Tomorrow the 1st EU-India #Trade & Technology Council takes place in Brussels.
Ahead of this historic event, @PiyushGoyal & I met business & industry stakeholders to hear their views on #TTC + its priorities.
Transparency & inclusivity are key for TTC's success.
Pleased to receive @PiyushGoyal ahead of 1st EU-#India Trade & Tech Council.
Very useful exchange on strengthening #EUIndia trade & investment relations:
✅ongoing trade deal talks
✅@wto priorities
✅market access
Both sides keen to develop our large untapped potential.🇪🇺🤝🇮🇳
RT @PiyushGoyal: Ahead of the 1st India-EU Trade & Technology Council meeting tomorrow, met European Commission Executive Vice President @VDombrovskis 🇮🇳🤝🇪🇺
Rich discussion with @europarl_en Conference of Delegation Chairs on state of play of #EUTrade policy.
We are ramping up 🇪🇺 bilateral trade agenda, aiming to conclude several important free trade deals while establishing new formats for cooperation with other partners.
RT @LVinEU: @LVinEU bija liels gods uzņemt mākslinieku Andri Eglīti un atklāt viņa izstādi “Cauri tumsai”, atzīmējot Latvijas neatkarības atjaunošanas 33.gadadienu un Eiropas dienu! Ar prieku aicinām apmeklēt un izbaudīt #Latvijas 🇱🇻 mākslu @LVinEU!
Useful #EuropeDay call with @USTradeRep @AmbassadorTai to take stock of transatlantic priorities:
✅Preparing this month's Trade & Technology Council in Sweden #TTC
✅State of play on bilateral EU-U.S. trade relations
Eiropas Parlaments atbalsta mūsu priekšlikumu uz gadu pagarināt Ukrainas pieeju ES tirgum bez kvotām un tarifiem.
ES ir vērtībās balstīta, viena no tām - solidaritāte. Šodienas lēmums ir tam apliecinājums.
Paldies @kalniete par atbalstu lēmuma sagatavošanā.
RT @VDombrovskis: Great to see strong @europarl_en support for #Ukraine 🇺🇦 - very positive vote on the proposal to prolong autonomous trade measures for one more year.
Solidarity is a core EU value.
This d…
Great to see strong @europarl_en support for #Ukraine 🇺🇦 - very positive vote on the proposal to prolong autonomous trade measures for one more year.
Solidarity is a core EU value.
This decision on #EuropeDay confirms EU's commitment to stay with Ukraine as long as it takes.
🇦🇺-🇪🇺 Useful stocktake with Australian Trade & Tourism Minister Don Farrell on our ongoing trade negotiations.
Based on good progress made during the last round of talks, we are now pursuing our efforts to conclude our #FTA by the summer.
1st EU-India Trade & Technology Council takes place on May 16th.
EVP @vestager & I look forward to welcoming @PiyushGoyal, @AshwiniVaishnaw & @DrSJaishankar to Brussels.
We hope this new platform will strengthen our cooperation in a range of key areas.🇪🇺🤝🇮🇳
A pleasure to meet Bangladeshi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs @MdShahriarAlam. We share the ambition to deepen our bilateral trade ties.
The @EU_Commission will continue to support 🇧🇩 to develop its economy sustainably & benefit from preferential access to the EU market.
Many thanks to Ambassador @frkkymkc, Permanent Delegate of the Republic of Türkiye to the EU, for a constructive meeting on:
➡️Perspectives for modernising 🇪🇺-🇹🇷 Customs Union
➡️Tackling barriers to trade
➡️Preventing sanctions circumvention
A pleasure to catch up with @NadiaCalvino at #EUBEF23. We discussed priorities for the upcoming Spanish 🇪🇺 Presidency & next steps in the 🇪🇸 Recovery and Resilience Plan.
Grateful for Spain’s support on advancing trade agreements with reliable partners.
The global economy is fragmenting, which presents risks & uncertainty.
But EU response must build on openness, NOT protectionism.
Global trade is still growing.
Bolstering global ties will support our economic/geopolitical strength & build resilient supply chains.
Looking forward discussing Europe’s competitiveness at #EUBEF23 👇
RT @ecfin: We are getting ready for #EUBEF23! 🙌
Join high-level speakers to discuss 💬the most pertinent economic questions of 2023 on 4 May.
📺🔴 Tune in LIVE from wherever you are tomorrow at 11:00 CEST 👉
Die @RegHessen ist ein wichtiger wirtschaftlicher Knotenpunkt für Deutschland & die EU.
Ich habe mich gefreut, auf dem hessischen Jahresempfang in Brüssel über Wirtschaftsprioritäten und Handel sprechen zu dürfen und Ministerpräsident @Boris_Rhein zu treffen.
#Hessen 🇪🇺🇩🇪
Good meeting with Saint Vincent & Grenadines PM @ComradeRalph.
SVG holds presidency of the Community of Latin American & Caribbean states.
We discussed:
➡️preparations for important upcoming EU-#CELAC Summit in July
➡️#EUTrade & economic relations with #CARIFORUM region
🇪🇺🇯🇵 Delighted to welcome Japan’s Economic Minister #Nishimura. We discussed @wto and @G7-related issues, incl. our respective economic security strategies.
We took stock of implementation of our bilateral trade agreement #EPA.
🤝 Grateful for close cooperation, incl. on 🇺🇦.
Since the start of Russia’s unjustified war, EU has shown its full solidarity with the region.
We've worked hard to provide all necessary support to keep #Moldova’s economy going - maintaining its trade with the rest of the world, while deepening trade relations with EU.
RT @Trade_EU: 🇪🇺🤝🇲🇩 No quotas, no duties, just trade. We propose to extend full trade liberalisation to all Moldovan imports into the EU and renew for another year.
We continue to support…
RT @Trade_EU: 🇪🇺🤝🇲🇩 No quotas, no duties, just trade. We propose to extend full trade liberalisation to all Moldovan imports into the EU and renew for another year.
We continue to support Moldova’s economy. We stand with Moldova, as long as it takes.
Grateful for steadfast support for Ukraine at today’s #Ecofin and to hear from 🇺🇦 Finance Minister @SergiiMarchenk3 about the country’s evolving needs.
The @EU_Commission is working across many areas to support the country & to prepare for reconstruction.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ @EU_Commission Executive Vice-President for an Economy that works for people, also Trade Commissioner🇱🇻🇪🇺