We finally unblocked the EUR 50bn for Ukraine 💪🇺🇦
But it was a close call & almost too late. The veto is a security risk. It’s time to fix it.
In my plenary speech today I urge Charles Michel to suspend Orban’s presidency, withdraw his voting rights, & reform the EU.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/d_boeselager/status/

[2024-02-06 18:22 UTC]

We agreed on the modalities for the 50bn for Ukraine!! 🇺🇦🇪🇺
Thanks to Parliament, the funds will help the country in its effort to be more resilient, decentralized, and competitive 💪
I am relieved. Europe stands with Ukraine. We will support you while you defend your country!

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/d_boeselager/status/

[2024-02-05 23:59 UTC]

I am happy we have a deal and can finally close the Ukraine Facility 🙌🏻
Last round of negos between Parliament and ministers likely happening Tuesday.
The fact it needed a special meeting to overcome Orban’s veto shows the EU needs to change!

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/d_boeselager/status/

[2024-02-01 11:52 UTC]

Let’s take Orban’s veto power away and stop him from representing the EU! My short argument in Parliament today.
If you want to help, become politically active now. No time to waste to defend democracy.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/d_boeselager/status/

[2024-01-17 11:40 UTC]

Finally, negotiations on the 50bn 🇺🇦🇪🇺Ukraine Facility between EP &amp; 27 ministers start!
Ukraine needs the funds and it’s in the EUs core interest to provide them.
Only caveat: the outcome still conditional on Orban’s support (…) on Feb 1 in EUCO

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/d_boeselager/status/

[2024-01-15 22:12 UTC]

I disagree with most people I often agree with re Charles Michel.
I think it’s great people in top jobs try to get the backing of citizens &amp; are willing to give up a weird arbitrator role for that. It def shouldn’t be called President.
The problem here is not Michel, but Orban.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/d_boeselager/status/

[2024-01-09 08:53 UTC]

R to @d_boeselager: And that is a problem that could be solved.

If people had the guts to do it. But sadly most of our leaders are weak when it comes to reigning in their own.

That’s the reason for the current weakness of the EU that we are trying to fix.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/d_boeselager/status/

[2024-01-09 08:57 UTC]

Aus Erfahrung weiß ich: Partei gründen ist nicht leicht.
Man muss sich auf Positionen einigen, Mitglieder motivieren &amp; Vertrauen für mutige Entscheidungen aufbauen.
Aber trotz Freude an demokratischer Innovation: Antieuropäisch &amp; prorussisch —&gt;
ist Unvernunft!

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/d_boeselager/status/

[2024-01-09 05:52 UTC]

Orban should not be allowed to
❌ hold the rotating presidency or EUCO presidency
❌ threaten our national security and values by blocking the 50bn for Ukraine
❌ mock the EU with Putin handshakes
Is there any national leader left willing to stand up to the mini-autocrat?

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/d_boeselager/status/

[2024-01-07 09:42 UTC]

Arbeit könnte sich mehr lohnen.
Wir müssten nur Einkommensteuern senken und unsere Hochvermögenden wie in den USA und GB besteuern.
Aber das eine wollen nur die Linken und das andere nur die FDP 🤷🏼‍♂️

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/d_boeselager/status/

[2023-12-24 14:27 UTC]

Typical Trump move.
Losing elections is a really difficult concept for far right populists.
I hope it all goes well and nobody gets hurt.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/d_boeselager/status/

[2023-12-20 09:39 UTC]

This is very good news! EBRD can support SMEs with loan guarantees.
This can help the middle class evolve and decentralize the Ukrainian economy.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/d_boeselager/status/

[2023-12-20 07:43 UTC]

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