RT @marcomarsilio: Ho incontrato stamattina una delegazione del Voivodato della #Precarpazia, guidata da Piotr Pilch, Vicepresidente della Regione Podkarpackie
Un piacevole confronto per una collaborazione tra nostre Regioni in diversi settori, soprattutto in campo #economico e #commerciale
In the margins of the #ECRLocalism Summit starting tomorrow in L'Aquila our host & President
@marcomarsilio meets Deputy Marshal of #Podkarpackie Piotr Pilch to discuss closer cooperation between the two regions 🇮🇹🤝🇵🇱
The @EU_Commission published yesterday proposal for regulation to enhance transparency in short-term accommodation rentals sector 🏨
Our member @venetociambetti is spokesperson of local & regional authorities on this topic in @EU_CoR. The opinion will be adopted early next year
RT @EU_Commission: Short-term accommodation rentals create benefits for hosts and tourists, but they shouldn’t be growing at the expense of local communities.
Just 3️⃣ more days until President @marcomarsilio hosts #ECR Localism Summit in Abruzzo!
Bringing together conservative & reformist politicians as well as experts & specialists to discuss⤵️
🔹demographic decline
🔹disaster risk reduction
Countdown is on!
RT @zaiapresidente: 🔴🔴🔴 Ricorre oggi la Giornata mondiale per la consapevolezza dello stress, disturbo che colpisce l'85% degli italiani con sintomi come mancanza di respiro, irritabilità, scoppi momentanei di rabbia seguita spesso da sensi di colpa rispetto ai propri comportamenti.
RT @ekuonews: In Abruzzo il summit sul Localismo dell'ECR, Marsilio: "si parlerà di emergenze e calo demografico" https://www.ekuonews.it/05/11/2022/in-abruzzo-il-summit-sul-localismo-dellecr-marsilio-si-parlera-di-emergenze-e-calo-demografico/
RT @abruZZelles: DA @EU_CoR: 1) A #Lipsia l'Alleanza Regioni #Automotive.@Regione_Abruzzo tra fondatrici 2)Consultazione ibrida legge europea ripristino natura 3)#Abruzzo a #Euregionsweek 2022 4) Anteprima 15^ Commissione ENVE 5)Anteprima 16^ Commissione COTER https://www.facebook.com/abruZZelles/posts/pfbid02vp3mx6Fqe1c652hyqF7nqdic54C8LUo7T5xodYv2kdjbsdGLkTNteBzFHss1VHLMl #abruzzelles
Témata konference podle Brandy organizátoři zvolili už před dvěma lety, jen téma obnovy Ukrajiny do programu přibylo. S válkou na Ukrajině ale zvolená témata získala nový rozměr a naléhavost.
It's day 2⃣ of #CORLEAP annual meeting in Liberec 🇨🇿
Our Member Pavel Branda is chairing a conference on resilient municipalities and public administration in Eastern Partnership countries.
“European aspiration is a common goal of Eastern Partnership countries. We cannot forget that local and regional authorities face similar challenges everywhere, in the EU & its neighbourhood likewise. One of them is cross-border cooperation” - Pavel Branda
Opening #CORLEAP is Pavel Branda who welcomes guests to Liberec.
“The region has many best practices to share - it welcomes refugees from Ukraine, & is also a good example of cooperation among micro-regions and disaster risk management, especially flood prevention measures”
RT @EU_CoR: How does the future of the #EasternPartnership look from a local and regional perspective?
Stay tuned for the results of today's #CORLEAP meeting in 📍 Liberec 🇨🇿.
⬇️ Discover more
Minister @JanLipavsky & our Member Pavel Branda welcomed today delegations of local & regional politicians from Eastern Partnership countries in the 🇨🇿 Foreign Ministry
The future of EaP from local perspective will be discussed tomorrow at an annual CORLEAP meeting in Liberec
RT @ecrgroup: Today, we celebrate in honour of all the Saints – known and unknown.
Happy #AllSaintsDay! #SaintsDay
RT @ecrgroup: 🇨🇿 To our friends in the #CzechRepublic, we wish you an excellent Independent State Day!
"When we talk about climate change there are many difficulties that we at local level experience because we are also dealing with an unprecedented economic crisis. Before we pursue objectives of sustainability we first need peace on this continent"
- Barbara Hegedűs │#EuroPCom
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the @EU_CoR. A centre-right & Euro-realist political group.