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Taming gas price volatility and spikes:

The current pricing benchmark is no longer adapted to a market that is shifting from pipeline gas to LNG.

We will develop a new benchmark and put in place a mechanism to limit excessive gas prices in the meantime.


Pooling, saving and sharing of gas:

• We will make joint purchasing operational with new legal tools

• Keep on saving energy

• Establish default rules on solidarity among 🇪🇺 countries. They will apply in case of disruption when there is no bilateral agreement in place.


Russia's war on Ukraine has triggered an energy crisis

We have been working hard to protect Europe against the fall-out on the energy markets.

We are now better prepared to face this winter

And in a position to make more steps towards an Energy Union ↓


Сьогодні ми надаємо Україні 2 мільярди євро макрофінансової допомоги.

Ще більше буде надано до кінця року.

Ми будемо поруч 🇺🇦 стільки, скільки буде потрібно.

Ми обговоримо, як забезпечити стабільну фінансову підтримку зі світовими партнерами на конференції


Today we are disbursing €2 billion in macro-financial assistance to Ukraine.

More will follow by the end of the year.

We'll stand by 🇺🇦 for as long as it takes.

We will discuss how to ensure continued support with global partners at the conference.


The EU decided to sanction individuals and entities for their role in the death of and the violence inflicted on the Iranian people.
We stand with the brave women of Iran.

Moreover Iran’s support for Russia’s war on Ukraine will be met with a clear answer by the EU
RT @vonderleyen: The brave Iranian women demand freedom and equality - values that Europe believes in and must speak up for.

The violence must stop. Wome…


🇸🇪 Congratulations Ulf Kristersson on your election as Prime Minister of Sweden.

Sweden will soon hold the presidency of the Council of the EU at a crucial time.

I’m looking forward to working together to address the multiple challenges our Union is facing.


Good VTC discussion on energy with College members.

Made good progress on implementing the roadmap to tackle high energy prices presented to Leaders at the informal summit in Prague.

We will approve another package of legal proposals at our next college meeting, Tuesday.


Good discussion with @EUROCITIES and Mayor of Kyiv @Vitaliy_Klychko

EU cities have done a lot for 🇺🇦, welcoming refugees and providing aid.

And they will be key to the reconstruction efforts.

Thank you for quality input ahead of the Berlin conference.


My thoughts are with the families of the victims of the shooting in Bratislava.

These abhorrent murders are a threat to our societies built on respect and tolerance.

The EU is committed to helping fight hate crime and speech in all form.

We must protect the LGBTIQ community.


The principles of the stand strong while Russia is more isolated than ever.

143 countries at the @UN have condemned Russia’s sham referenda and the illegal seizure of Ukrainian land.



Our Enlargement policy is merit-based and also a geostrategic investment.

Today we recommend that Bosnia and Herzegovina be granted candidate status by the Council on the understanding that more steps are taken.

Looking forward to my trip to the Western Balkans this month.


We have to reach out to all countries from like-minded democracies, to others who share our interests.

We must bring our neighbourhood closer.

We must promote our interests and advance our values, all across the world.


The brave Iranian women demand freedom and equality - values that Europe believes in and must speak up for.

The violence must stop. Women must be able to choose.

This shocking violence cannot stay unanswered.

It’s time to sanction those responsible for this repression.


Russia’s failure alone won’t save the rules-based global order.

We must rebuild trust in our global rules and the universal values at their heart.

In these times of transformation and turmoil, Europe must engage even more on the global stage ↓


We must work to further isolate Russia. Ukraine can count on its friends to rebuild, with steadfast G7 financial support

The EU will soon table options for a fast recovery.

The conference I will co-host with @Bundeskanzler on 25 Oct will advance our strategy to rebuild Ukraine.


G7 condemns the escalation of violence by Russia against civilians in Ukraine

We'll stand by 🇺🇦 for as long as it takes and have strengthened our sanctions on Russia

Belarus support for Russia’s aggression must have consequences

Also discussed actions to reduce energy prices


At the Narva crossing-point bordering Russia.
I commend the work of the Estonian and European border guards.
We share Estonia’s concern about security at our borders.
The EU took measures to ensure strong checks and controls and end visa facilitation with Russia.


With the Just Transition Plan, the EU is investing in an energy and industrial transition that leaves no one behind.

The plan will equip the workers of the Ida-Viru region with skills they need to succeed in the economy of tomorrow.


Shocked and appalled by the vicious attacks on Ukrainian cities.

Putin’s Russia has again shown the world what it stands for: brutality and terror.

I know that Ukrainians will stay strong.

We will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes, with all the means we have.


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