negotiations on this file can now commence 👇
RT @EP_Justice: ‼️ MEPs have approved new rules for cross-border information sharing between member states and @Eurojust to fight and investigate terrorism (rapp. @patrykjaki).
Vote results: + 52, - 1, o 3
Read more 👇
🇬🇪🇺🇦 @EP_Justice & @EU2022_CZ teams have reached an agreement on not accepting travel documents issued by Russia in areas it illegally occupies in Ukraine and Georgia.
The @europarl_en team was led by Rapporteur @JFLopezAguilar.
@evinincir 📢Time to deal with structural and institutional racism in the EU, MEPs say
Parliament demands a robust and multifaceted approach to combat all forms of racism and discrimination, including structural and institutional racism, in the EU.
🇭🇷 MEPs back Croatia's accession to the Schengen area
Vote results: + 534, - 53, o 25
Rapporteur: @paulorangel_pt
‼️ The report by @evinincir has been adopted with 442👍 114👎 and 420⃣.
Stay tuned for our press release.
🔴 LIVE in #eplenary from 9.00 CET:
Debate with @helenadalli on racial justice, non-discrimination and anti-racism (rapporteur: @evinincir).
Watch it here: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/plenary/en/home.html
🔴🇭🇷 LIVE ca. 21.00 CET in the plenary:
MEPs and @MargSchinas debate Croatia's accession to the Schengen area (Parliament rapporteur: @paulorangel_pt).
📺Follow it live: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/plenary/en/home.html
📢Today and tomorrow in #EPlenary:
🇭🇷🛂Applying the Schengen acquis in Croatia / debate Wed, vote Thu @paulorangel_pt
🟰🇪🇺Racial justice, non-discrimination and anti-racism in the EU / debate and vote Thu @evinincir
📺 Streaming & 📄agenda: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/plenary/en/home.html
🔜From 14.30 CET, MEPs @EP_Justice & @EP_Environment discuss the European Health Data Spaces proposal with @FulviaRaffaelli @EU_Health. #EHDS
📺Follow it here: https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/webstreaming/envi-libe_20221108-1430-COMMITTEE-ENVI-LIBE
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ EP Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Managed by Janne Ojamo, Polona Tedesko and Kyriakos Klosidis. RTs ≠ endorsement