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RT @JosepBorrellF: Elections are taking place tomorrow in .

The EU wishes the best of luck to all candidates and urges for a peaceful and transparent process that would allow all Kenyans to make their voices heard.


RT @EUatUN: 🚀 Video Launch

EU Support for the with:

🇺🇳 @INakamitsu, High Rep for @UN_Disarmament
🇪🇺 @MJvanDeelenEU, SE for Disarmament
🇦🇷 Amb. Zlauvinen, President, NPT RevCon
🇲🇾 Amb. Aidid of @MYNewYorkUN1
🇺🇳 Ioan Tudor, Chief WMD Branch


RT @JosepBorrellF: Negotiators used these days of discussions and proximity talks between the US and Iran to fine tune and address - with technical adjustments - a handful of issues remaining in the text that I have put on the table last July 21, as coordinator of the nuclear deal.


RT @EUatUN: For 50 years, the has limited nuclear weapons proliferation, promoted cooperation on nuclear technology for peaceful uses & reduced nuclear weapon stockpiles. Now it's under pressure. The EU wants to use the to reaffirm its importance.


This September, nations of the 🌍 will gather in New York at to discuss the challenges facing humanity and to set the global agenda for the year ahead. With we invite youth to speak up. Stay tuned to our channels for campaign launch in ⌛️4 days
RT @jessicamshama: We need to continuously champion Gender Equality, more female representation on decision-making tables, and more financial support invested towards t…


RT @ExtSpoxEU: Gaza: 🇪🇺 welcomes the ceasefire that should end the latest violence, commends 🇪🇬's facilitation,deplores loss of civilians lives 👉this needs to be investigated in a timely & thorough manner. Key is to consolidate the ceasefire & reopen the crossings


RT @NabilaEUspox: L’UE félicite tous les signataires de l’Accord de pour la paix au et salue l’État du pour son soutien continu au processus. Le lancement d’un dialogue national véritablement inclusif doit commencer sans plus tarder 👉🏼


Happy from your friends in the 🇪🇺 European Union!

Our continued collaboration addresses global challenges & multilateralism, while promoting peace, security, inclusive growth & sustainable development in Southeast Asia, Europe & the world. @EUinASEAN


Over the past two years, authorities in Belarus unfairly arrested thousands of people. Pavel, Uladzimir, Viachaslau and Maksim are among them. They have been persecuted for exercising their basic rights and should be immediately and unconditionally released.


HR/VP @JosepBorrellF co-chaired and attended the EU-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting and the @ASEAN Regional Forum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Meetings focused on multilateralism and on key challenges encountered in both regions, ahead of the EU-ASEAN Summit this December in Brussels.


RT @JosepBorrellF: 14 years since the August 2008 Russia-Georgia war, the EU condemns Russia’s continued illegal military presence in Georgia’s territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
EU stands by Georgia, its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and supports conflict resolution


RT @JosepBorrellF: Ante el trágico incendio en tanque de almacenamiento de crudo en Matanzas, Cuba, expreso mi solidaridad con las víctimas y traslado el apoyo de la UE al pueblo cubano en estos momentos difíciles.


RT @JosepBorrellF: Visited Phnom Pehn’s Tuol Sleng, the genocide museum. It is difficult to imagine how humankind can perpetrate such atrocities.

We need to preserve the memory of horror so that it does not repeat itself ever again.


RT @ExtSpoxEU: Gaza: after recent deadly violence in & around the Gaza Strip, 🇪🇺 calls for maximum restraint to avoid a further escalation & casualties. Everything must be done to prevent a broader conflict with more victims & suffering among civilians on both sides.


RT @JosepBorrellF: The EU condemns Russia’s military activities around nuclear power plant. This is a serious and irresponsible breach of nuclear safety rules and another example of Russia’s disregard for international norms. @iaeaorg must gain access.


RT @JosepBorrellF: Our sanctions have already major effects on Russia in strategic sectors: defence, oil and car industry, airlines. Even if sanctions do not change the Russian trajectory in the short-term, they deprive Russia from many resources to wage its war.


RT @JosepBorrellF: I am inviting President of Serbia Vucic @predsenikrs and Prime Minister of Kosovo Kurti @albinkurti on 18 August to Brussels, to discuss the way forward between Pristina and Belgrade.


RT @NabilaEUspox: L’UE salue le protocole d’accord de paix entre le et les factions du mouvement séparatiste de Casamance MFDC. On réitère notre pleine disponibilité à poursuivre l’appui à ce processus essentiel pour la stabilité et la paix dans la région 👉🏼


RT @JosepBorrellF: At @ASEAN Regional Forum, I shared EU view on key challenges threatening peace & stability in our regions:
- Russian invasion of Ukraine
- Tensions South China Sea, destabilisation and risk of escalation in Taiwan Strait
- Situation in Myanmar & DPRK


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