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I reiterated the European Union’s call for ’s release, and
spoke about the dire human rights situation of human rights defenders under Putin’s regime.



The right to asylum and the principle of non-refoulement are core principles of the European Union.

We must protect our EU external borders, while upholding fundamental rights at all times.


The Schengen area is a key achievement of the EU and we must ensure that the revision of the Schengen evaluation and monitoring mechanism serves an essential element to strengthen the area’s governance.


At @PeterPollak8 event, I reaffirmed aims of :
- close the socio-economic gap
- universal access to clean water & sanitation
- set EU level Roma equality targets
- mainstream Roma equality within cohesion policy


@AGE_PlatformEU @amnesty @ReproRights @EASPD_Brussels @MyEDF @ENAREurope @ERGO_Network @ENoMW @EuropeanWomen @HRW_Brussels @ILGAEurope @InclusionEurope @ippfen @lastradainterna @MHESME @MissingChildEU @OpenSociety @PICUM_post @RedCrossEU @TDFeV @TGEUorg @WAVE_europe


In view of Russia’s war against Ukraine and the emerging human rights concerns, today I invited 22 equality civil society organisations to share their knowledge and recommendations regarding the situation of refugees.


A very good meeting with @sorayarr_, Coordinator of @EP_GenderEqual for @RenewEurope, during which we discussed:

- the adoption of & proposals
- the plight of Afghan and Ukrainian women, and
- the fight against .


We work towards enforcing the principle of equal pay for all through the binding proposal.

More transparency allows for equality, diversity, inclusion and creativity to grow.

Well done @Kira_MPH & @samiraraf
on today’s @europarl_en success.


I thank @europarl_en for adopting its position on with a strong majority.

This brings us one step closer to legally tackling conditions that enable the .

I look forward to discussing & working with @EUCouncil to reach an agreement


Equal work deserves equal pay.

The proposal is a key step towards ending gender pay discrimination, empowering women in the labour market while benefiting to businesses.

Today I call for @europarl_en support to the Pay Transparency directive.



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