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Blahoželáme Slovensku, ktoré dnes obdrží 400 miliónov EUR v rámci .

Je to najmä výsledok úsilia o reformy a investície do vysokoškolského vzdelávania, súdneho systému, energetického systému a čistej mobility v krajine.

Ďalšie čoskoro pribudnú!


🇺🇦 @EIB за бюджетної підтримки ЄС схвалив 1,59 млрд євро фінансування для України, з яких 1 млрд буде надано негайно.

Це допоможе відбудувати інфраструктуру, відновити надання послуг і підтримати майбутні енергетичні, транспортні та освітні проекти.

Ми з Україною!


🇺🇦 The @EIB, with EU budget support, approved €1.59 billion of financing for Ukraine, with €1 billion to be released immediately.

It will help rebuild infrastructure and resume services. And support energy, transport and education projects for the future.



Some Member States are more vulnerable to disruptions.

But we would all suffer the consequences of such a disruption through the Single Market.
This is why all need to be ready to share gas with Member States in need.


EU countries should do their best now to save 15% of annual gas consumption.
We are providing guidance to do that, in a smart way.

Right now the goal is aspirational.
In case of a European alert, the 15% are binding.

The quicker we act, the more we save, the safer we are.


For the first time, we have to address our energy security at EU level.

For this, we have to reduce our gas consumption and put the saved gas into storage.
This is a big ask for the whole of the EU – but it is necessary to protect us.


Dear @ediramaal and @DKovachevski, you have shown patience, vision and leadership.
And you have proven time and again your attachment to European values, as friends and reliable partners.
We will all stand to gain, when one day we welcome 🇦🇱🇲🇰 in the EU.


We will now start the screening of the EU acquis – and proceed very quickly.
Dear @P_Fiala, @EU2022_CZ will also play an important role in advancing this negotiations process.
The people of 🇦🇱🇲🇰 deserve it.


The EU is turning to trustworthy energy suppliers.

Azerbaijan is one of them.

With today's agreement, we commit to expanding the Southern Gas Corridor, to double gas supplies from Azerbaijan to the EU.

This is good news for our supplies of gas this winter and beyond.


Good meeting with @azpresident on energy and the state of 🇪🇺🇦🇿 relations.

Let's strengthen our economic relationship and bring our people closer together.

Connectivity will be crucial here.

🇪🇺 wants to work with 🇦🇿 and build connections with Central Asia and beyond.


I’m glad to be in Skopje today.

North Macedonia is a true and reliable partner.
The people of 🇲🇰 have shown their commitment to EU values.

They deserve to see their country move forward on the path to membership.

The decisive step forward is now for 🇲🇰 to take.


Good exchange with @EUAuditors
Citizens need to know that their money is spent effectively, to maintain trust in our Union.

So @EUAuditors' role is central to our European democracy.
Especially as we are now rolling out the largest EU investment plan ever, 


I was glad to meet His Royal Highness Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, and my good friend Prime Minister @Xavier_Bettel.
🇱🇺 is one of the architects of our Union.
And it continues to drive our 🇪🇺 agenda forward, by being at the forefront of the green and digital transition.


Today we hold our weekly meeting in Luxembourg.

To mark the 1st meeting of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community, which took place here, 70 years ago.

It is no coincidence that it happened in🇱🇺

A country at the heart of Europe, which has Europe at heart.


The sudden, tragic death of Shinzo Abe moved the entire world.
I write these words of condolences as a final tribute to this great leader, this true friend of Europe and this defender of peace among nations and prosperity worldwide.

Shinzo Abe will be missed.


The EU’s next tranche of financial support for Ukraine is on its way.

This €1 billion will strengthen the State in a crucial phase.

With today’s green light by the Council, the money should reach Ukraine still this month.

We stand with Ukraine - now and in the long-run.
RT @vonderleyen: Today we propose €1 billion for Ukraine.

The first part of the macro-financial assistance package announced in May.

It will help meet urgen…


Guter Austausch mit MP Kretschmann @RegierungBW

Wir wollen eine nachhaltigere Wirtschaft.

Europas starke Regionen sind Treiber des Wandels.

Grenzüberschreitende Forschung, schlanke Prozesse und kluge Investitionen in Zukunftstechnologien sind die Basis für künftige Erfolge.


Building a better, greener future means delivering on the .

The EU contributes with , our €300 billion global investment plan.

To boost quality digital, energy and transport infrastructure and help connect the world.


The war has also triggered skyrocketing prices for fossil fuels worldwide.

With devastating knock-on effects on livelihoods.

Together, we must protect those communities that are most impacted.

And we must speed up the green transition.


The EU is committed to enhance food security worldwide.

We support the most vulnerable countries, with €620 million for food security in 2022.

In the long-term, we are working with countries to build their resilience and ramp up local food production, with €5 billion.


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