In all meetings we understood the importance of reinforcing strategic autonomy - in Africa only 1% of vaccines are produced, but it uses 25% of vaccines worldwide. This work is already being reinforced, for the most different vaccines and diseases.
Also had the pleasure to meet @Tuliodna, a Portuguese-Brazilian researcher who discovered the Ómicron variant and changed the world.
Thank you for receiving us & assuring a strong partnership between Africa-EU. Only together we can overcome global health challenges. @WHOatUECA @EUtoAU @ParliamentofRSA @AmbPeschke @SandraKramerEU @biovac_inst @ICRC_Africa @AmbSamate @AfricaCDC @EPHIEthiopia @FDREHOPR @FMoHealth
Another important topic was how countries in the Global South network in disease prevention and control, with cooperation with institutions worldwide, such as @EMA_News and @ECDC_EU.