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: “How an EU directive is born from a terminology point of view”
🗓️ 25.04, 08:30 - 16:00 CEST
📍 Where: Online
◼️ Language of workshop: Swedish
👉 Register :
ℹ️ Programme :


Exploring the Potential of Language Technology in Creative Writing and Translation - Language technology and creative translation, oil and water or perfect match?
🗓️ 20.04
📍 Utrecht, Netherlands
👉 Programme:


This weekend makes the anniversary of the very first @EUCouncil's Regulation, the one concerning . Regulation 1/58 states that official documents shall be drafted in the official languages. That was in 1958. Today, all EU info is available in 24 languages!


“Seminar on audio-visual translation”: an exciting and diverse field of translation that is increasingly surrounding us everywhere.
🗓️ 12.04.23, 09:00-14:00 EEST
📍 Hybrid event: Estonia & online
👉 More info 🔗


ELIS 2023 survey was published recently to take pulse of the language industry trends. Watch some some key findings below.
You can also read the full report for free here


The winners celebrating the youth of Europe and languages. 🤩
📸 group photo with Maximilian Strotmann, Member of Cabinet of Commissioner Hahn, and @CEllinides Director-General (acting), DG Translation


The best 2022-2023 young translators from the EU will receive their awards tomorrow in Brussels. Follow our account for live coverage

RT @CEllinides: I was delighted to speak to some of the winners of the translation contest, their language teachers, and parents, who met translators from @translatores .


The best 2022-2023 young translators the EU will receive their awards tomorrow in Brussels. Follow our account for live coverage

RT @CEllinides: I was delighted to speak to some of the winners of the translation contest, their language teachers, and parents, who met translators from @translatores .


Los departamentos de lengua española de @translatores y demás servicios lingüísticos de la UE asisten al Congreso @cadizlengua. Juntos apoyando la dimensión internacional del español y su pujanza en todos los ámbitos, desde el político-institucional al de la ciencia y tecnología.


RT @CEllinides: Thanks to Commissioner Hahn and Cabinet for supporting us in promoting multilingualism and language technology, whether it is neural machine translation or AI. Max Strotman, member of our Cabinet takes the floor during ;
@translatores @JHahnEU @DMEU1978


RT @CEllinides: Chairing the 1st day of spring meeting on technology and expert skills; both go hand in hand. The power of language, cutting-edge technology and data-driven science foster growth and innovation @translatores


Next call for membership in the will be launched on 15 September
More details:
Current members have to apply, too, if they want to renew their membership


The competence framework of the needed a minor update to reflect the latest trends in . Greater emphasis on data literacy and customer service skills.


Director for Resources @translatores opens 2nd day of meeting, continuing sharing of knowledge and good practices – today’s focus Terminology Management


Learn more about the outcomes of the DataLitMT project and join the Workshop on 19 April 2023. Schedule and registration via the workshop website


DataLitMT – a publicly funded project aiming at developing a MT literacy framework and a competence matrix for MT-oriented data literacy teaching


is meeting online today and tomorrow to discuss Translator skills: today's challenges, tomorrow's needs – in line with the European Year of Skills


We will congratulate the 27 winners, one from each EU Member State, of the translation contest at an award ceremony in Brussels on 📅 Friday, 31.03 at 10.30
The event will be web-streamed live, with interpretation


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A Mastodon forum for the discussion of European Union matters. Not run by the EU. Powered by FeedToMastodon, Nitter and