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RT @BEpavilion2020: We are still reminiscing about the many great moments of the past 6 months. Which ones were your favourite? If you want to relive any of them, visit: to feel like you're part of this magical adventure once again! 🙏


RT @EUinArabic: الاتحاد الأوروبي لا يستطيع الوقوف مكتوف اليدين ببساطة، بينما قررت أحد أكبر الدول النووية تجاهل القانون الدولي واجتياح جارتها مستخدمةً سلسلة من الذرائع السخيفة ومهددة باستعمال أسلحتها النووية ضد مَن يعارضها.
تصرحاتي ل "سكاي نيوز عربية" بشأن


RT @JosepBorrellF: Foreign Minister Hayashi of Japan and I stand together with .

In the @G7 context and beyond, we and other like-minded partners cooperate to uphold the rules-based international order.


RT @JosepBorrellF: We cannot stand idly by as hunger threatens the world because of Russia’s war against Ukraine. My new blog post on the growing food insecurity and the EU’s action:


RT @ExtSpoxEU: Yemen: 🇪🇺welcomes the transfer of Presidential powers to a Presidential Leadership Council. This encouraging move underpins the recent truce between parties to the conflict & could create further momentum for an inclusive political settlement in 🇾🇪


RT @EUinArabic: يرحب الاتحاد الأوروبي بقرار الرئيس عبد ربه منصور هادي نقل صلاحياته إلى مجلس قيادة رئاسي. نثمن جهود مجلس التعاون الخليجي لعقد المحادثات اليمنية-اليمنية، دعما لجهود المبعوث الخاص للأمم المتحدة، والتي أدت إلى هذا التطور في .


RT @EUinArabic: نواصل الليلة في المجر؛ حيث يقع مسجد بودابست المركزي الذي تم افتتاحه عام ٢٠١١. يتناقض هذا المبنى الحديث مع المسجد القديم 'حسن باشا' في الجنوب الذي تم بناؤه في القرن السادس عشر وتم ترميمه عام ١٩٦٠.


سنحتفل قريبًا بـ 🌍 في 22 أبريل.

استعدوا لرفع أصواتكم من أجل البيئة.

أصدروا إيقاعكم الخاص وشاركوه معنا.

كل نبضة مهمة.

لمزيد من المعلومات ➡️


🌍 is approaching.
SAVE THE DATE 📅 22 April

Get ready to make your voice heard for the environment.
Every beat counts.

More info ➡️


Air quality was one of the issues addressed by the .

Together with @Swiss_Pavilion we hosted a panel of experts comprising policymakers & scientists from the , , & the .

Learn more:


RT @euintheuae: Fast fashion is really out of fashion.

Low quality apparel produced, often under poor conditions outside 🇪🇺 creates many issues in the sector.

By 2030 textiles placed on the EU market must be long-lived and recyclable, free of hazardous substances and produced in a fair way.


Today’s reminds us that clean air, water and soils are not a luxury – they are essential to us

The environmental damage in 🇺🇦 affects us all 🌍, and we need all our efforts to mend it

Joint statement by 🇪🇺 @VSinkevicius & @SKyriakidesEU:!KfH6cG


RT @JosepBorrellF: Today, we continue our close coordination at @G7 and @NATO Foreign Ministers meetings, to support and to further sanction and isolate .

Ukraine needs more resources and military support.

Russia's atrocities will not go unanswered.


RT @EUinArabic: التقى أمس رئيس المجلس الأوروبي @eucopresident مع رئيس ورئيس وزراء للمضي قدما في حل الأزمة بين البلدين. اتفقت الأطراف على إعداد معاهدة سلام لمعالجة القضايا العالقة. سيواصل الاتحاد الأوروبي جهوده الثابتة من أجل السلام والاستقرار في .


Congratulations on being the first in the region to introduce an integrated single-use plastic policy.

The is also cracking down on . In 2018, we introduced restrictions on a number of single-use plastic products. Learn more!Nd64YD
RT @admediaoffice: .@EADTweets is banning single-use plastic bags from 1 June 2022 as part of Abu Dhabi’s single-use plastics policy, the first integrat…


Helping EU countries to curb reliance on Russian fossil fuels.

17 countries requested and will receive our technical expertise that will help them phase out reliance by:

⚡diversifying energy supplies
⚡accelerating sustainable energy transition
⚡increasing energy efficiency


RT @JosepBorrellF: Following new reports from @amnesty and @HRW, independent @UN investigation into abuses and suspected crimes against humanity in Ethiopian war needs to start as quickly as possible.



Fast fashion is really out of fashion.

Low quality apparel produced, often under poor conditions outside 🇪🇺 creates many issues in the sector.

By 2030 textiles placed on the EU market must be long-lived and recyclable, free of hazardous substances and produced in a fair way.


The was the topic of the first event.

Over 100 international officials attended the event, including EU Commissioner @GabrielMariya, to discuss how the is working to become the first climate-neutral region by 2050.

More info:


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