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R to @vonderleyen: Grateful to Italy for putting cooperation with Africa at the heart of its foreign policy and G7 Presidency.

The 'Mattei Plan' is an important contribution to this new phase of the EU-Africa partnership.

And to the EU’s , with Є150 bn in investment for Africa.


[2024-01-29 11:06 UTC]

Yesterday’s commemoration paid tribute to the victims of the German Nazi extermination camp
and remembered the six million Jews and all other victims murdered by the Nazis.
Photo: Auschwitz Museum


[2024-01-28 12:29 UTC]

Werte wie Eigeninitiative & Verantwortung für das Gemeinwesen haben in Hamburg eine lange Tradition.
Dieser Preis & seine Gewinner sind Ausweis einer lebendigen Demokratie.
Eine große Freude, beim Hamburger Bürgerpreis der
zu Gast zu sein ↓


[2024-01-25 18:28 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: BiH showed that it can deliver, with important laws adopted last year.

Let’s see more progress on democracy and the rule of law, in time for the Commission report to EU leaders in March.

Time to focus, for the benefit of all BiH citizens, who so profoundly believe in the EU.


[2024-01-23 10:55 UTC]

Excellent meeting with
on key issues:
Supporting Ukraine.
Ramping up our defense industrial base.
Strengthening the competitiveness our economy
And tackling illegal migration ↓


[2024-01-19 12:51 UTC]

Impressed by my visit to
Real pioneering work on biomaterials.
With products that are ready to be commercialised.
So, from concept to market.
Stora Enso is one the engineers of a competitive European decarbonised economy.


[2024-01-19 10:49 UTC]

I discussed the EU-Tunisia partnership with PM Ahmed Hachani – full of potential to be realised.
We have myriad opportunities for cooperation ahead of us.
In trade, investments, renewable energy, migration and in creating chances for Tunisia’s youth.
Let’s seize them all.


[2024-01-18 16:11 UTC]

Discussed the need to avoid a regional spillover of violence with PM of Iraq Al Sudani.
We also had good talks on our bilateral relation.
The EU supports Iraq's reform agenda and is looking to increase investments.
And I welcome a good cooperation on migration.


[2024-01-18 09:27 UTC]

I am proud that our Union has answered Ukraine’s call.
Ukraine’s democratic institutions are delivering on our recommendations and on the aspirations of their people.
We will now start the screening process ↓


[2024-01-17 08:50 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: Supporting Ukraine and the Western Balkans, boosting our competitiveness, managing migration, addressing natural disasters

– all this requires an updated EU budget.

These are priorities that we collectively share.

And I am confident that a solution at 27 is possible.


[2024-01-17 08:51 UTC]

Gutes Gespräch mit🇨🇭Präsidentin
Die Schweizer sind wieder großartige Gastgeber für Gäste aus aller Welt
in Davos.
Wir hoffen beide auf gute Fortschritte bei den Verhandlungen zu den 🇪🇺🇨🇭Beziehungen.


[2024-01-15 21:19 UTC]

Zwischen Elbe und Weser wächst eine Modellregion für saubere Energie.
Es geht um Europas Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Wege in eine gute Zukunft, auch für unsere Landwirtschaft.
Vielen Dank
für den wundervollen Start ins Jahr!


[2024-01-09 14:39 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: We must urgently move forward on stabilising our financial aid to Ukraine.

The @EU_Commission will work with the Member States to conclude the revision of the MFF during @EU2024BE


[2024-01-05 18:09 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: One of @EU2024BE's priorities is 'Prepare for the future'

In the last year of its mandate, the @EU_Commission will keep working hard on this.

We will:

→ Table a communication on the 2040 climate targets

→ Prepare for an enlarged EU


[2024-01-05 18:15 UTC]

Happy New Year!
2024 will be a decisive year.
Together, let us strive for a strong Europe in the world, bolstered by free and fair elections.
For a just and lasting peace in Ukraine and stability in the Middle East.
And for a clean economy that works for people and the planet.


[2023-12-31 23:11 UTC]

O zi de mare mândrie pentru România și Bulgaria.
Decizia de a elimina controalele la frontierele interne aeriene și maritime cu 🇷🇴🇧🇬 reprezintă un pas major înainte, pentru ele și pentru spațiul Schengen.
🇷🇴🇧🇬 au muncit din greu.
🇷🇴🇧🇬 o merită.
Vor face Schengen și mai puternic.


[2023-12-30 20:51 UTC]

We have stood by Ukraine since day one of Russia's war of aggression.
With almost €85 billion in financial, humanitarian and military support.
We will keep supporting Ukraine for as long as it takes.
And now we are opening the door to the EU to our friend and neighbour.


[2023-12-29 09:42 UTC]

Jacques Delors était un visionnaire qui a rendu notre Europe plus forte.
L’œuvre de sa vie est une Union européenne unie, dynamique et prospère.
Elle a façonné des générations entières d’Européens, dont la mienne.
Honorons son héritage en renouvelant sans cesse notre Europe.


[2023-12-27 18:06 UTC]

Сьогодні ми виплачуємо Україні останні 1,5 мільярда євро з нашого 18-мільярдного пакету підтримки на 2023 рік.
Ми повинні знайти угоду, щоб й надалі надавати Україні підтримку, необхідну їй для відновлення, відбудови та реформ.
Ми стоїмо на боці нашого сусіда, друга і майбутнього члена.


[2023-12-21 10:22 UTC]

R to @vonderleyen: Thanks to @eu2023es we managed to bring a several key files past the finish line.

Some, like the AI and Critical Raw Materials Acts, will help us build our future economic competitiveness.

So that we can keep our global tech edge while staying true to our values.


[2023-12-15 14:33 UTC]

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