Good to meet with
in the margins of the G7.
In a world full of turmoil, historical partners must always get closer.
We discussed our lasting support for Ukraine and our work for a stable, peaceful Middle-East.
[2024-06-13 18:59 UTC]
The G7 has agreed to provide Ukraine with loans worth around $50 bn by end of year.
We'll use the windfall profits from Russia’s sovereign assets to repay them.
This builds on EU action, where we are already directing these windfall profit to Ukraine's defence & reconstruction.
[2024-06-13 17:35 UTC]
With Global Gateway, the EU is proud to contribute to PGII.
The G7’s $600 bn investment offer.
PGII is unique.
It is sustainable for the planet and for a country’s finances.
And it stands for trust between equal partners.
[2024-06-13 16:19 UTC]
President Biden’s three-phase plan deserves our full support.
We need an immediate ceasefire, the release of the hostages, an enduring end to this crisis.
We are ready to play our part with quick & effective action for recovery and reconstruction leading to a two State solution
[2024-06-13 14:01 UTC]
pour l’échange sur l’Agenda stratégique européen, les thèmes du sommet du
et la conférence sur la paix en Ukraine.
Notre soutien à l’Ukraine reste une priorité existentielle pour l’Europe, sur lequel nous coopérons étroitement.
[2024-06-12 17:03 UTC]
Those fleeing Russia’s war of aggression can find protection in the EU.
That’s why today we propose to extend our temporary protection scheme for Ukrainians for another year.
We’ll keep our hearts and doors open.
[2024-06-11 11:06 UTC]
hat sehr früh und an zentraler Stelle die Umwelt- und Klimapolitik geprägt.
Er hatte dabei stets vor allem das Wohl der nächsten Generationen im Blick.
Klaus Töpfer war ein Vordenker par excellence.
Wir sind tieftraurig, aber auch sehr stolz auf diesen engagierten Streiter.
Mein Beileid gilt seiner Familie und seinen vielen Freunden, die er parteiübergreifend hatte.
[2024-06-11 09:39 UTC]
Since the war began, the EU and its Member States provided nearly €100 bn to support Ukraine.
The paradigm shift is our €50 bn Ukraine Facility.
Thank you,
, for hosting this meeting.
The EU stands with Ukraine for as long as it takes.
[2024-06-11 09:09 UTC]
We're rallying the financial firepower to help Ukraine resist & recover.
€1.5 bn proceeds of immobilised Russian assets will become available in July.
Another €1.9 bn will come this month from
And we're helping attract investments.
[2024-06-11 08:55 UTC]
Mette, Jeg blev dybt chokeret over nyheden om, at du blev overfaldet i aften.
Jeg fordømmer denne afskyelige handling, som går imod alt, hvad vi tror på og kæmper for i Europa.
Jeg ønsker dig styrke og mod - jeg ved, at du har rigeligt af begge dele.
[2024-06-07 20:55 UTC]
Mette, I was so shocked at the news of you being assaulted tonight.
I condemn this despicable act which goes against everything we believe and fight for in Europe.
I wish you strength and courage - I know you have plenty of both.
[2024-06-07 20:41 UTC]
Good to speak to
to take stock following the Indian elections.
We agreed to continue discussions on strengthening our bilateral relations, including the FTA.
And we looked forward to the forthcoming
summit where we will discuss our joint work on global issues.
[2024-06-06 11:28 UTC]
Congratulations to the people of India! And congratulations
As the EU moves into its own elections, we celebrate the voice of the people in our democracies, the two biggest in the world.
I look forward to a continued fruitful partnership between the EU and India.
[2024-06-05 16:21 UTC]
Good call with
this evening ahead of next week’s
Italia Leaders Summit, to prepare and coordinate our views.
Many pressing issues will be discussed on which the EU and Canada are strongly aligned, notably our support to Ukraine.
[2024-06-04 19:13 UTC]
Pleased to speak tonight with President-elect
I welcome her as a female leader and a celebrated climate leader.
Looking forward to continuing our strong relationship with Mexico & finalising our Global Agreement. Lots we can do together also on the global stage.
[2024-06-04 18:42 UTC]
Congratulations to
on being elected the new President of Iceland.
Iceland and the EU face common challenges in the North Atlantic.
I look forward to strengthening our partnership under your leadership.
[2024-06-03 19:25 UTC]
, on your historic election as the first female President of Mexico.
Mexico and the EU share deep historical, economic and cultural ties.
I look forward to strengthening our bilateral relations under your leadership.
[2024-06-03 10:01 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ President of the @EU_Commission. Mother of seven. Brussels-born. European by heart. 🇪🇺