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RT @UNHumanRights: Myanmar: A digital rights activist, speaking anonymously, laments how have affected human rights


RT @eueomkenya2022: press conference - Presentation of the preliminary findings of Kenya's General Election 2022


RT @JosepBorrellF: : La multiplication des attaques terroristes prouve à quel point il est plus que jamais nécessaire de maintenir les meilleures conditions pour renforcer l’efficacité des missions internationales qui participent à la lutte contre le terrorisme au .


RT @JosepBorrellF: Agreeing peace requires courage - more courage than continuing the war.

For almost two years, the region in has suffered from an atrocious war.

In my new blog post, I appeal to all parties to finally engage in dialogue and compromise


Lory belongs to Misquito Indigenous Women, an organisation in Honduras that supports women's rights and the environment. "We support the collection of cans & plastic materials, and transport them elsewhere as a source of income for the families."


2022 marks the European Year of Youth.

In ⌛️ 2 days campaign will officially launch with the participation of young people from all corners of the world. Stay tuned as youth take the floor to share their vision of a better tomorrow.

RT @EmmanuelGanse: Aujourd'hui, il me plaît de joindre ma voix à celles de tous les jeunes du monde à travers la campagne pour nous rappeler l'…


"IAEA staff must be able to access all nuclear facilities in Ukraine safely and without impediment" G7 Foreign Ministers’ Statement in support of the @iaeaorg efforts to promote Nuclear Safety and Security at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine!PnqGFY


"Young people did not know how to care for and respect the forest; that knowledge and respect was being lost".

Analía, an artisan & indigenous leader from Argentina, collects raw material for their handicrafts from the forest while caring for it.


gives the floor to youth from around the 🌍 to become active actors of positive change.

The campaign launches in ⌛️ 3 days, stay tuned to witness youth speak up for a better future.
RT @Eupalestinians: Inspired by the level of enthusiasm & commitment of 🇵🇸 eager to raise their voice at the launching YAP @yap_palestine with @UNFPAPALESTINE & @DKRepPAL 🇪🇺 is committed to empower youth to speak-up, share their v…


"Because we give life and we are Mother Earth, the role of women is very important in the indigenous world". Rosa Chamorro, an indigenous social activist in Colombia, recalls the crucial role of women as transmitters of ancestral knowledge


: Украденные выборы 9 августа 2020 года привели к мирным массовым протестам. Несмотря на непрекращающиеся злоупотребления и пренебрежение демократическими правами со стороны режима, белорусы не сдаются. ЕС был и всегда будет на стороне народа Беларуси.


: Скрадзеныя выбары 9 жніўня 2020 года прывялі да мірных масавых пратэстаў. Нягледзячы на няспынныя злоўжыванні з боку рэжыму, на яго пагарду да дэмакратычнымі правоў, беларусы трываюць. ЕС ёсць і заўсёды будзе на баку народа Беларусі.


: The stolen election of 9 August 2020 led to peaceful mass protests. In spite of the regime’s continued abuse and contempt for their democratic rights, Belarusians persevere. The EU has stood and will always stand with the people of Belarus.


RT @JosepBorrellF: Two years after the rigged presidential elections in , I stress in my new blog post how much I admire the commitment of the Belarusian people to stand up for fundamental rights and a free, sovereign Belarus:


"By planting the vegetable garden, by taking care of the water, by honoring the forests we make resistance". On , Anita sends a message full of 'newén' (energy) to the world from Curarrehue, a Mapuche village in Chile.


Indigenous peoples are the guardians of the Earth💚.

Their women host & transmit the wisdom of living in harmony with nature. Let's carefully listen to and learn from Indigenous women if we want to save our 🌎!bWK44x


"It's a real challenge and a very rewarding job." Vicente is our Head of Administration in @UEenHonduras, a "fascinating" job that gets you "out of your comfort zone." Ready for the challenge? Read his story and learn how to become our next Head of Admin⤵!pq7JC4


RT @JosepBorrellF: Two years ago, Belarusians were once again denied chance to decide their future.

Lukashenko’s crackdown against his own population continues.

The EU stands with the people of Belarus who strive for a democratic and sovereign Belarus: an important European neighbour.


RT @JosepBorrellF: Last week, I attended the annual ASEAN Regional Forum in Cambodia and was reminded that in the current context of geopolitical tensions the Asia-Pacific region is becoming the world’s centre of gravity. My new blog post on the EU-ASEAN crucial partnership:


RT @JosepBorrellF: I had the opportunity to meet with Kem Sokha in Cambodia.

To be able to participate in the elections in 2023, his long-lasting trial has to be resolved.

The restoration of his political rights would contribute to a democratic and inclusive electoral process.


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