My condolences to the families of those who died in the devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria.
Our thoughts are with those affected by this tragic loss of life, and with the survivors.
RT @JanezLenarcic: Via the #EUCivilProtectionMechanism we continue to mobilise rescue to assist 🇹🇷 after today's #earthquake.
I thank Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, France, Greece, Netherlands, Poland & Romania for sending teams to support the 1st responders. Italy & Hungary…
RT @natgavrilita: Good discussion with @VDombrovskis this morning on the 🇲🇩 Republic of Moldova’s #trade relationship with the European Union.
We are determined to enhance our #engagement and prepare an Action Plan so that we can access the 🇪🇺 EU Single Market.
Important meeting with PM @natgavrilita on more support for🇲🇩, whose economy is deeply affected by Russia's war - incl. integration in 🇪🇺 single market, more trade liberalisation.
We discussed:
📌EU support with extra €145 m MFA
📌🇲🇩 path to meet EU accession conditions
Good news! 🇮🇳-🇪🇺 We expect the EU-India Trade & Tech Council to play a central role in making our economies greener, more prosperous & more competitive. #EUTrade
RT @Trade_EU: 🇪🇺🇮🇳 The new EU-India Trade & Tech Council will deepen our strategic engagement on trade and tech.
Trade working group will focus on the resilience of supply chains and access to critical components, energy, and raw materials.
RT @LRZinas: Ukrainas rekonstrukcijai nepieciešamais līdzekļu apjoms tikai pieaug, tas prasīs nopietnu līdzekļu mobilizāciju starptautiskajā līmenī, sacīja EK viceprezidents Valdis Dombrovskis, kurš bija starp komisiāriem, kas ceturtdien apmeklēja Kijivu.
Foto: Indra Sprance/Latvijas Radio
✅ Solidarity Lanes are a success. They show that we will not allow Russia to use food as a weapon.
EU will keep working with @EIB @EBRD to boost capacity of these logistics corridors - and 🇺🇦 links with🇪🇺 - to boost global food security, including by mobilising €1 bln.
Part of Ukraine’s path to EU membership is to move closer to 🇪🇺 single market. Next steps include:
📌bringing 🇺🇦 into EU free roaming area, advancing on ACAA
📌using EU funding to help 🇺🇦 companies grow & expand across borders
📌removing more trade barriers between Ukraine and EU
In 2023, EU will provide €18 bln in regular MFA+ payment for #Ukraine, covering much of its financing needs.
Next payment comes in March to cover current payments+help rebuild vital infrastructure.
Payments will be linked to progress on rule of law, fight against corruption.
Meeting @Denys_Shmyhal again in person to discuss EU financial and economic support for Ukraine.
EU will provide MFA+ support throughout 2023.
We are working to further 🇺🇦 economic integration into EU single market.
RT @Denys_Shmyhal: I welcome to 🇺🇦 the Executive Vice-President of the European Commission @VDombrovskis. We discussed a wide range of issues: financial assistance, integration into 🇪🇺 single market, continuation of free trade & the start of a rapid recovery. We are grateful for your full support.
Back on the ground in Kyiv - this time with @EU_Commission team - to discuss:
➡️emergency financial support
➡️🇪🇺-🇺🇦 trade relations
➡️boosting Solidarity Lanes
➡️steps for reconstruction
We are united in standing with #Ukraine
For as long as it takes.
Delighted to welcome Argentina’s Foreign Affairs Minister @SantiagoCafiero. We discussed how to take forward the EU-#Mercosur agreement. We now have a real window of opportunity that we should seize.
We look forward to progress during 🇦🇷‘s Presidency of Mercosur countries.
Delighted to seal the deal with 🇸🇬 Minister-in-charge of Trade Relations, Mr S. Iswaran.
Today we take our close trade ties to the next level in the digital arena, including at @wto.
#EUTrade 🇪🇺🇸🇬
Pleased to attend 1st trilogue talks between @europarl_en & @EUCouncil on new 🇪🇺#GSP Scheme.
It's vital we agree on a generous, open & effective GSP, promoting sustainable development in developing countries in a time of geopolitical turbulence.
Ar 🇱🇻 klimata un enerģētikas ministru Raimondu Čudaru pārrunāju ES atbalstu enerģētikas krīzē, tai skaitā #RePowerEU €124 miljonu apgūšanu.
Būtiski izmantot 🇪🇺 atbalstu, lai sagatavotos nākamajai apkures sezonai.
Pārrunājām arī Latvijas ekonomikas zaļo transformāciju #RRF
Gandarījums uzstāties konferencē “Attīstības izaicinājumi 2023+”.
📍Apspriežamie jautājumi atspoguļo to plašo izaicinājumu klāstu, uz kuriem gan Latvijas pilsētām, gan valstij kopumā nāksies meklēt atbildes īstermiņa un ilgtermiņa perspektīvā:
RT @ltvzinas: Nākamnedēļ gaidāmā Eiropas Komisijas ceturkšņa ekonomiskā prognoze būs optimistiskāka par iepriekšējo, intervijā "Rīta Panorāmā" sacīja EK priekšsēdētājas izpildvietnieks @VDombrovskis (JV).
RT @EiropasKomisija: Aicinām šodien no pl. 10.00 sekot @LLPAsoc konferencei “Attīstības izaicinājumi 2023+”, kurā uzstāsies EK priekšsēdētājas izpildvietnieks @VDombrovskis.
Diskutēsim par pilsētu attīstības izaicinājumiem šī brīža sociālekonomiskajā situācijā.
RT @RFERLPress: Today, @EU_Commission Executive Vice President @VDombrovskis visited @RFERL's new Riga office and spoke with staff about our comprehensive strategy to counter Russian influence and disinformation across #Europe and #Eurasia.
RT @Brivibas36: 🇱🇻🇪🇺 Ministru prezidents @krisjaniskarins 27. janvārī tikās ar @EU_Commission priekšsēdētājas izpildvietnieku, tirdzniecības komisāru @VDombrovskis, lai pārrunātu ES ekonomikas attīstības prognozes, ES sniegto atbalstu Ukrainai un citas aktualitātes.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ @EU_Commission Executive Vice-President for an Economy that works for people, also Trade Commissioner🇱🇻🇪🇺