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To the Ukrainian people on the Independence Day – we will stand with you for as long as it takes to defeat Putin's Russia. 🇺🇦is fighting for our common destiny, for free Europe🇪🇺. We must never slow down in granting all possible support to help triumph


RT @ltvzinas: "Man šķiet ļoti svarīgi, lai Krievijā tie, kas jūtas omulīgi, nīstot Eiropu, bet braucot tērēt savu naudu un atpūšoties Eiropā, saprastu, ka viņiem ir jāpaliek tur, kur viņi pieder un ko viņi uzskata par pareizu vietu," sacīja EP deputāte @kalniete (JV).


`@Brivibas36 publicētā "Rokasgrāmata pret dezinformācju" ir solis pretī iedzīvotāju un valsts pārvaldes darbinieku labākai izpratnei par ārvalstu iejaukšanās metodēm. Prieks, ka Latvija ir īsteno @EP_Democracy ziņojuma rekomendācijas, tas jāturpina pastāvīgi un sistemātiski.
RT @rbambals: Šodien atvērām "Rokasgrāmatu pret dezinformāciju: atpazīt un pretoties", ar kuras palīdzību vēlamies apbruņot iedzīvotājus ar zināšanām, kā pretstā…


🇪🇺🇺🇦Tikpat vienotām,kā izšķirīgos lēmumos, piemēram, par ES kandidātvalsts statusu Ukrainai, ES valstīm jābūt arī sankciju jautājumā. Ir jātiek galā ar dažu ES valstu bailēm, ka mūsu lēmumi varētu provocēt Krieviju.
@TV3zinas @MajasViesis


🇲🇩Nedēļas sākumā balsojām par to, lai dubultotu Moldovas lauksaimniecības produktu apjomu, kas tiek eksportēts uz ES bez tarifiem. 3/3


🇺🇦Šodien esam apstiprinājuši Ukrainai sniegtās makrofinansiālās palīdzības pirmo daļu 1 miljarda EUR apmērā. 2/3


Lēmums piešķirt 🇺🇦 un 🇲🇩 ES🇪🇺 kandidātvalsts statusu neatgriezeniski izrauj tās no Krievijas ietekmes sfēras. Ukraiņu un moldāvu tautas ar šo sadzird pārliecinošu ES atbildi Putina agresijai, impēriskajai domāšanai. Ceļš nebūs viegls, bet mēs būsim kopā ar jums.


The decision to grant 🇺🇦 and 🇲🇩 EU🇪🇺 candidate country status irreversibly brings them out of any Russian sphere of influence. This committment is a moral and brave response to Putin’s aggresive imperial project. The road will not be easy, but we`ll be with you in every step.


🇫🇷Makrona centristi zaudējuši vairākumu kreisajiem un labējiem radikāļiem Nacionālās Asamblejas vēlēšanās. Slikta ziņa ar tālejošām sekām Francijai un Eiropai. Bailes par politisko nestabilitāti dominēs visos lēmumos ES “veco” valstu blokā. Arī lemjot par atbalstu Ukrainai🇺🇦


🇪🇺🇺🇦🇲🇩The @EU_Commission says YES to granting candidate status to and . The @EUCouncil must follow suit. Each and every member state must understand the historic and geopolitical significance of this decision. This is no time for stalling or hesitation.


🇺🇦🇪🇺Eiropas Komisija saka "jā" Ukrainas kandidātvalsts statusam. Nākamais solis jāsper Eiropadomei. Ceru, ka katra ES dalībvalsts apzinās šī lēmuma vēsturisko un ģeopolitisko mērogu, un neviena neaizliks kāju priekšā.


Today, the @EP_Democracy committee visits the @STRATCOMCOE .
While wins the war on the ground, the EU and NATO must win online. We must use digital tools to counter Russia’s information warfare, expose atrocities in Ukraine and reach out to non-Putinised Russian youth.


RT @EPPGroup: Today, votes on a resolution on the prosecution of the opposition & the detention of trade union leaders in Belarus.

With all eyes on the atrocities committed by 🇷🇺in its war against🇺🇦, we cannot forget about the direct involvement of the Lukashenka regime.


RT @EP_Trade: has just backed a one-year suspension of EU import duties on products imported from 🇺🇦. “Our support is absolute, unshakeable, and irreversible”, says @kalniete. Read press release:


❌It’s time to put an end to the “Schoderisation” of Europe. Corruption and elite capture are not isolated problems - they undermine the EU’s ability to stand up to Putin’s war machine at this critical time.
@EPPGroup @Jauna_Vienotiba
RT @EPPGroup: ❗️Kneissl and Schröder must get off Russian payroll.

"We ask them to step down from their positions in Russian companies", said @MarkusFerber MEP.



🇲🇩🇪🇺Historic windows of opportunity appear suddenly and don’t last forever - it’s time for the EU to grant candidate status to ! Moldova has a key role to play in our common security.


Sweden's membership of will make Europe safer and more prosperous! The Baltic Sea will become a NATO sea – and Nordic-Baltic security will become indivisible!


RT @EPPGroup: MEP @kalniete has been appointed as Rapporteur for the Committee.

Today's hybrid threats require coordinated EU action:
✅cyber-attacks on military and non-military targets
✅hack-and-leak operations
✅cyber espionage
✅theft of sensitive citizens' data


🇫🇮I am delighted that Finland has taken the monumental decision to join our Alliance – a decision that will make the entire Baltic Sea region a safer and more prosperous place! Dear Finnish friends, you have made history, you can count on our full support!
RT @FinGovernment: Joint statement by the President of the Republic and Prime Minister of Finland on Finland's NATO membership:…


🇱🇻Today in Latvia we commemorate heroes and celebrate with an eye toward the future - with Ukraine as part of our European family 🇺🇦🇪🇺 Once Ukraine wins this war, we in Riga will dedicate a monument to the triumph over tyranny!


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