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I wish you all a happy Teachers Day.
I recently called upon the
to accelerate the implementation of the European Education Area, to create a European Plan for Education, deal with the deficit of teachers & support a European Year for Teachers.


[2023-10-05 08:47 UTC]

I wish you all a happy Teachers Day.
I recently called upon the
to accelerate the implementation of the European Education Area, to create a European Plan for Education, deal with the deficit of teachers & support a European Year for Teachers.


[2023-10-05 12:37 UTC]

RT by @negrescuvictor: 📺Watch 'Up and ahead: skills for a more resilient EU workforce' w/ @LauraNurski, Julie Fionda @EU_Social, @laurence_morvan, @Accenture @Glenda_Quintini @ElIzaMohamedou @OECD @JuergenSiebel, @guner_duygu @negrescuvictor @Ceemet_DG
@DavidTimis @YouEmployed


[2023-10-06 12:59 UTC]

Great meeting this week in Strasbourg with
about fiscal stability & RO/EU economic perspectives. Implementation of
is key for the future.


[2023-10-08 09:23 UTC]

Solidaritate cu Israel.
România condamnă ferm atacurile teroriste.
Informații utile pentru cetățenii români aflați în Israel:
Ambasada României la Tel Aviv: / +972 54 5643279
Consulat General de la Haifa: +972 543 998 038
Ministerul Afacerilor Externe recomandă consultarea paginilor de Internet


[2023-10-08 09:40 UTC]

Great to be part of the official Romanian delegation to the trilateral meeting with Bulgaria & Greece. 🇷🇴🇧🇬🇬🇷🇪🇺


[2023-10-10 03:05 UTC]

Today I addressed a letter to @EU_Commission @vonderleyen asking to integrate a temporary flexibility in the EU fiscal rules & excessive deficit procedure by extracting from the deficit methodology the direct costs related to the aid provided to Ukraine & the Republic of Moldova


Today is the . Great to recall the need for active policies for youth. This year I organized the campaign & generated a @europarl_en plenary debate on youth policies. We need a & participatory mechanisms for young people at EU level.


RT Parlamentul European în România
🛂 Schengen este cea mai mare zonă fără control la frontieră din lume, cu peste 1,25 miliarde de călătorii în fiecare an.
Parlamentul European dorește ca 🇧🇬 Bulgaria și 🇷🇴 România să adere la spațiul Schengen până la sfârșitul lui 2023.
Mai multe ⬇️


RT World Elects
🇪🇸, general election results (99,39 % counted):
Prime Minister Sanchez (PSOE) spoke to his supporters a few minutes ago.
With 31,7 % of the votes, he achieved the best result for the PSOE since the 2008 election and could remain in power.


When very few believed, we believed. @PSOE @sanchezcastejon proved to everyone that through hard work, courage & focus on the people you can build trust & fight the far right. We are stronger together @PES_PSE @PSD_RO_OFICIAL @TheProgressives


We need a new strategic agenda for transatlantic cooperation with clear, tangible & long term global targets.
I am confident the Black Sea can be a key region for EU, US & NATO cooperation.
Honoured to share the @TPNOnline pannel with Ambassador @amb_yurikim


Glad to meet Senator @SenatorRounds, a key friend of Romania in the Armed Service Committee. RO & US military & defence cooperation are developing continuously, proving the long-standing relationships between our countries. We count on US to ensure t/ protection of the Black Sea.


Happy to talk to @lawler4ny about transatlantic relations,🇹🇩🇦🇩🇪🇺 & the Next Generation Leadership network. With our friends from @TPNOnline we hope to build the basis for future cooperation & a strong transatlantic agenda with the next generation of legislators.


RT Congressman Mike Lawler
I had a constructive conversation earlier this week with @negrescuvictor, who serves in the Parliament of the European Union from Romania. We discussed the importance of the trans-Atlantic relationship and support for Romania’s neighbor and ally Moldova.


RT Radio Romania International
Discursul premierului ungar de la Băile Tuşnad este 'ilustrativ pentru eşecul politicii iliberale', susţine eurodeputatul @negrescuvictor (PSD), subliniind că această doctrină şi anti-europenismul nu reprezintă şi nu poate reprezenta un model pt. România. (1/4)


RT Radio Romania International
Re sunt cele care ne permit să trăim în linişte şi pace în Transilvania, respectând drepturile tuturor, inclusiv ale minorităţii maghiare din România. Iar orice referire cu privire la Ardeal este evident un non-sens, a scris @negrescuvictor. (2/4)


RT Marcel Ciolacu
Quiero felicitar a @sanchezcastejon & @PSOE por el impresionante trabajo realizado por el bienestar social, por Europa y la importante comunidad rumana 🇷🇴 en España 🇪🇸. Su gobierno ha hecho mucho por España y espero que su trabajo continúe.


The @EIB is key to boost investments & create jobs at EU level. Called for EU widening, more transparency, better support for smaller communities & involvement of vulnerable groups.
We need an inclusive EIB for EU cohesion!


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