And as today is , we're delighted to be joined by Thomas Lesage, Virginie Lafon and @craigdonlon

They're talking about how Copernicus' data has become essential in safeguarding and protecting 🌊



@craigdonlon @children4oceans @spaceforearth @iSeaNews @EU_MARE @UNOceanDecade @IocUnesco @EU_ScienceHub @esa @ESA_EO @EU_ENV "I was recently in Svalbard and saw the ice retreat of just one year - it was astounding. We can see it all from space, and we need to make sure we keep working on measuring sea ice in the future"

- @craigdonlon

🇪🇺🛰️image of the archipelago on 25 June 2022⬇️


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