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RT by @vladobilcik: Great to reconnect with MEP @vladobilcik.

In-depth discussion on areas of mutual interest as we share the commitment to serve better the communities in need, including in Western Balkans and Southern Caucasus regions.

of is a key enabler & accelerator.


[2023-12-06 13:22 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: Yesterday, I served as the moderator of a discussion (in Slovak) about the enlargement organized by @SFPA_SK and @Europarl_SK with @LubicaKarvasova , @vladobilcik, Tomáš Strážay. You can relive :-) it here.


[2023-12-05 08:35 UTC]

Slovak Prime Minister
just said on Slovak Public Radio that if he met the Chairman of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (URSO), he would strangle him with his own hands.
Fico is ready to kill Slovak public institutions. Literally.


[2023-12-02 13:13 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: Strong support for @MeGovernment from @europarl_en’s MEP @vladobilcik who expects 🇲🇪 to focus on the implementation of key reforms and be the positive example of enlargement policy for all other candidates for membership: ‘🇲🇪 can the the icebreaker for enlargement!’ 🇪🇺


[2023-11-29 18:19 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: Today, @vladobilcik, Rapporteurs, and MEPs, alongside Montenegrin political group leaders, kick off a 2-day study visit in Brussels, diving into discussions on EU Accession processes. 🇲🇪🇪🇺


[2023-11-29 16:37 UTC]

As technology evolves, so do threats to our democracy. The
adopted a comprehensive text committed to addressing the dangerous misuse of spyware.
We call on the EU_Commission to pursue swift action in order to avoid any further misuse and public damage.


[2023-11-24 09:11 UTC]

Today the
criteria are as relevant as ever. Only by rediscovering the meaning, the power and the benefits of these criteria, can there be a successful enlargement. 🇪🇺
Listen to my full speech in the
on the 30 years of Copenhagen criteria. 👇🏻


[2023-11-23 11:48 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: The first panel on the European Green Deal at is underway! Moderated by @NowakZF, featuring panelists @vladobilcik, Adam Cwetsch, and @paczyzak.

Join the discussion online in Slovak and English! Follow us on YouTube!


[2023-11-20 09:14 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: In light of the recently adopted EU enlargement package, we & partner women's rights organsiations from the Western Balkans met with EU MP @vladobilcik in to discuss women's rights with the focus on the role of women in the 🇪🇺 accession process of Western Balkans. 🙏


[2023-11-16 07:17 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: FM Ivanovic w/ Co-Chair of the 🇪🇺-🇲🇪 , MEP @vladobilcik:

🔹Montenegro remains plainly committed to the European future, striving to become the first next full-fledged 🇪🇺 member

🔹Enlargement is a top priority of European Parliament, members & candidate countries


[2023-11-14 16:19 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: Pažljivo ćemo pratiti odluke koje donosi nova vlada

INTERVJU: Predsjedavajući Parlamentarnog odbora za stabilizaciju i pridruživanje i poslanik Evropskog parlamenta Vladimir Bilčik



[2023-11-10 07:35 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: 👋 Good morning, Europe!

It’s time to get mustachioed, gentleman:

One-third of EU men are expected to be diagnosed with cancer before age 75.

Early detection can save lives; talk to your doctor.

Together, .



[2023-11-07 06:55 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: Freedom, equality and democracy are the cornerstones of the 🇨🇿&🇸🇰 statehood. Today, on the 105th anniversary of founding Czechoslovakia, we underscore the importance of the values that shaped our first modern state. Let's cherish&build on the legacy this period brought us.


[2023-10-28 14:32 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: Одличан састанак са известиоцем Европског парламента за Србију @vladobilcik у Бриселу. Разговарали смо о тренутној ситуацији на Западном Балкану и важности регионалне сарадње и очувања мира и стабилности.

Разговарали смо и о предстојећим изборима у Србији и препорукама ОДИХР-а.


[2023-10-25 16:49 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: Excellent meeting with European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia @vladobilcik in Brussels. We discussed the current situation in the Western Balkans and the importance of regional cooperation and the preservation of peace and stability. We also discussed the upcoming elections


[2023-10-25 16:54 UTC]

The 2022 Report on
was just adopted in
by 529 votes in favour, 51 against and 53 abstentions.
Enlargement is back on our agenda and 🇲🇪 can be a success story
but only with a pro-🇪🇺 government without anti-western & pro-Russian parties.


[2023-10-18 11:00 UTC]

RT by @vladobilcik: We are super excited to welcome 800 young Europeans to Brussels next week for our Week 2023.

They will be joining Commissioners, MEPs and experts as they discuss, debate and create solutions to some of Europe's major challenges.

More info:


[2023-08-31 20:30 UTC]

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