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🆕Anonymisation is available to all eligible users. It can be used to replace or hide personally identifiable information so can be quite handy with GDPR compliancy.
RT @LR_Coordination: Are your shared documents GDPR compliant? Whilst not yet 100% accurate, the NLP toolkit can help users to create anonymised data. Discover how in this short clip!


It’s . Besides the 🇪🇺 @europeancommission 's actions to ensure access to safe food, let's not forget how plays a big role in this too.
Image source: bigacis Adobe Stock / Title inspired by: “The Language of Food”, Brigita Orel


RT @CalaveraRuiz: Happy to have chaired the 🇪🇺Interinstitutional Committee for Translation and Interpretation meeting in DG SCIC premises today. Meaningful exchanges on challenges and opportunities ahead and very good vibes after two years of virtual encounters.


They also met our translators and current trainees and learned first-hand about their experience.
Thanks for your virtual visit dear guests!


Today we had a pleasure to (virtually) host translation students from more than 30 universities in Greece 🇬🇷, Italy 🇮🇹, Portugal 🇵🇹 and Spain 🇪🇸.
They could learn about our work, translating tools and career opportunities in the translating services of the European Commission.


RT @ITIUK: The John Sykes Memorial Prize is awarded to the Directorate-General for Translation — European Commission. They are the largest translation service in the world and recognised for the programmes they run to promote language and translation.


RT @CEllinides: It was a pleasure to welcome 🇸🇬  @SingaporeMCI  and share best practices in institutional .


“Cross-border lessons in European audiovisual translation” 🗓️10 June 2022 - WATCH LIVE AT 8.45 (CEST)
👉 For more info, registration, and streaming link, go to Translating Europe Workshops 🔗


“Localization & Technical Writing”
🗓️ 7 June 2022, 8.50 (CEST) 📍 Warsaw, Poland
👉 More info on the aims of the workshop, registration, and streaming link 🔗


Only 1️⃣ DAY left to participate in the follow-up survey
A webinar planned for early June will present the results of the survey and feature an expert industry panel providing commentary on the analysis.


The data for the original 2022 study was gathered before the outbreak of the war in Ukraine and just as pandemic restrictions were beginning to be eased.
Please take a few moments to answer a short questionnaire:
Deadline: 30 May.


🗓️ 24 May is the day to celebrate the Alphabet, also known as “Saints Cyril and Methodius Day”. 🇧🇬 is the only EU member using it! 🇪🇺
You can Bulgarian, Ukrainian and Russian using the EUs sytem


Learn about the new feature of 🇪🇺 for
RT @LR_Coordination: The European Commission is launching a WordPress plugin for automated website translation, which will be introduced in a short info session on June 7 (10:00 CEST). Interested? Register by sending us an email to CNECT-LANGTECH@EC.EUROPA.EU.
We look forward to hearing from you!


RT @TerminEUrope: Registration deadline❗️Click on the link below and register for the 1st International Conference on Multilingual Digital Terminology in Padova, Italy. 💻🙂

The full-fee registration ends on May 25th, 2022.


Join the next Workshop “AVT workflows and the role of automation” to discover the benefits and pitfalls of CAT tools in audiovisual translation.


RT @CEllinides: 2/2 After constructive discussions on the post-pandemic working paradigm, we concluded 2022, i.a., with the pledge to fully embrace the green and digital transitions!

More info ➡️

@EU_Commission @UNDGACM_EN


RT @CEllinides: 1/2 By working together our international can ensure the new normal becomes a better normal.


For the first time in over 2 years, acting Director-General @CEllinides has met our trainees in person – young ambassadors!

RT @CEllinides: I had the chance to meet all @translatores trainees from the March 2022 session.
Such a great experience to hear from them in person and learn about their backgrounds, their work at DG Translation and their passion for .


RT @vonderleyen: Our Union must be a safe place for everyone.

A place where you can be who you are, fully, and love whom you want.

LGBTIQ+ people, I will always be by your side 🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺


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