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Good meeting with Minister for gender equality @Pau_Brandberg

We discussed the targeted actions we are putting forward to achieve a :

- Tackling &
- Implementing
- Supporting


At today’s conference organised by @sweden2023eu I stressed the importance of women’s financial autonomy to allow them to walk away from violent situations.

It requires:
- adoption of directive


Social dialogue brings about fairer working conditions and is a core feature of the .

It is thanks to strengthened that we can ensure the correct transposition of and directives.


Following our assessment of MS' national plans under the Roma Strategic Framework, I urge Member States to identify ways to make their plans more robust.

We must have clear and measurable targets to ensure tangible improvements to people’s lives.


“Braille is knowledge, and knowledge is power.”

- Louis Braille

Let us take the steps necessary to remove barriers to communication, so persons who are blind or visually impaired can participate fully in society.


Thank you to @EU2022_CZ and @EUCouncil for your commitment to seeing directive through.

RT @EU2022_CZ: | ✅ Ambassadors approved political agreement with @europarl_en on the pay transparency directive.

Road is open for equal pay for equal job for women and men.


Con il Sindaco @lucavecchi72 ho partecipato al Convegno: Dare forma alle città interculturali

ha dimostrato impegno nel rendere la diversità e l'inclusione un vantaggio per questa città e per la sua comunità

Non c'è posto per la discriminazione


Mi sono rivolta all'Assemblea regionale delle elette della Regione .

In Europa le donne sono ancora sottorappresentate nella vita politica.

Non c'è vera democrazia senza equilibrio di genere nel processo decisionale.



Felice del mio incontro a Bologna con Romano Prodi ex-Presidente della @EU_Commission

Abbiamo avuto un bello scambio sullo sviluppo dell’Europa, l’economia e l’uguaglianza con uno sguardo che va al di là del corto-termine.



Un piacere di incontrare il sindaco di @matteolepore per discutere il Piano per la Parità di Genere della Città Metropolitana di .

Dimostra quanto le città della nostra Unione possano applicare misure innovative per affrontare la disuguaglianza.



Ho visitato il Centro Antiviolenza e la Biblioteca del Centro delle Donne di .

Condanno tutte le forme di violenza.

Nostra proposta legislativa contiene misure per garantire la protezione delle vittime da tutti i tipi di violenza.



Ho cominciato a Bologna le mie due giorni in incontrando Capo D Network.

La sana sinergia tra pubblico e privato, tra aziende e istituzioni, svolga un ruolo cruciale nella promozione dell'uguaglianza, della diversità e dell'inclusione.


Delighted for the political agreement reached in today’s trilogue on .

is a right established in the Treaty. It contributes to women’s economic and financial justice, and independence.


To contribute to further developing open, -based, , and societies, I am pleased to announce that new opportunities are now open under the Citizens Equalities Rights & Values Programme!NfCDYG


I addressed the @europarl_en on the conflict. The EU remains actively engaged with the parties and partners to support the peace process

We call on the parties to take concrete steps toward a meaningful political horizon.


.@europarl_en debate is an opportunity to consider the European Union’s relations with @ASEAN in the lead-up to the Commemorative Summit on 14 December in Brussels.

We have a strong and longstanding relationship with ASEAN that is today more important than ever.


At the plenary, on behalf of HRVP @JosepBorrellF I stated that the latest escalation of violence in and is of grave concern.

We believe that a lasting peace in Syria can only be achieved through the full implementation of @UN Security Council Resolution 2254.


The @europarl_en debate testifies our desire to see on its European Union path.

Georgia continues to need reforms, particularly on the 12 priorities, in an inclusive process, involving the opposition and civil society.



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