In diesem Jahr besteht die Partnerschaft zwischen der japanischen Präfektur Tokushima und dem Land Niedersachsen seit 15 Jahre. Heute wurde dies in Hannover gefeiert. Begeistern konnte ein traditionelles japanisches Puppentheater Awa Ningyo Joruri
Europe has what it takes to lead & be fit for digital age. This is a real opportunity.
With @vonderleyen & @P_Fiala, I signed Joint Declaration on #DigitalRights & Principles.
We need to apply values also in digital sphere.
People must be at the heart of digital transition.
President @vonderleyen signed the European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles in the margins of today's #EUCO.
This is our commitment to a secure, safe and sustainable digital transformation that puts people first, in line with EU core values and fundamental rights.
Interesting read on US trade policy written by #WTO secretariat. In the area of dispute settlement, US participation, as measured by the number of cases it has filed as a complainant, declined significantly during the review period compared to previous periods.
RT @wto: Trade Policy Review: United States of America
The European Parliament has worked hard to include a strong chapter on fair and just working conditions in the European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles.
The digital transformation brings opportunities, but we should preserve workers' existing rights, off and online
🗣️Today the European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles was signed. It can be a true game-changer: it clearly spells out what rights citizens enjoy in the EU and which principles guide us throughout the digital transformation.
Full text 👇
Yesterday we officially signed the foreign subsidies regulation. It ensures a level playing field for all companies on our internal market. Together with #IPI a crucial instrument complementing multilateral tools. Now working hard to complete the toolbox with #ACI.
The brave people of Ukraine, represented by their president, elected leaders and civil society, are the 2022 #SakharovPrize for Freedom of Thought laureate.
Might makes right seems to be the guiding principle of some in the US. This undermines our cooperation and the multilateral trading system. We in #EU should stick to multilateral rules and defend them.
RT @TheProgressives: Partnerships require trust and currently the US is moving away from a good partnership 🇺🇸🇪🇺
This is undermining our cooperation. The EU has tools to defend rules-based trade and we should use them if needed.
💬 @berndlange on #InflationReducti…
Really the correct analysis, thanks a lot Jennifer
RT @J_A_Hillman: Confess to feeling both sad and mad in reading WTO panel decision on steel and alum tariffs+ US response. Sad to see Biden Admin adopt "might makes right" approach + abandonment of rules based trading system pushes our allies away at time US needs them in support of Ukraine + to
"Wir müssen Transparenz schaffen, das Netzt enger knüpfen und die Anforderungen für Abgeordnete in herausgehobenen Positionen, wie für Vizepräsident:innen deutlicher schärfen." sage ich dem @ZDFheute zum #Korruptionsskandal im EU-Parlament.
Very fruitful meeting with 🇦🇺 trade minister Don Farrell last week. We agreed trade agreement should be concluded in time so that it can still be discussed in @EP_Trade before 🇪🇺 elections. Other topics were #InflationReductionAct and access to raw materials.
He seems to be right
RT @paulkrugman: Underreported story (more about it tomorrow). The WTO said Trump national security tariffs were illegitimate; the Biden administration (!) told the WTO to stuff it 1/
Es war mir eine besondere Freude gestern die Laudatio auf Dr. Andreas Philippi MdB 40-jährige Parteizügigkeit halten zu dürfen. Andreas lebt die sozialdemokratischen Werte weit über die SPD Mitgliedschaft und seine Tätigkeit im Bundestag hinaus. Ich finde ihn einfach toll.
2/2 Furthermore, it should be an additional reminder that what #EU and #US are negotiating in the Global Steel Arrangement, should be WTO compatible. Last rumours about US proposal don't seem promising in this regard.
1/2 While US can appeal #WTO ruling on its 232 steel and aluminum tariffs, now very clear that these tariffs are illegal. Already for this reason alone one should go to WTO in case of suspicion of non-compatibility. Should also be incentive for US to engage more in WTO reform.
Meine erste Reaktion zu den Korruptionsvorwürfen im Europäischen Parlament
Peter war ein wirklich Guter
RT @derspiegel: Er war Schnauzbartträger, Pfeifenraucher, Motorradfahrer: Nicht nur deswegen ist Peter Struck, der vor zehn Jahren starb, unvergessen. Ihm lag die Macht des Parlaments am Herzen. Um die ist es nicht mehr gut bestellt.
RT @dumitru_alaiba: Very good discussion yesterday with MEP @berndlange, Chair of INTA Committee at the European Parliament. Thank you for supporting #Moldova and looking forward to greet you in Chisinau very soon!
RT @EP_Trade: EP Trade Committee Chair @berndlange & Standing Rapporteur @samiraraf welcome the concluded negotiations between 🇪🇺and 🇨🇱, praising, among others, "historic stand-alone chapter on gender and trade". Read the full statement:
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