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We should not work with bans, but consider how we can promote and challenge science and technologies more strongly in order to achieve results.


Today at the General Affairs Council we discussed energy, migration, competitiveness & EU-UK relations. 🇪🇺


Herzliche Gratulation an das Projekt „Zikaron BaSalon“ & Sharon Buenos zur Auszeichnung des Simon-Wiesenthal-Preises 2022. Beim „Gedenken im Wohnzimmer“ laden Privatpersonen Shoah-Überlebende in ihre Wohnzimmer ein, um mit ihnen ihre Erinnerungen zu teilen.


„Grünes Licht“ aus Brüssel für Zuschüsse von 700 Mio Euro. Ich freue mich, dass die @EU_Commission den ersten Zahlungsantrag Österreichs positiv bewertet. Damit können viele der geplanten Vorhaben in den Gemeinden & Regionen umgesetzt werden. Europa investiert vor Ort in 🇦🇹!


Starke & mutige Grundsatzrede unseres Bundeskanzlers @karlnehammer! Mehr denn je braucht es ein Miteinander in unserem Land. Mehr denn je braucht es die Volkspartei als starke Kraft in unserer Republik. Mehr denn je braucht es Bundeskanzler Karl Nehammer. 🇦🇹🇪🇺


Good discussion with Prime Minister of Moldova @DorinRecean about the EU accession process. Austria supports Moldova’s reform efforts and its path into the EU. The decision to grant EU candidate status was an important sign of solidarity and support in challenging times. 🇲🇩🇪🇺🇦🇹


Very good exchange with the President of Moldova @sandumaiamd about the current situation in Ukraine, its consequences for Moldova and Russian destabilization attempts. I’m therefore glad that Austria increased its financial support to 18,2 mio euros. 🇲🇩🇪🇺🇦🇹


The initiative "Next Generation is Female" is a new format to make women's voices heard more loudly and strengthen alliances in international and European politics. Today’s joint visit to Moldova underlines our full support for Moldova. /1


Today our lives are fully dependent on internet access. Yet some parts of our world are still not connected and in many areas the regulations for the analog world are miles ahead of those for the digital world. /1


Herzliche Gratulation an Martin Gruber & sein Team für das ausgezeichnete Ergebnis! Am Ende haben sich die harte Arbeit und der konstruktive Weg ausgezahlt.


RT @oe1journale: „Es ist notwendig, auf die Bedürfnisse der Frauen aufmerksam zu machen“, sagt Europa-Ministerin Karoline Edtstadler. Österreich habe seit vielen Jahren einen Fokus auf feministischer Außenpolitik. Sie begrüße die Initiative der deutschen Außenministerin 🔊


Die Ukraine verteidigt unsere europäischen Werte

Seit einem Jahr verteidigen die Ukrainerinnen & Ukrainer mit unermüdlichem Einsatz unsere europäischen Werte. Freiheit, Sicherheit, Wohlstand & Frieden sind Errungenschaften, die für uns bisher völlig selbstverständlich waren. /1


RT @AustriaUN: Today, 141 countries voted to support a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for 🇺🇦 in line with the principles of the UN 🇺🇳 Charter and international law. 🇦🇹 strongly supports all such efforts and continues to stand in full solidarity with Ukraine 🤝💪


Moving conversation with @avalaina, Head of the Center for Civil Liberties, about accountability of war crimes. Austria is supporting efforts to document and prosecute these horrific acts. Victims deserve justice. War crimes will not be left unpunished.


RT @MFASerbia: is an important partner, which is why it is essential to use every opportunity for an exchange of views - DPM/FM had brief talks with Ministers @k_edtstadler and @a_schallenberg on the sidelines of @MunSecConf


,The next generation is female’ is a new format I created last year to strengthen alliances among female leaders in the EU. Together we met @Tsihanouskaya to discuss the situation in and the severe human rights violations civil society faces.


We need European moon-shots, literally. Good meeting with ’s Secretary General @AschbacherJosef with many insights into their ongoing projects & the development of Europe’s space capability. @MunSecConf


Very inspiring to be at today’s ,Women‘s Breakfast‘ with so many smart & driven female leaders. Thanks to PM @kajakallas for your leadership & encouraging words. As women we face many similar challenges. That’s why we need to support each other even more- female alliances are key


Very pleased to join tonight’s panel "2023: Europe's Final Crash Test?" with @AranchaGlezLaya & @Tsihanouskaya. Through all the crises and challenges, the EU has been and will remain united.


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