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U nastavku pogledajte moje današnje gostovanje u 📺 emisiji "Dobro jutro, Hrvatska" na @mojHRT.



U nastavku pogledajte moje današnje gostovanje u 📺 emisiji "Dobro jutro, Hrvatska" na @mojHRT.


Danas i sutra u Bruxellesu sudjelujem na plenarnoj sjednici @europarl_en. Najvažnije teme su:

▶️ pristupanje Hrvatske schengenskom području
▶️ ishodi sastanka @EUCouncil
▶️ uključivanje u nacionalne planove za oporavak i otpornost
▶️ strategija 🇪🇺 za videoigre


An open exchange of views during this morning’s meeting of the @EPPGroup working group on intercultural and religious dialogue with representatives of various European media.


Today, I chaired @EP_ForeignAff on:

🔹the EU support in the reconstruction of Ukraine

🔹 the recommendation to the Council taking stock of the functioning of the EEAS and for a stronger EU in the world.


RT @europarl_es: 📸 Foto de familia en el tercer y último día de la XXVIII Reunión de la Comisión Parlamentaria mixta UE-México


In Cancun we finished the 🇪🇺🇲🇽 joint parliamentary committee with the adoption of a joint declaration. We strengthened our bilateral relationship and discussed our cooperation on security, migration and gender equality.



RT @Pontifex: Behold Christ’s power: love. The greatness of his power does not derive from the force of violence, but from the weakness of love. He gives us the strength to love like he loved: unconditionally, always, everyone, even our enemies.


RT @Pontifex: In the garden of humanity, we are playing with fire, missiles and bombs, with weapons that bring sorrow and death, covering our common home with ashes and hatred. I extend my heartfelt appeal to everyone that the war in be ended and that serious negotiations begin


RT @EPPGroup: What is the ?

“It's the soul and the spirit of the European ”, says MEP @ZovkoEU.

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I warmly welcome the ceasefire agreement between the Ethiopian government and regional forces from Tigray. By ending the hostilities, both parties can work towards peace and provide humanitarian aid to the civilians that have suffered from the conflict.


We started our mission to the 28th meeting of the EU-Mexico joint parliamentary committee with a briefing by the head of the EU delegation and ambassadors of EU countries. They informed us about the current situation in the country and the modernised 🇪🇺🇲🇽 Global Agreement.


Kao dio @europarl_en izaslanstva D-MX, ovaj tjedan u Meksiku sudjelujem na
28. sjednici Zajedničkog parlamentarnog odbora EU-a i Meksika.

U 🇲🇽 ću se sastati i s predstavnicima vlasti i civilnog društva kako bi raspravljali o napretku odnosa 🇪🇺 i 🇲🇽 te o novom 📄 o partnerstvu.


Obilježavajući Međunarodni dan borbe protiv nekažnjavanja zločina nad novinarima, ističemo važnost zaštite novinara u stvarnom i virtualnom 🌍 te presudnu ulogu koju imaju za demokraciju kroz osiguravanje istinitih, neovisnih i slobodnih informacija te medijskog pluralizma.


Danas i sutra obilježavamo blagdan Svih svetih i Dušni dan. Provedimo ove dane spokoja u obiteljskom zajedništvu uz slavljenje svih kršćanskih svetaca i blaženika te u sjećanju i molitvi za naše najmilije koji su napustili ovaj svijet.


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