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Our Green Deal Industrial Plan will cover 4 pillars:

→ Ambition and acceleration with a Net-Zero Industry Act and a Raw Material Act

→ Boosted investment for the net zero industry

→ Skills to make the transition happen

→ Global trade with benefits for all


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The EU and the US share a deep commitment to addressing the climate crisis and accelerating on the way to net-zero.

We are working to ensure that our incentive programmes for clean tech are fair and mutually reinforcing.


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Merci cher @emmanuelmacron pour ces échanges constructifs sur les perspectives pour cette nouvelle année, en amont de notre prochain Conseil européen.

Ukraine, énergie, compétitivité, migration, autant de sujets sur lesquels l’UE doit avancer unie pour être efficace.


Допомога Україні у забезпеченні її фінансових потреб для протистояння російській агресії надзвичайно важлива та невідкладна.

Комісія діє з максимальною швидкістю та рішучістю:

Вже завтра ми виплатимо перші 3 млрд євро з 18 млрд євро макрофінансової підтримки погодженої в грудні


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Helping Ukraine meet its financing needs to face the Russian aggression is both crucial and urgent.

The Commission is acting with utmost speed and determination:

Tomorrow, we will already disburse the first 3 billion € of the 18 bn macro-financial support agreed in December.


🇸🇪 @SwedishPM and I agree:
Maintaining our global climate and economic leadership is essential, despite the many crises Europe is facing.
I am glad that this is a priority for @sweden2023eu
You can count on the @EU_Commission’s full support throughout.


We will discuss how to send a positive signal to businesses.

Several strands of work ahead:

1 - Reduce our dependencies through legislation.

2 - Update State Aid rules.

3 - Create credible and ambitious financing tools.
4 - Advance an ambitious trade agenda.


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Let’s keep working to make energy more affordable and homegrown.
We’ll propose a reform of the electricity market this spring.

I look forward to swift progress under @sweden2023eu
To speed up the clean transition, I know you can lead us through the last stretch on


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Honoured to meet His Majesty The King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf.

What a year for Sweden!

With @sweden2023eu. With 500 years since Gustav Vasa was elected king; the foundation of 🇸🇪 as an independent state.

And His Majesty The King's 50th jubilee.

My warmest congratulations.


🇸🇪 Sverige bjuder på samhörighet och värme i vinterkylan.

Vi ser fram emot ett produktivt halvår tillsammans.

Nu kör vi!


A warm welcome in wintery Sweden 🇸🇪

The @sweden2023eu presidency comes at a crucial time.

Time to bolster our unity to keep supporting Ukraine in its fight for freedom.

Make our economy always more competitive.

And make the green transition happen - faster.


‘Why are authoritarian regimes so afraid of Europe? We do not wage war, we do not impose our model. So why? Our values make them afraid.’

David Sassoli’s question now feels like a prophecy.

One year after his passing, David’s memory still warms our hearts and shows us the way.


Today we also launch a joint Task Force for Resilient Critical Infrastructure.

EU and NATO experts will work together to:

• Identify threats and vulnerabilities

• Develop key principles to improve resilience

• Propose mitigating measures and remedial actions


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We will discuss the impact of Russia’s war on Europe’s security and the changes it requires.

Like boosting defence capabilities in Europe.
A stronger European defence will make NATO stronger too.


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We will intensify work on countering hybrid and cyber threats and terrorism.

Step up cooperation on emerging and disruptive technologies and space.

Address the looming security implications of the climate crisis.

And strengthen the resilience of our critical infrastructure.


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Europe’s security is under threat.

This is reflected in the wish of 🇸🇪🇫🇮 to join NATO.

The Russian threat is the most immediate, but not the only one.

We witness China’s increasing attempts to reshape the global order to its benefits.

So we must bolster our own resilience.


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Un piacere incontrare @GiorgiaMeloni a Roma oggi

Ahead of next , we discussed how to:

• Keep supporting 🇺🇦
• Ensure secure and affordable energy
• Boost the competitiveness of EU industry
• Make progress on Migration Pact

We also discussed the rollout of in 🇮🇹


While he never lost his smile, David fought for what he believed in.

Social justice.
Human rights.
May we all find the same courage as David.

To stand for our values.
Carry on with his battles.
Set our sights on the future.
Grazie David e viva l’Europa


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Very nice to exchange views with my predecessor Romano Prodi, whose passion for Europe is truly inspiring.

I value your wise contribution to the European debate.

I look forward to continue discussing your idea to bring together universities around the Mediterranean.


We support Pakistan in its recovery after the terrible floods of last year that claimed over 1,700 lives.

Today we endorsed Pakistan’s reconstruction plan with €500 million from

We continue our humanitarian aid and work with 🇵🇰 to modernise its economy.



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