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Excellent exchange with @Kent_Walker, President & Chief Legal Officer of Alphabet about Internet Governance, Artificial Intelligence & Cybersecurity. Fighting disinformation can only be successful if governments and the private sector work together closely. @MunSecConf


Great to be in Munich at @MunSecConf and to meet many colleagues such as @MajlindaBregu, SG of @rccint. Stability and prosperity of the Western Balkans is in the EU’s core interests.


Good exchange with the Bulgarian Deputy Foreign Minister @veli_pet. The “Austrian-Bulgarian Action Plan on preventing illegal migration” is one important instrument. Bulgaria & Austria are strong partners and will continue working together closely. 🇧🇬🇪🇺🇦🇹


RT @karlnehammer: Es war höchst an der Zeit, dass der Kampf gegen illegale Migration wieder auf der Tagesordnung beim Europäischen Rat steht. Es wurde viel zu lange nur darüber geredet, jetzt müssen konkrete Maßnahmen folgen, um illegale Migration konsequent zu bekämpfen.


I would like to thank my Hungarian colleague @JuditVarga_EU for the open and constructive discussion. As a neighboring country, Hungary is an important partner of Austria. /1


Heute, am „Internationalen Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Holocaust“ gedenken wir Millionen von Menschen, die vor 78 Jahren in der Shoah grausam ermordet worden sind. /1


The EU and UK remain important like-minded partners. A good and stable relationship and unity are key to the global challenges we are currently facing. Thanks to the british Under Secretary of State for Europe @LeoDochertyUK for the good exchange. 🇦🇹🇪🇺🇬🇧


It is a pleasure to meet my friend, Foreign Minister @Antonio_Tajani. We agree, the Western Balkans enlargement is a question of security and credibility of the EU and also key in the fight against illegal migration.


Very good exchange with my Italian colleague @RaffaeleFitto in Rome ahead of the extraordinary European Council in February. The increase in illegal migration in the EU is concerning. Therefore, concrete results are needed and long overdue.


Jede Form der Korruption ist Gift für unsere Gesellschaft. Korruption auf allen Ebenen gehört, unterbunden und mit der vollen Härte des Rechtsstaats verfolgt. /1


Very happy to attend the New Year's concert today with my Greek colleague @MVarvitsiotis. There is no better way to start 2023 than with wonderful, lively music by the @Vienna_Phil in the Golden Hall of the @Musikverein. Prosit Neujahr!


Wichtiger Austausch mit Vertretern von NGOs zum . Es braucht eine Balance zwischen dem nachvollziehbaren Informationsbedürfnis auf der einen Seite sowie der effizienten Anwendbarkeit und der Wahrung von Persönlichkeitsrechten auf der anderen Seite.


Today is a historic day. With the granting of EU candidate status to Bosnia & Herzegovina, the EU sends an important signal. Many thanks to the Commissioner for Enlargement @OliverVarhelyi for the good exchange & cooperation.


Very open EPP Panel discussions in Vienna about the future of migration. The migration pressure on the EU & particularly on Austria has reached unsustainable levels. /1
RT @EPPGroup: Illegal arrivals are at highest levels since 2015, reception capacities are full in many countries.

Europe needs a migration pact now.

Now at the EPP Group Bureau meeting in Vienna: migration panel ⤵️



It was a pleasure to welcome Prime Minister @DKovachevski, Deputy Prime Minister @Bojan_Maricikj & the Minister of Culture Bisera Kostadinovska-Stojchevska of North Macedonia in Vienna today. /1


Great exchange with the 🇸🇪 EU Minister @JessikaRoswall. In view of the Swedish EU Presidency, I am pleased that with Jessika Roswall a strong woman is taking over the European agenda in 🇸🇪. One thing is clear: the 🇪🇺 must guarantee internal & external security for its citizens.


Today I’ve had the chance to participate in the UN High Level Leaders Session on "Digital Rights". We all agree: The human rights that apply offline have to also apply online. So we must quickly reach a common understanding on how to apply these in the digital space.


RT @UN_Vienna: Das Internet Governance Forum ist ein offenes Forum für alle Menschen, die ein Interesse am Internet haben. Bundesministerin für EU und Verfassung 🇦🇹 @k_edtstadler ist Mitglied des Leadership Panels & teilt ihre Vision für ein starkes Internet & das Treffen in Äthiopien.


Österreich unterstützt im Rahmen seiner Möglichkeiten als neutraler Staat auf umfassende Weise.


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