I welcome @MarionLalisse as @EU_Commission’s new EU Coordinator for combating anti-Muslim hatred.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1621066000065236992
Good meeting with Minister for gender equality @Pau_Brandberg
We discussed the targeted actions we are putting forward to achieve a #UnionOfEquality:
- Tackling #VaW & #HarmfulPractices
- Implementing #WorkLifeBalance
- Supporting #EUCareServices
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1621064636513533955
At today’s conference organised by @sweden2023eu I stressed the importance of women’s financial autonomy to allow them to walk away from violent situations.
It requires:
- #PayTransparency
- #WorkLifeBalance
- adoption of #VAW directive
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1620834014847438848
Together we uphold the terrible truth of the Holocaust against those who distort it.
Join us to #ProtectTheFacts
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1618890262645772288
Social dialogue brings about fairer working conditions and is a core feature of the #UnionOfEquality.
It is thanks to strengthened #SocialDialogue that we can ensure the correct transposition of #WLB and #PayTransparency directives.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1618173648308928512
Following our assessment of MS' national plans under the #EU Roma Strategic Framework, I urge Member States to identify ways to make their plans more robust.
We must have clear and measurable targets to ensure tangible improvements to people’s lives.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1612404725781069825
“Braille is knowledge, and knowledge is power.”
- Louis Braille
Let us take the steps necessary to remove barriers to communication, so persons who are blind or visually impaired can participate fully in society.
#WorldBrailleDay #UnionOfEquality
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1610641450361921541
Thank you to @EU2022_CZ and @EUCouncil for your commitment to seeing #PayTransparency directive through.
RT @EU2022_CZ: #COREPERI | ✅ Ambassadors approved political agreement with @europarl_en on the pay transparency directive.
Road is open for equal pay for equal job for women and men.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1605690645313724423
Con il Sindaco @lucavecchi72 ho partecipato al Convegno: Dare forma alle città interculturali
#ReggioEmilia ha dimostrato impegno nel rendere la diversità e l'inclusione un vantaggio per questa città e per la sua comunità
Non c'è posto per la discriminazione
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1603829037641646080
Mi sono rivolta all'Assemblea regionale delle elette della Regione #EmiliaRomagna.
In Europa le donne sono ancora sottorappresentate nella vita politica.
Non c'è vera democrazia senza equilibrio di genere nel processo decisionale.
#UnionOfEquality 🇪🇺🇮🇹
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1603786347591843840
Felice del mio incontro a Bologna con Romano Prodi ex-Presidente della @EU_Commission
Abbiamo avuto un bello scambio sullo sviluppo dell’Europa, l’economia e l’uguaglianza con uno sguardo che va al di là del corto-termine.
#UnionOfEquality 🇪🇺🇮🇹
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1603770301933838336
Un piacere di incontrare il sindaco di @matteolepore per discutere il Piano per la Parità di Genere della Città Metropolitana di #Bologna.
Dimostra quanto le città della nostra Unione possano applicare misure innovative per affrontare la disuguaglianza.
#UnionOfEquality 🇪🇺🇮🇹
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1603757789003685889
Ho visitato il Centro Antiviolenza e la Biblioteca del Centro delle Donne di #Bologna.
Condanno tutte le forme di violenza.
Nostra proposta legislativa contiene misure per garantire la protezione delle vittime da tutti i tipi di violenza.
#UnionOfEquality 🇪🇺🇮🇹
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1603757219245342730
Ho cominciato a Bologna le mie due giorni in #EmiliaRomagna incontrando Capo D Network.
La sana sinergia tra pubblico e privato, tra aziende e istituzioni, svolga un ruolo cruciale nella promozione dell'uguaglianza, della diversità e dell'inclusione.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1603387559920427008
Delighted for the political agreement reached in today’s trilogue on #PayTransparency.
#EqualPay is a right established in the Treaty. It contributes to women’s economic and financial justice, and independence.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1603384741905981440
To contribute to further developing open, #rights-based, #democratic, #equal and #inclusive societies, I am pleased to announce that new #EUFunding opportunities are now open under the Citizens Equalities Rights & Values #CERV Programme
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1603291433217179648
I addressed the @europarl_en on the #Israeli #Palestinian conflict. The EU remains actively engaged with the parties and partners to support the peace process
We call on the parties to take concrete steps toward a meaningful political horizon.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1602913692643127296
.@europarl_en debate is an opportunity to consider the European Union’s relations with @ASEAN in the lead-up to the #EUASEAN Commemorative Summit on 14 December in Brussels.
We have a strong and longstanding relationship with ASEAN that is today more important than ever.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1602908918069567488
At the plenary, on behalf of HRVP @JosepBorrellF I stated that the latest escalation of violence in #Syria and #Iraq is of grave concern.
We believe that a lasting peace in Syria can only be achieved through the full implementation of @UN Security Council Resolution 2254.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1602905427267682304
The @europarl_en debate testifies our desire to see #Georgia on its European Union path.
Georgia continues to need reforms, particularly on the 12 priorities, in an inclusive process, involving the opposition and civil society.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/helenadalli/status/1602904765599748097
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