Today, we're proposing over €1 billion from the EU Solidarity Fund for Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Greece and France.
To support them, as they recover from the devastating floods of 2023 and build their future.
This is
in action.
[2024-08-27 10:10 UTC]
Tief erschüttert von dem brutalen und heimtückischen Anschlag in Solingen.
Meine Gedanken sind bei den Familien der Toten und den Verletzten, denen ich schnelle Genesung wünsche.
Mein Dank gilt den Rettungskräften und der Polizei. Wir brauchen rasch Klarheit über die Hintergründe dieser Tat.
[2024-08-24 09:39 UTC]
, thank you for your congratulations on my reelection during our call today.
Canada is one of Europe’s most trusted partner and friend.
From climate to security, foreign policy to trade, we’re closely aligned, especially in our strong support for Ukraine.
[2024-08-20 19:03 UTC]
R to @vonderleyen: Ninsab imnikkta ħafna bil-mewt ta' Lorenzo Vella, il-Kap tar-Rappreżentanza tagħna tal-@ECRepMalta.
Se nibqa’ niftakru bħala persuna mill-aħjar u mimli entużjażmu, kif ukoll Ewropew passjonat.
Nagħti l-għomor lill-familja, il-ħbieb, u l-kollegi tiegħu f’dan iż-żmien diffiċli.
[2024-08-18 13:07 UTC]
Today, we're disbursing nearly €4.2 billion to Ukraine from the €50 billion
To keep the Ukrainian state running as you fight for your survival.
With our Member States, we've provided support of almost €114 billion to Ukraine since the start of Putin’s war.
Europe stands firmly with Ukraine.
[2024-08-13 11:15 UTC]
We stand with Greece as it battles devastating fires.
The EU is sending support from its
fleet: two planes from Italy and a helicopter from France.
Firefighting teams from Czechia and Romania are also being deployed.
This is
in action.
[2024-08-12 16:13 UTC]
I was deeply saddened to hear about the tragic plane crash in Vinhedo, Brazil.
I express my heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims, President
and the entire country.
Europe mourns with you.
[2024-08-10 06:48 UTC]
A big thank you to France and Greece for assisting Bulgaria with wildfires via the
This is
in action.
This summer, 556 firefighters from 12 countries and a
fleet of 28 planes and 4 helicopters stand ready to fight wildfires.
[2024-07-29 15:42 UTC]
Tonight we are celebrating global cooperation, solidarity, fairness and athletic perseverance.
Like our European Union, the Olympics show the strength of diversity and of team spirit.
Wishing all European athletes great success at the
[2024-07-26 20:50 UTC]
Today, we hit a new milestone in the roll-out of
, our investment plan for the future.
€250 billion have been disbursed under the plan.
There is more to come, but the results on the ground are already visible.
Have a look ↓
[2024-07-26 10:56 UTC]
on your appointment as Prime Minister of Estonia.
We will work together for a competitive and innovative Europe.
For a stronger European Defence industry.
And, as always, for a free, sovereign Ukraine.
Palju edu!
[2024-07-22 15:57 UTC]
Biden thank you for your warm congratulations on my reelection during our call today.
The EU and US are partners, friends and allies. We face common challenges together - in Europe, the Middle East and the Indo-Pacific.
[2024-07-20 18:11 UTC]
Watch my press conference at the European Parliament ↓
[2024-07-18 12:47 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ President of the @EU_Commission. Mother of seven. Brussels-born. European by heart. 🇪🇺