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RT @MamerEric: President @vonderleyen and HRVP @JosepBorrellF will travel this week to Kyiv to meet President @ZelenskyyUa prior to the pledging event on Saturday in Warsaw.


📅Sæt kryds kalenderen!

Denne lørdag finder -indsamlingen sted i Warszawa.

Vi rejser penge til støtte for internt fordrevne og flygtninge.

Følg med og doner:
RT @EU_Commission: 📅 Mark your calendar!

This Saturday, the pledging event will take place in Warsaw.

We will raise much needed funds to support internally displaced and refugees.

Stay tuned, take action and donate…


RT @vonderleyen: I spoke with President @ZelenskyyUa about the atrocious murder of civilians in Bucha and elsewhere in Ukraine.

The EU is ready to send Joint Investigation Teams to document war crimes in coordination with the Ukrainian Prosecutor General.

@Europol and @Eurojust will support.


Mordene på civile i en række ukrainske byer som Bucha skal ikke gå ustraffet hen.

Vi støtter efterforskningen af @IntlCrimCourt og vil arbejde for hurtigst muligt at præsentere yderligere sanktioner mod Kremls krigsmaskineri.
RT @EU_Commission: Yet again, the Kremlin is showing its true face – murdering civilians in a number of Ukrainian towns such as Bucha.

We support the investigation by @IntlCrimCourt prosecutor and will …


RT @vonderleyen: Appalled by reports of unspeakable horrors in areas from which Russia is withdrawing.

An independent investigation is urgently needed.

Perpetrators of war crimes will be held accountable.


EU i dagens og weekendens aviser for 1. - 4. april 2022: udfordrer EUs sammenhold med nyt pres i -opgør og overskygger ungarsk valg...!y9gn8n


RT @vonderleyen: People fleeing Putin’s bombs in Ukraine need our support now.

To raise funding for them, @JustinTrudeau and I convene the pledging event on 9 April.

We are inviting the global community to donate.

See how you can contribute ↓


[2022-04-02 17:27 UTC]


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