Ukraine: 🇷🇺 continues terrorising 🇺🇦 population.Intensified missile & drone strikes in Kyiv continue,killing & injuring civilians,including kids.These indiscriminate,cowardly attacks only strengthen 🇪🇺 resolve to #StandWithUkraine & to ensure no impunity for those responsible
RT @EU_Commission: Energy and climate goals cannot be achieved without an integrated energy system.
This is why we support diverse and cross-border energy infrastructure projects that produce, store, and distribute energy efficiently.
Discover some of them in our interactive map ↓
Predsedníčka @EU_Commission @vonderleyen včera predniesla hlavný príhovor na medzinárodnej strategickej konferencii #GLOBSEC2023. Celý príhovor nájdete tu:
🆕Členské štáty #EÚ dnes schválili pristúpenie EÚ k Istanbulskému dohovoru. Viac ℹ️ 👇
#Istanbul Convention #women #EÚ
RT @vonderleyen: Today, the European Union is acceding to the Istanbul Convention.
This sends a strong signal.
The EU is on the side of women to protect them from violence.
We are determined to prevent, condemn and fight violence against women in all its forms.
RT @vonderleyen: Glad to meet @LudoOdorPM.
We discussed Slovakia’s implementation of the #NextGenerationEU Recovery Plan and the transit of Ukrainian grain via the Solidarity Lanes.
Slovakia’s cooperation will be instrumental.
We also agreed to join forces to combat disinformation.
It is not enough to just wait for our friends outside the Union.
We must bring the Union closer to them.
This is what we are doing with Ukraine.
And with a new initiative for Western Balkan countries ↓
It is a new prosperity plan to accelerate their journey towards the EU, building on 4 pillars:
1. Bring the Western Balkans closer to the EU Single Market
2. Deepen regional economic integration
3. Accelerate fundamental reforms
4. Increase pre-accession funds
RT @ElisaFerreiraEC: Glad to have participated online in the informal ministerial meeting of the Visegrad + 4 countries to listen to the views and expectations for the future of #CohesionPolicy.
Cohesion is the cement that keeps 🇪🇺 together in the face of external pressures and turmoil.
Celé vyjadrenie @EU_Commission ku novoprijatému poľskému zákonu o ruskom vplyve nájdete tu:
🆕@EU_Commission vyjadruje obavy nad novým poľským zákonom o zriadení štátneho výboru pre vyšetrovanie ruského vplyvu v Poľsku a národnej bezpečnosti. Vyjadrenie @dreynders pred dnešným zasadnutím #GAC o situácii v Poľsku v súvislosti s novoprijatým zákonom 👇
#Poland #RuleOfLaw
RT @ATCelinski: ➡️Doorstep by Commissioner @dreynders before today's General Affairs Council #GAC in Brussels on the situation in #Poland regarding the new law establishing a special parlia…
RT @MarosSefcovic: Glad to meet Slovakia's Economy Minister Peter Dovhun to discuss ways to boost #energysecurity and cushion the impact of the #energy crisis on the most vulnerable households and industry. I appreciate 🇸🇰 support for the #EUEnergyPlatform on joint gas purchasing via #AggregateEU.
RT @VeraJourova: Thank you, @LudoOdorPM for an important meeting.
I thanked the 🇸🇰 people for their support to 🇺🇦 and hospitality for the 🇺🇦 refugees escaping from Putin’s brutal war.
But Russia fights also with propaganda. We have to protect our elections from harmful manipulations.
RT @VeraJourova: We had a vibrant debate at #Globsec2023 on the role of harmful role of disinformation campaigns, especially now coming from Russia, for elections and European democracy.
AI tools can also be used to manipulate. We need to address these risks quickly.
RT @VeraJourova: It was my honour to meet again with 🇸🇰President @ZuzanaCaputova to talk about the role of Central and Eastern Europe in promoting European democracy and countering pro-Kremlin disinformation, especially online.
Together we are stronger.
RT @VeraJourova: Glad to participate in the opening ceremony of #globsec2023. The theme about the European unity in the face of Russian war is very relevant to our democracies.
RT @VeraJourova: Good morning Slovakia, from the #GLOBSEC2023 Forum
Looking forward to
🔹meeting 🇸🇰 President @ZuzanaCaputova and PM @LudoOdorPM
🔹discussing EU initiatives to combat #disinformation & foreign information manipulation, especially ahead of 🇸🇰 elections
RT @VeraJourova: The Code remains strong, sets high standards and is at the heart of our efforts to address #disinformation.
In June I will meet signatories, so we can step up our actions, especially ahead of the elections. (2/2)
RT @VeraJourova: Bye, bye birdie.
#Twitter has chosen a hard way to comply with our digital laws.
Russia’s disinformation is dangerous and it is irresponsible to leave EU’s anti-disinformation Code. (1/2)
Spolus balíkom #EuropeanSemester, @EU_Eurostat uverejnil správu o pokroku #EÚ pri dosahovaní cieľov udržateľného rozvoja. Za posledných 5 rokov, EÚ zaznamenala pokrok pri dosahovaní väčšiny cieľov, najvýraznejšie pri dosahovaní soc.-ekonomických👉
@EU_Commission tento týždeň prijala balík predpisov o retailových investíciách. Nové pravida majú posilniť ochranu retailových („spotrebiteľských“) investorov v #EÚ a posilniť ich postavenie na kapitálových trhoch. Viac ℹ️👇
#MyMoneyEU #RetailInvestment
RT @EU_Commission: We have adopted a Retail Investment Package that places the interests of consumers at the centre of retail investing, because European consumers are not yet getting the best deal when it comes to…
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