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With the Growth Plan, we will invest in Montenegro’s reform efforts.
We have proposed a 6 billion € package for our Western Balkan partners.
With funding released upon completion of each reform.


[2023-10-31 10:15 UTC]

Congratulations, Robert Fico, on your new appointment as Prime Minister of Slovakia.
We need a strong Slovakia, in particular to support Ukraine, build a competitive EU economy with a strong industrial base, and strengthen European security.


[2023-10-25 15:39 UTC]

L’UE continue à soutenir les Comores.
Aujourd’hui nous lançons deux grands projets Global Gateway avec €30 million pour :
→ l’économie verte et maritime
→ les femmes, les jeunes et la société civile
→ la mobilisation de la diaspora


[2023-10-25 17:14 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: Since we launched Global Gateway in 2021,

we have already committed €66 billion from the EU budget to projects all over the world.

Almost half of this in grants that do not need to be paid back.

With a target of €300 billion, Global Gateway has the size to make a difference.


[2023-10-25 13:07 UTC]

Pleased to meet with
Mauritania is a strategic partner in the Sahel.
We're launching new initiatives:
→ €37 million for the green & maritime economy, youth inclusion and border management
→ Cooperation on green hydrogen value chains under Global Gateway


[2023-10-24 18:05 UTC]

Excellent meeting with PM Correia e Silva of Cabo Verde.
Global Gateway supports a competitive maritime economy and the green transition in 🇨🇻
We're working on:
→ Energy pump and storage plant in Santiago
→ Expended ports in Maio, Sal & Mindelo
→ Connection to BELLA cable


[2023-10-24 15:06 UTC]

, Dein prächtiges Rathaus atmet 🇪🇺 Geschichte!
Es ist ein Symbol dafür, was Bürgerinnen und Bürger gemeinsam schaffen können.
Und damit für die Kraft des Gemeinsinns und unserer Demokratie. Ein Vorbild für Europa.
Es war mir eine Freude!önungs


[2023-10-23 21:01 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: I made clear that, in its legitimate efforts to fight Hamas terrorists, Israel must seek to protect civilian lives and respect international humanitarian law.

The EU is working with partners to attend to the humanitarian needs of vulnerable Palestinians.


[2023-10-23 16:34 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: This time of war must also be a time of unrelenting diplomacy.
Europe, as the largest foreign investor in many Middle-East countries, has both leverage and a stake.
This is a shared US & European interest.
The pursuit of a world where freedom prevails is our common destiny.


[2023-10-19 20:29 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: Ukraine will win! But they need the hardware to get the job done

Europe has been supporting Ukraine with close to $90 billion.

Now Europe should play a central role in ensuring Ukraine’s long-term security.
We should do this in synergy with the US, our oldest, strongest ally


[2023-10-19 20:34 UTC]

We must quickly step up the fight against illegal & terrorist content online.
We will join forces with Member States to:
· coordinate our responses
· act faster
· protect vulnerable groups from intimidation
· ensure full compliance by major platforms with the


[2023-10-18 15:08 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: Vanavond zijn mijn gedachten bij de families van de twee slachtoffers van de aanslag in Brussel.

Mijn oprechte steun gaat naar de Belgische politie, ik hoop dat ze de verdachte snel kunnen vatten.

Samen zijn we sterk tegen terreur.


[2023-10-16 20:09 UTC]

Je suis de tout cœur ce soir avec les familles des deux victimes de l’abject attentat qui a eu lieu à Bruxelles.
Mon soutien absolu aux forces de forces de police belges, pour appréhender rapidement le suspect.
Nous sommes unis contre la terreur.


[2023-10-16 19:57 UTC]

We are taking the
to the next level.
I'm glad to undertake a dialogue with the industry on clean transition.
Clean hydrogen is the natural starting point.
It shows that we can reconcile our economy with the health of our planet.


[2023-10-10 08:48 UTC]

Good meeting with Moroccan Head of Government Aziz Akhannouch.
We discussed how to strengthen further the 🇪🇺🇲🇦 partnership.
The EU will contribute to reconstruction and economic development after the earthquake.
We also discussed the regional situation, following the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel and its people.


[2023-10-10 10:49 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: Every continent should be able to produce the vaccines and medicines it needs.

That's why invests in global vaccine production.

Crucial for global health equity and defeating threats.

Thank you @JuttaUrpilainen for your contribution via @EU_Partnerships.


[2023-10-11 13:18 UTC]

Just spoke to
of Jordan.
We discussed the impact of Hamas’ despicable acts of terror in Israel and its implications for the region.
We agreed to stay in close contact, including on addressing humanitarian needs on the ground, as the situation evolves.


[2023-10-11 15:10 UTC]

Valued exchange with Egypt President
on Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel and its implications.
Shared concern with fate of the hostages, who must be released and return home safely.
We also discussed the delivery of humanitarian assistance.


[2023-10-11 17:55 UTC]

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