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RT Milton Nunes
A direita europeia, supostamente moderada, enveredou definitivamente pelo negacionismo climático. A aliança com a extrema direita xenófoba é agora o pão nosso de cada dia. Contra a ciência e bom senso. Este é o estado a que chegou o grupo político do PSD em Bruxelas.
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S&amp;D Group: Nature lost a battle today, but our fight for the people and the planet continues. The tight vote on the in @EP_Environment is only a temporary setback. We'll work hard to win the vote in EP plenary in two weeks.


Don't miss the opportunity to participate in the upcoming @Euronews , this Thursday, focused on unlocking the potential of sustainable healthcare in the EU.
Know more &amp; register here:
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euronews: What can the EU do to make healthcare sustainable?
Don't miss our on June 29 at 11 am CEST to find out and ask YOUR questions to our panel experts.
Register now:


Re @ManfredWeber “The parliamentary committee votes on this report and, possibly, *amends* it. When the text has been revised and adopted in plenary, Parliament has adopted its position”


Os Objetivos para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Nações Unidas têm de continuar a ser o guia, apesar do atual contexto de incerteza. Orgulhosamente, Portugal é um exemplo no cumprimento destes objetivos.
Veja aqui a intervenção no plenário.


RT Milton Nunes
Os @TheProgressives estão a recrutar um/a administrador/a de língua portuguesa para os seus quadros no Parlamento Europeu.
Uma experiência única para trabalhar em política europeia. Para interessado/as, aqui fica a informação sobre a candidatura:


RT Parlamento Europeu em Portugal
▪️Tirar o máximo de proveito das regiões
▪️Garantir as normas mínimas de qualidade para os na UE
São estes os dois pontos que a Sara Cerdas destaca desta semana de ⏯️


RT Dr Maria Neira
Estimates show that, in shipping alone, putting a price on carbon could raise $40 to $60 billion dollars each year between 2025 and 2050.
Pricing emissions from shipping: Where should the money go? One idea: to health. via @WBG_Transport


Good news from @EUCouncil !
Next week, our turn at the @europarl_en @EP_Environment , despite EPP’s campaign to reject it immediately
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Virginijus Sinkevičius: Good news!
@EUCouncil agreed on a General Approach on the 🇪🇺 Nature Restoration Law showing responsibility to urgently act on the biodiversity crisis.
Counting on @europarl_en to adopt its mandate in July &amp; so we can launch trilogues before summer &amp; conclude by end of 2023.


Há um mês, em Costa Rica, numa missão do PE, reunimo-nos com opositores ao regime de Ortega (Presidente da Nicarágua) exilados. Foram perceptíveis as dificuldades e o resultado de um regime autoritário que silencia, reprime e elimina, por diversos meios, qualquer oposição.


Re What if I told you that G7 and G20 countries are treating health as an investment and not a cost, health ministers are having more dialogue and health and finance are in their meetings’ agenda more and more over the years?
Would you give it a higher importance?😉


Re Very happy to share the panel with @StephenTwigg from @CPA_Secretariat , @MartinChungong from @IPUparliament , @angelaeagle from @HouseofCommons and @ElmarBrok_MEP moderated by @G20Partnership founder @AlanDonnelly57 .
Follow these parliamentarians to know more about their work!


RT Brian Li Han Wong
Last session of Day 1️⃣ at is a parliamentary roundtable discussion exploring how parliamentarians in G20+ countries can deliver on high-level multilateral declarations in national contexts.
@G20Partnership @StephenTwigg @ElmarBrok_MEP


RT @VTrillet_Lenoir: Adoption hier soir du rapport tirant les leçons de la crise sanitaire en commission spéciale Covid-19.

Ce rapport est une belle avancée. Il propose de nombreuses pistes d’amélioration pour que l'🇪🇺soit mieux armée et plus coordonnée pour face aux futures menaces sanitaires.


Today, we have approved a progressive report on the lessons learned from Covid-19, ensuring that the future of EU citizens is better protected and safeguarded against future pandemics. ✊

Well done to negotiation teams and secretariat👏👏👏
RT @TheProgressives: Today we asked for stronger pandemic protection measures for EU citizens.

We want the EU to be adequately prepared and better equipped to respond to future health crises.

@sara_saracerdas & @ale_moretti exp…


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