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Delighted to have coffee with @andrejplenkovic in Zagreb - and what a nice memory, paying with euros for the very first time!

I know that many Croatians will also remember when they held their first euro coins minted with the kuna.

Welcome to the euro community, Croatia 🇭🇷


The next generations of Croatians will grow up in Schengen.

With seamless travel, communities will grow closer together.

Now we need to work to preserve the benefits of Schengen.

Improve our common home and make it even safer.


🇭🇷 It is the season of new beginnings.
And there is no place in Europe where this is more true than here in Croatia.
Today the country joins the Schengen area and the Eurozone.
Two immense achievements.
I’m so glad to be here, on this day of joy and pride for Croatia.


🇸🇪 Sweden is assuming the Council presidency at a crucial time.
Dear @SwedishPM, your leadership will be crucial to preserve our 🇪🇺 unity in support of Ukraine.
You can count on me to take forward your ambitious agenda for our Union.

Lycka till @sweden2023eu !


2022 showed once again that there is no challenge we can’t tackle if we act and work as a Union.

This is why we should enter 2023 with confidence and determination.

Confidence in our collective strength.
Determination to defend our values.

I wish you all a very happy New Year.


Pope Benedict’s passing saddens me. My sympathy goes out to all Catholics.

He had set a strong signal through his resignation. He saw himself first as a servant for God and his Church.

Once his physical strength waned, he continued to serve through the power of his prayers.


Dear @P_Fiala, congratulations on your successful @EU2022_CZ presidency.

Your leadership was instrumental in maintaining our 🇪🇺 unity and ambition on crucial files.

From supporting Ukraine to addressing the energy crisis and delivering on our

Děkujeme mnohokrát.


Congratulations Benjamin @netanyahu on your 6th term as Prime Minister of Israel.

Looking forward to working on strengthening our partnership, promoting peace in the Middle East and addressing the shockwaves of Russia’s war against Ukraine.


The future of Ukraine begins with its children.

We are investing €100 million to rebuild the schools destroyed by Russia’s bombs.

Sending school buses so children can go to and from school safely.

Collecting and delivering laptops, so pupils can keep learning.


Since February, 🇪🇺 has shipped over 77,000 tonnes of in-kind assistance to 🇺🇦

This includes life-saving supplies such as medicine, food, shelter items.

As well as fire-fighting vehicles and mobile hospitals.

Europe's solidarity with Ukraine is only growing stronger.


Wir schauen zurück auf ein ganz besonderes Jahr:

Ein Jahr zahlreicher Herausforderungen und einer nie dagewesenen Energiekrise.

Wir haben sie gemeistert und stehen fest an der Seite der Ukraine.

Europa hat seine Seele und seine Stärke gezeigt.

Ihnen allen frohe Weihnachten.


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En ce jour de Noël, revenons sur cette année mémorable.

Marquée par de nombreux défis et une crise énergétique sans précédent.

Nous les avons surmontés et sommes restés solidaires avec l'Ukraine.

Une année qui a montré l’âme et la force de l’Europe.

Joyeux Noël à tous.


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As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember this momentous year. 

A year when we overcame hardship, an unprecedented energy crisis and showed solidarity with Ukrainians defending their country. 

A year which revealed the soul and the strength of Europe.

Merry Christmas to all.


All EU countries have now agreed to our proposal to channel €18 billion in macro-financial assistance to 🇺🇦 next year.
Money disbursed regularly, to help with urgent repairs and pave the way to reconstruction.
A reconstruction that will put Ukraine on the path to the EU.


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Ukrainians have been fighting bravely against their aggressor for 9 months now.
We will never match their sacrifices.

But we are helping in every possible way.
This year, we have mobilised over €19 billion in support to Ukraine.
And more is coming.


Happy to exchange with @RishiSunak on our continued close coordination on support to Ukraine and sanctions against Russia.

We will also push for ambitious and agendas.

On IE/NI Protocol, we concur on the importance of working together to agree on solutions.


The EU is working to increase electricity flows between 🇺🇦🇲🇩 and the rest of Europe.
We are also mobilising 900 generators to power the country, including its hospitals.
And we are sending millions of energy-saving light bulbs.

We are with you.

Світло буде

RT @EU_Commission: Tonight we answer President @Zelenskyyua’s call to .

We are turning off the lights in the Berlaymont and Representation offices across the EU in solidar…


Russia continues to strike energy infrastructure to plunge Ukraine in the dark.

Dear @ZelenskyyUa, you called on the world to turn off the lights tonight in solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

To kindle a glimmer of light into their hearts

We have heard you


Good meeting with CEOs of energy companies on the EU Energy Platform.

If we’re safe this winter, it’s also thanks to the efforts of these companies.

Let’s prepare next winter together now, by making joint purchasing a reality.


I welcome today’s agreement in the Energy Council on joint purchasing, speeding up permitting for renewables and the market correction mechanism.

These decisions will enable the EU to prepare for the next winter more effectively and fast-track the deployment of renewables.


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