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We are now fully prepared for this winter and must look towards the next.

Because our choices today will determine whether we have the energy we need for 2023 and beyond.

So let’s act now ↓


Це забезпечить стабільну основу для відновлення інфраструктури, зокрема енергетичної.

Це доповнить існуючу підтримку ЄС:

Прийом близько 4 млн біженців
Гуманітарнy допомогy та цивільний захист
Військовy допомогy

Ми будемо поруч з 🇺🇦 стільки, скільки буде потрібно.


It will provide a stable, predictable framework to help restore infrastructure, including energy.

It comes on top of all existing EU support:

Welcoming over 4 million refugees
Humanitarian aid and civil protection
Military assistance

We will stand by 🇺🇦 for as long as it takes


ЄС продовжує бути солідарним з Україною.

Ми пропонуємо пакет підтримки в розмірі 18 мільярдів євро на 2023 рік.

Регулярне фінансування допоможе короткостроковому відновленню та зміцненню інституцій.

Створючи умови для відбудови 🇺🇦, яка просувається на шляху до ЄС.


The EU continues to stand in solidarity with Ukraine.

We propose an €18 billion support package for 2023.

Funding in regular tranches to help recovery in the short-term and strengthen institutions.

Preparing the ground for a reconstruction of 🇺🇦 progressing on the EU path.


Debt sustainability and growth go together.

Our new will focus on what matters.

We need a simple and transparent 🇪🇺common framework and stronger Member State ownership.

This intelligent SGP will deliver, thanks to more responsibility and stronger enforcement mechanisms.


The climate is changing faster than our capacity to adapt.

Let us not take the highway to hell, but earn our clean ticket to heaven!

Let’s do this together.



2022 brought tectonic changes in the global energy system.

Europe is shifting fast from Russian fossil fuels to renewables.

This is a unique growth opportunity for our trusted partners, especially in the Global South.

Roundtable on the Future of Energy ↓


Good to see civil society at

I met @hossambahgat today.

Upholding human rights and fighting climate change go hand in hand.


Signed the 🇪🇺🇳🇦 agreement on raw materials and renewable hydrogen.

It will bring 🇪🇺 closer to our climate goals.

It will create jobs and growth in 🇳🇦

Both of us will benefit; that’s the EU way of doing business.


🇪🇺 and 🇨🇬🇬🇾🇲🇳🇿🇲🇺🇬 share the same ambition: to save our forests.

Today we are launching 5 forest partnerships.

Local preservation strategies adapted to the needs of the country’s forests and communities.

My statement →!QXWn9T


The world has to be better prepared for future pandemics.

So I fully support the initiative of 🇧🇧🇬🇾🇷🇼 for cooperation on pharmaceuticals.

Our goal: that the majority of all pharmaceuticals needed locally are also manufactured locally.


Congratulations dear @CyrilRamaphosa on your Just Energy Transition Partnership investment plan

A roadmap to a greener, cleaner future for 🇿🇦 supported by your 🇪🇺 friends and other global partners.

Our partnership can show the world how to achieve a just transition everywhere


The Great Green Wall of Africa perfectly embodies our engagement for the world’s forests.

A spectacular reforestation project at continental scale, benefitting the livelihoods of millions.

🇪🇺 committed almost €715 million to the Great Green Wall in 2021, exceeding our target.


In Glasgow, we committed to protecting the health of our planet's lungs – our forests.

@EU_Commission pledged €1 billion for this.

Now we’re stepping up with funding, new rules for forest-friendly trade and partnerships for preservation.


Glad to sign the 🇪🇺🇰🇿 agreement on raw materials, batteries and renewable hydrogen with @PrimeMinisterEn Smailov.

We will better integrate value chains that are key to the green and digital transition.

It's a new chapter in our already deep relationship.


Happy to meet the team of EU negotiators at

They will be working hard over the next 2 weeks to make headway, calling on our partners to turn ambition into action and bring the world into line with our Paris goal.

Thank you for your dedication, I wish you every success.


Good first meeting with Prime Minister @RishiSunak in the margins of

We face many common challenges, from tackling climate change and the energy transition to Russia’s war against Ukraine.

I look forward to a constructive 🇪🇺🇬🇧cooperation based on our agreements.


We stay the course abroad.

We invest in the energies of the future with

We work with partners for climate adaptation and to help restore our forests.

We provide the largest contribution in climate finance - €23 billion in 2021.


We stay the course at home.

We are implementing , the most ambitious climate package worldwide, with new standards for buildings for example and zero emissions cars.

We are massively switching to renewables with .


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