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Keep it together. Niemand braucht jetzt Neuwahlen.
Was wir brauchen: konstruktive Politik, Druck auf Orban, damit er Ukraine-Hilfen freigibt, und einen Europawahlkampf, der sich auf Europa konzentrieren kann.


[2023-12-08 18:16 UTC]

Right now, 27 EU ministers are discussing whether to unblock 900 million EUR in recovery funds (RRF) to Orban - and they likely will 🤯
They will need to argue that “the internal control system of Hungary’s RRP [are] overall adequate” (Council decision)
Whaaat?! /1


[2023-12-08 12:32 UTC]

Still negotiating on the EU asylum pact.
Spanish presidency is trying, but has little room to move. Let’s see where this will go.


[2023-12-07 22:22 UTC]

Yes! It’s done! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Parliament adopted the Treaty Change report! This is truly a historic moment!
⏭️Next: 27 national leaders have to vote on it, likely in December. If they live up to their responsibility, we could start working on a new and better Europe!


[2023-11-22 13:58 UTC]

Very excited about the vote on opening the EU treaties is coming up today! Here is my speech for this historic moment!


[2023-11-22 11:56 UTC]

Adjunct Lecturer 🙌🏻
Thanks, Hertie, for officially announcing me as an adjunct lecturer!
I really enjoy teaching my class ‘movements, campaigns, & parties’ immensely - and so far the students seem also fine with it 😂


[2023-11-20 13:23 UTC]

RT by @d_boeselager: Damian Boeselager @d_boeselager ist der Abgeordnete der paneuropäischen Partei @VoltEuropa im Europaparlament und hat seine Partei mitbegründet. Über seine Beweggründe eine Partei zu gründen und Ambitionen für die 2024 spricht er im Porträt 👉


[2023-11-18 16:04 UTC]

R to @d_boeselager: Dear @swheaton oh well - I definitely did not want to make a value judgment about Tinder CX with this framing 🫣😀

But it’s achieving the impossible:

Make EU Regulation Sexy (Again)!! 🙌🏻


[2023-11-16 16:11 UTC]

RT by @d_boeselager: 👉En marcha, la primera sesión de la reunión de la Red Europea de Migración. @YlvaJohansson @isabelcastrofer @NicolasSchmitEU @J_MorenoSanchez @d_boeselager y Birgit Arens hablan sobre políticas europeas de migración laboral para hacer frente a los retos.


[2023-11-16 10:12 UTC]

Very excited that today the EU will propose the EU Talent Pool- a job tinder for international talent, as a law! 🙌🏻
This is a big success for me: I proposed this idea in 2020 to the Com. As MEPs, we can’t initiate laws, so I am happy it’s still happening! More details to follow!


[2023-11-15 08:40 UTC]

🚨TRAINEESHIP ALERT🚨 Looking for German-speaking intern for Jan-April (possibly longer)
If you’re German-speaking, have a curious and analytical mind, a proactive attitude and the ambition to improve how things work in the EU 🇪🇺 then this is for you 🤩


[2023-11-14 08:17 UTC]

RT by @d_boeselager: Introducing @d_boeselager incumbent MEP and one of Volt’s lead candidates for Germany for the 2024 European Elections! Check out Damian’s page for more information:


[2023-11-08 15:02 UTC]

Can’t wait for December, when the 27 national leaders should decide that
👉 we open formal accession talks with Ukraine & Moldova.
👉 we formally open the reform process of the EU.
Anything else would mean they fall short of their responsibility.


[2023-11-08 11:49 UTC]

RT by @d_boeselager: Die Europawahl geht los 🥳 Was bei Volt gerade los ist, kannst Du ab jetzt in unserem Live-Update erfahren. Interesse? Dann höre am Montag ganz entspannt @MullerRebekka & @d_boeselager zu. Merk Dir den Termin vor & wir hören uns im Instagram-Live!


[2023-11-02 13:40 UTC]

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