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Ta podatek resnično zaskrbljuje. Ali so podane tudi smernice za izboljšave?
RT @JJansaSDS: Ni demokracije brez neodvisnega sodstva. Ki ima enake vatle za vse in človekove pravice ščiti in brani. In ne obratno.
Slovensko sodstvo @vrhovno @Mpravosodje pa je v samem evropskem vrhu po kršenju človekovih pravic. Spodnja tabela pove vse:


RT @EFSA_EU: 💊Tomorrow marks the start of the (18-24th November): a global campaign to curb the spread of & raise awareness of what can be done to prevent it together 🤲

Stay tuned to spread awareness, stop resistance!



Overuse of antibioticts in the past has a negative consequences.
RT @EU_Health: 📢 Other data:

82% are aware that unnecessary use of antibiotics makes them become ineffective

62% are aware that antibiotics are ineffective against colds

📄See our factsheet ⬇


RT @ExploringSlo: Known for countless smaller and bigger waterfalls, the area around Log pod Mangartom and the valley of Loška Koritnica is particularly attractive after a good rainfall and in spring.

Photo by 📸 @andreasresch_np


RT @EC_HERA: HERA’s Wolfgang Philipp delivers a keynote speech on the role of HERA in pandemic preparedness and response at the Industry Day.


RT @EU_Health: Over the past years, we have all witnessed how a single virus can upend our lives if we have no means to counteract it

We cannot reach a stage where this happens to all other microbes

Join @SandraGallina at @ECDC_EU's event on


RT @AnzeLog: Vsem, ki ste glasovali zame se iskreno in iz dna srca zahvaljujem za vaš glas. Sodelumo za prihodnost je to kar iskreno zastopam. 23 let sem v politiki in v tem času sem se marsičesa naučil. Tudi tega, da ko se ena vrata zaprejo se druga odprejo. Smo na začetku nečesa velikega!


RT @ExploringSlo: One of the most spectacular valleys I’ve ever seen!I don’t come here too often because it’s pretty remote, but whenever I do, my visit always turns into a nice adventure… either high up in the mountains or just down in the valley soaking up the views for the gods.📸 @evineslike


RT @AnzeLog: [PODPORA 🇸🇮🇪🇺]

Iskrena hvala dragi @ManfredWeber in @EPP za podporo pri moji kandidaturi za predsednika republike.


It would be useful to share this information in all EU languages.@Esther_de_Lange @peterliese @ECDC_EU
RT @EMA_News: Have you ever experienced a side effect after COVID-19 ?

Watch this video now to learn how the safety of is monitored.

Reporting your experience will help us make them safer for everyone. 💉🩹


RT @EU_Health: How can we ensure a strong that's ready for future health threats?

Our 2-day event on will share concrete actions with practitioners & policymakers, building on lessons learned from .

Details and registration:


Strpen dialog prinaša prijaznejšo prihodnost za vse .
RT @AnzeLog: [SOOČENJE NA @RTV_Slovenija]

Delovati želim povezovalno, kot predsednik vseh Slovencev in prisluhniti vsem, ki imajo različna stališča. Zavzel sem bom, da se politika usede skupaj in zaveže k strpnemu dialogu.


RT @Eurosurveillanc: @ECDC_EU @ECDC_Outbreaks @EAAD_EU @SantePubliqueFr @rivm @unibern @EU_Health Rapid communication

Omicron BA.2.75 variant is efficiently neutralised following BA.1 and BA.5 breakthrough infection in vaccinated individuals, 🇮🇱 June to September 2022




@ECDC_EU @Europarl_FMA
RT @EPPGroup: 😢Imagine you are 5 minutes away from life-saving healthcare, and you can't get it because the hospital is in another EU country.

🚨We have seen this during the pandemic.

📺@Esther_de_Lange and @TomislavSokol on the importance of improving cross-border healthcare.


RT @AnzeLog: Ob državnem prazniku dneva spomina na mrtve se v družinskem krogu spominjamo pokojnih svojcev in prijateljev. Spominjamo se tudi osebnosti, ki so zaznamovale našo zgodovino, še posebej vseh tistih, ki so za 🇸🇮 narod v ključnih trenutkih darovali največ – svoje življenje.


Slovenski jezik je eden izmed uradnih jezikov EU. Naš ponos in odgovornost ! Primož Trubar nam je utrl pot, ki jo je potrebno negovati.


RT @strankaSDS: .@JJansaSDS: Veselil sem se soočenja z Robertom Golobom, ker pred nami niso samo predsedniške in lokalne volitve, so tudi težki izzivi. Tudi takšni, kjer bi morali opozicija in koalicija stopiti skupaj in takšen dialog bi k temu doprinesel.


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