Today we disbursed another €1.5 billion to Ukraine.
Our support helps keep Ukraine running, while defending itself.
And puts Ukraine firmly on its EU path by supporting reforms - good governance and financial stability, for example.
Together we’re writing Ukraine’s 🇪🇺 future
Na hlavné zistenia najnovšej Národnej správy Eurobarometra (EB) sa pozrieme spoločne s našimi hosťami:
-sociologičkou Oľgov Gyárfášovou,
-sociológom Martinom Slosiarikom,
- @ZuzanaHozlarova, účastníčkou Konferencie o budúcnosti Európy #CoFoE
Moderovať bude: @VladimirSucha
A historic decision.
Following my proposal, Member States agreed to deliver 1 mio rounds of artillery ammunition within the next 12 months.
We have a 3 track approach:
1) €1 bn for immediate delivery
2) €1 bn for joint procurement
3) commission to ramp up production capacity
Ukrainian soldiers are showing great courage and tenacity.
But they need ammunition.
I welcome today’s agreement aiming to deliver 1 million rounds of ammunition over the next 12 months.
We will work with Member States to ramp up defence industrial production in 🇪🇺 to deliver.
Už tento piatok (24.3) sa spoločne s našimi hosťami pozrieme na hlavné zistenia najnovšej Národnej správy Eurobarometra (EB). Aký je pohľad Slovákov a Sloveniek na budúcnosť našej krajiny v EÚ? Sledujte naživo o 10:00 hod. na našom FB 👇
RT @vonderleyen: The @EU_Commission will support the people in Türkiye with €1 billion for reconstruction.
We will also provide €108 million for humanitarian aid and early recovery in Syria.
Additional pledges are expected from #TeamEurope
RT @matisaksk: My interview (in Slovak) with the Head of @ZEKvSR @VladimirSucha about #EU, #Slovakia, #Russia... via @Pravdask #Ukraine #Putinswar
RT @vonderleyen: Glad to visit this impressive gas rig, 60 km off the 🇳🇴 coast, with our key partners
@jensstoltenberg @NATO
Climate & energy policies can no longer be separated from security issues.
Today’s joint visit is a strong signal of our unity ↓
RT @EU_Commission: On 6 February the world changed irreversibly for the people in Türkiye.
Families lost their homes, their loved ones, life as they knew it.
From the first hours after the earthquake hit the region, we stand in solidarity with the people in 🇹🇷.
It is time to act together.↓
@EU_Commission dnes navrhla zákon o priemysle s nulovými emisiami s cieľom rozšíriť výrobu čistých technológií v EÚ a zabezpečiť, aby bola Únia dobre vybavená na prechod na čistú energiu. Viac ℹ️ 👇
RT @vonderleyen: For the fight against climate change, we need to speed up the net-zero shift of the EU industry.
The Net-Zero Industry Act will help create a simpler and more predictable regulatory envi…
@EU_Commission dnes predstavila komplexný súbor aktivít, ktoré majú zaistiť prístup EÚ k bezpečným, diverzifikovaným, cenovo dostupným a udržateľným dodávkam kritických surovín. Viac ℹ️ 👇
RT @vonderleyen: Without critical raw materials, there is no green transition and digital transition.
The Critical Raw Materials Act will improve Europe's refining, processing and recycling of raw materials.
And …
The next application round of #DiscoverEU is open!
If you:
✅ were born between 1 July 2004 – 30 June 2005
✅ are a legal resident of 🇪🇺 or 🇮🇸 🇱🇮 🇲🇰 🇳🇴 🇷🇸 🇹🇷
Time is ticking, apply before 29 March! ➡
Včasné dokončenie diaľnice na slovenskej strane je kľúčové pre industriálny trojuholník Žilina 🇸🇰-Ostrava 🇨🇿-Katovice/Krakov🇵🇱, napríklad aj v súvislosti s prevádzkou automobiliek Kia na severe Slovenska so sesterským závodom Hyundai na severe Moravy.
Zatiaľ čo výstavba na poľskej a českej strane je už takmer na hraniciach so Slovenskom, na slovenskej strane stále chýba dokončiť 23-kilometrový úsek. Aby financie z EÚ neprepadli, Slovensko by malo dostavbu zrealizovať do roku 2030.
Ďialnica prechádzajúca aj regiónom Kysúc na Slovensku by mala v konečnom dôsledku prepojiť Baltské more s Jadranským morom. “Kysucká diaľnica“ má prepojiť Slovensko na severe s Českom a Poľskom, dostavba je však stále v nedohľadne.
Diaľnica D3 je magistrálou európskeho významu, ktorá má potenciál priniesť obrovský ekonomický benefit pre celý región Kysuce. O aktuálnom stave dostavby diaľnice D3 na Kysuciach sa rozprávame spolu s našimi hosťami na podujatí v Krásne nad Kysucou 👇
The global market for net-zero technologies is set to triple by 2030.
In other words: the race is on.
We must get our act together if we want to stay frontrunners.
This is what the Green Deal Industrial Plan is all about ↓
RT @RastislavKacer: Very good meeting w/ @VladimirSucha, Chief of @ZEKvSR 🇸🇰/🇪🇺. Discussed a lot of topics of common interest, including how to cooperate even more in the fight against 📲 #disinformation & #hybrid threats in #Slovakia. Glad for the help & assistance @EU_Commission is providing us.🤝
🆕Slovensko získa €20 miliónov z Európskeho námorného a rybárskeho fondu.
#EMFAF #aquaculture #EUFunds
RT @EU_MARE: Adopted ✅: the European Maritime, Fisheries & Aquaculture Fund Programme 2021-2027 for Slovakia🇪🇺🤝🇸🇰
The #EMFAF will support:
🐟 stronger #aquaculture & processing sector
⚓️ improved market organisation
🎣 green & digital transition
We are safe and warm this winter thanks to the efforts of European citizens and companies, and #REPowerEU, our roadmap to our energy independence from Russia.
What did #REPowerEU do?
The answer in 10 points ↓
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Aktuálne info z Európskej komisie a Zastúpenia Európskej komisie (EK) na Slovensku. RT≠endorsement/ RT príspevkov nevyjadruje stanovisko EK