#EuroPCom has just started! Our member Barbara Hegedűs is participating in Brussels in discussions on how to help fight climate change at local level & communicate local action
🔴 Follow live below ⤵️
RT @EU_CoR: 🌍 #EuroPCom is finally here!
If you want to know more about what's at stake at #COP27 and how we can fight #climatechange together, follow the webstreaming
📺 https://cor.europa.eu/europcom/2022/Pages/Programme.aspx?utm_so…
Less than 10 days to go until #COP27 kicks off in #SharmElSheikh.
Preparations are well underway at @EU_CoR including our delegate @JakubChe, Marshal of the Silesia region in Poland 🇵🇱
RT @JakubChe: Jako delegat @EU_CoR @ECR_CoR na Szczyt Klimatyczny ONZ w Egipcie @COP27P uczestniczę w spotkaniu przygotowawczym z przedstawicielami Parlamentu Europejskiego. Stajemy dziś przed globalnymi problemami i potrzebne są rozwiązania o globalny…
Today @TomaszPoreba MEP & representatives of #Podkarpackie region inaugurated an exhibition in the @europarl_en devoted to legacy of Ignacy Łukasiewicz - inventor of the kerosene lamp & an important figure in early European oil industry.
Do come & visit if you are in Brussels!
RT @AnnaFotyga_PE: Against the will of Belarusian people, Lukashenko turns his country into bridgehead of Russian army, becoming an accomplice in the war of aggression.
🔴Join us tomorrow to get the most updated direct news about Lukashenko regime's active role in the war against Ukraine.
RT @HungaryintheEU: 66 years ago, it all started with protests of university students. Later it has become the Hungarian Revolution and Freedom Fight of 1956. Hungarians across the country stood up for one simple cause: the freedom of their Homeland. 🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺
RT @Nello_Musumeci: Giuro di essere fedele alla Repubblica, di osservare lealmente la Costituzione e le leggi e di esercitare le mie funzioni nell'interesse esclusivo della Nazione.
Best wishes to the new Italian 🇮🇹 government led by @GiorgiaMeloni, and congratulations to our former @ECR_CoR member @Nello_Musumeci designated minister for maritime policies and for the south 👏
RT @Donatella_Tesei: A #GiorgiaMeloni, prima premier donna, a #MatteoSalvini, ad #AntonioTajani e a tutti i ministri, chiamati a gestire un momento complesso della nostra storia.
I migliori auguri di buon lavoro, certa che sapranno mettere in campo tutta la loro capacità politica per il Paese 🇮🇹
RT @marioguarente: Un grande " in bocca al lupo " al nuovo #governo ed un grande " in bocca al lupo " al nostro straordinario Paese. Ad maiora, #Italia!
@matteosalvinimi @GiorgiaMeloni @berlusconi 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
RT @Kozlowski_W: ➡️ Emocjonujący dzień na @ForumKrynica
✅Spotkanie Prezydenta RP @AndrzejDuda z przedstawicielami świata biznesu,
✅Debata o wyzwaniach dla regionów w związku z wojną na Ukrainie,
a już teraz rozpoczynamy Galę rozdania Nagrody Gospodarczej WM.
"We have been receiving support from the state budget, but some of our actions have been financed from our regional budget, such as transport for minors or for the disabled, including by air. We also have a hub for injured soldiers financed from the EU Civil Protection Mechanism"
"On 12 March a law granting access to healthcare system for all refugees from Ukraine came into force retroactively. An array of unlimited care services were provided. Huge efforts were made to put in place a system capable of dealing with this unprecedented challenge"
-W. Ortyl
In @EU_CoR debate on "Access to health care for migrants and refugees", 1st VP Władysław Ortyl shares his region of Podkarpackie's experience of dealing with the provision of health care to the huge influx of refugees coming from Ukraine
RT @JakubChe: Celem @27Precop jest wypracowanie 🇵🇱stanowiska na Szczyt Klimatyczny #COP2 w Egipcie. Wojna w 🇺🇦 pokazała, że nasze uzależnienie od paliw kopalnych wywołało gigantyczny kryzys. Argumenty za transformacją energetyczną nigdy nie były silniejsze. 💪
RT @ecrgroup: Our request to add a debate and resolution on recognising Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism has been adopted by the @europarl_en.
The resolution will be voted on in the November part-session.
We thank those MEPs who supported our appeal.
RT @marcomarsilio: Workshop sulla strategia macroregionale mediterranea organizzato da Nikola Dobroslavić, a Bruxelles. Ho ribadito che le strategie macroregionali dell'UE sono più che mai uno strumento unico per affrontare problemi comuni in un quadro integrato di cooperazione rafforzata.
Marszałek Władysław Ortyl: "Inwazja Rosji na Ukrainę wpłynęła na postrzeganie przyszłej Strategii Karpackiej. Od lutego odbyłem wiele spotkań z przedstawicielami władz lokalnych i regionalnych z Ukrainy oraz z Ambasadorem Ukrainy przy Unii Europejskiej":
Podczas środowego posiedzenia w Brukseli, Komitet Regionów @EU_CoR zdecydowaną większością głosów przyjął przedstawioną przez Marszałka @JakubChe opinię dotyczącą dwóch ważnych unijnych regulacji: nowego pakietu gazowego oraz rozporządzenia metanowego ⤵️
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the @EU_CoR. A centre-right & Euro-realist political group.