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Odšel je izjemen človek in erudit. Človek, ki mu je bilo mar za vsakega sočloveka. Spoštovani gospod Erniša, hvala za vse vaše delo. Vaše besede in vaš zgled. Počivajte v miru.


RT @DiEM_25: BREAKING: The world's elite have arrived in Davos in their private jets, helicopters and black luxury cars to lecture you about carbon emissions.


RT @tfajon: Ta pot je skupna. Ker želimo delati v dobro vseh.

Iskrene čestitke @DrRobertGolob za izvolitev za predsednika vlade.


Tehnologija nam daje veliko možnosti za nabiranje novih znanj, veščin in za socialno interakcijo, a uporaba zaslonov prinaša tudi marsikatero nevarnost, še posebej za mlade. O vseh vidikih uporabe zaslonov bomo spregovorili na petkovi okrogli mizi. Vabljeni k spremljanju.🖥️📱🎮


RT @Mondoweiss: CNN investigates the killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh on May 11 and says she was targeted by Israeli sniper positioned 600 feet away from her with a clear line of sight.


RT @etuc_ces: "Litigation is expensive and we cannot ask workers to take this road"

Working breakfast bringing together @TheProgressives, @GreensEFA & @Left_EU MEPs with unions to discuss how to make sure that platform workers are not alone when defending their rights


Tune in tomorrow & help us shape 🇪🇺 that cares about people in need of care and support as well as their carers! Accessible, integrated quality care, equally available to everyone throughout the life course 👶🏻👩🏼👴🏼, must become a European public good. @strankaSD @TheProgressives
RT @social_platform: Only one day until our Q&A with @europarl_en @milan_brglez (S&D, @EPSocialAffairs, 🇸🇮), @PhiSeidel (@AGE_Platfor…


RT @TheProgressives: The aviation sector must chip in too against climate change.

ENVI Committee approved the revision of ETS Aviation Directive, topping-up the EP’s ambitious & progressive legacy, contributing to a swift, green & just transition to more sustainable aviation



RT @strankaSD: .@milan_brglez ob današnjem mednarodnem dnevu boja proti homofobiji, transfobiji in bifobiji: “Skupaj moramo narediti več za to, da bomo sledili duhu in črki Ustave – ko osebna okoliščina ni in ne bo razlog za kakršno koli razlikovanje v družbi.”

Več ➡️


RT @majsanom: If the EU wants to save its face it will have to start dealing with Israel. @EUparliament and @EUCouncil @vonderleyen should be consistent with addressing crimes against humanity with sanctions regardless of the origin of victims
cc @milan_brglez @tfajon @ijoveva @KGroselj


RT @majsanom: Če želi EU ohraniti svoj obraz, se mora resno začeti ukvarjati z Izraelom.
@EUparliament in @EUCouncil @vonderleyen bi morala biti dosledna pri obravnavanju zločinov proti človeštvu in izvajati sankcije ne glede na izvor žrtev
cc @milan_brglez @tfajon @ijoveva @KGroselj


RT @tfajon: Prva ženska na tem položaju. Čestitke Urška Klakočar Zupančič za izvolitev za novo predsednico @Drzavnizborz Veselim se dobrega sodelovanja.


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