The EU and our allies will continue to do everything to help Ukraine to emerge victorious.
We will protect our freedom and democratic values wherever they are challenged.
Ukraine will win. Europe will win. Democracy will win.
Slava Ukraini!🇺🇦
📸with Ukrainians in 🇧🇬
❗️We welcome the decision of @FATFNews to fully suspend Russia’s membership:
❌ Russia's actions unacceptably run counter to the FATF core principles aiming to promote security, safety, the integrity of the global financial system.
RT @FATFNews: The FATF plenary has concluded. Delegates of governments from around the world discussed a range of money laundering and terrorist financing issues.
See the outcomes of the plenary here➡️
Today is a dark day for Europe and for the world.
One year since Russia began its aggression against Ukraine.
Russia must be held accountable for its war crimes and the damages it has caused.
📸 with the 🇪🇺 and our partners ambassadors in 🇧🇬 as sign of solidarity with 🇺🇦
🇱🇻Eiropas Komisija pozitīvi novērtē Latvijas @Finmin sagatavoto valsts budžeta projektu 2023.gadam.
Latvija @Brivibas36 izmantos ES finansējumu, lai stiprinātu valsts konkurētspēju, kā arī turpinās mērķētu atbalstu tiem, kuriem šis atbalsts nepieciešams visvairāk.
Good discussion with Economic and Social Council on the practical steps & benefits introducing the #euro can bring for 🇧🇬 citizens.
It will facilitate integration into the 🇪🇺 Single market and give a positive signal to investors, helping to create economic growth + more jobs.
Присъединявайки се към еврото, страните влизат в сърцето на европейския проект.
Днес 💶 е много повече от средство за обмен.
То е символ на 🇪🇺 сила, единство, солидарност, сигурност и демократични ценности.
Речта ми за пътя на България 🇧🇬 към еврото👇🏻
RT @VDombrovskis: Joining the euro puts a country at the heart of the European project.
💶is now much more than a means of exchange.
It's a symbol of Europe's strength, unity, solidarity, security & democratic v…
Joining the euro puts a country at the heart of the European project.
💶is now much more than a means of exchange.
It's a symbol of Europe's strength, unity, solidarity, security & democratic values.
My speech on Bulgaria's euro path:!FDqWb8
1 year ago, Russia launched its brutal war.
Expecting easy victory.
Expecting EU & allies to be weak & divided.
They were wrong.
Now we must STAY. THE. COURSE.
Doing everything possible to help #Ukraine win this war.
This is our duty: for 🇺🇦 + for democracies everywhere.
RT @kyulanov: Важно послание от първия ден на @VDombrovskis у нас:
💶Инфлацията е пречка по пътя на 🇧🇬 към еврозоната, нужна е още работа и политическа воля да се приемат законодателните промени възможно най-скоро
💶ЕК ще продължи да подкрепя усилията на 🇧🇬 да стане част от евро семейството
At the meeting with 🇧🇬 Governor Radev discussed the macro-economic situation in the EU and Bulgaria, and technical preparation towards joining 💶 euro area:
Bulgaria’s euro accession remains the ultimate goal, and it should take place as soon as all conditions are met
With 🇧🇬Prime minister Donev and government representatives discussed the next steps to prepare for joining the 💶 euro area. @EU_Commission will continue to support #Bulgaria.
We also discussed the importance of reforms & investments to strengthen the Bulgarian economy.
Great meeting with 🇧🇬President @PresidentOfBg to discuss the next steps towards joining the euro area and to boost competitiveness of Bulgaria.
📌The @EU_Commission will continue to fully support #Bulgaria to become 21st member of 💶 euro area as soon as possible.
RT @BTAnewsENG: European Commission Executive Vice President @VDombrovskis received an honorary doctorate of the University of National and World Economy in Sofia Thursday ⤵️
Since the start of Russia's brutal war, EU has prioritised keeping #Ukraine's economy going.
This decision to renew trade liberalising measures for a further year is a vital continuation of our unwavering support for Ukraine.
Next step: approval by @europarl_en & @EUCouncil
RT @Trade_EU: 🇪🇺🇺🇦 We are suspending import duties, quotas and trade defence measures on Ukrainian exports to the EU for another year.
This is a continuation of the EU’s unwavering suppor…
Как да разработим фискалните правила на ЕС за идните години?
Как да подобрим конкурентоспособноста си в контекста на новите предизвикателства?
Някои идеи в обръщението ми към @unwebg 🇧🇬
Икономическата цена на бруталната война на Русия се усеща по целия свят.
Хората и предприятията в ЕС са изправени пред повишени разходи.
Сега е време за солидарност.
Нашата 🇪🇺 сила се крие в единен отговор, основан на икономическа, парична и финансова стабилност.
За мен е чест и привилегия да получа почетна докторска степен от УНСС @unwebg, България.
📌Моето послание:
Днес ЕС е изправен пред много заплахи и предизвикателства - по-важно от всякога е да бъдем единни. Заедно сме по-силни и способни да изградим света на утрешния ден.
Starting the day in Sofia to discuss:
✅ Bulgaria’s ambition to join euro area
✅ Bulgaria’s competitiveness and resilience
✅Implementation of national RRF plan
✅EU support to Ukraine
Looking forward to meeting 🇧🇬@PresidentOfBg, government representatives & social partners.
I congratulate Dominque Laboureix on his appointment as @EU_SRB chair.
Thanks for a productive discussion, and I look forward to working together for a strong Banking Union and a resilient EU banking sector.
2 years into its existence, #RRF is driving the transformation of EU Member State economies.
This performance-based instrument will now also help 🇪🇺 Member States to:
✅Revamp their energy systems
✅Support net-zero industries
✅Deliver more structural reforms
RT @EU_Commission: At the heart of the €800 billion #NextGenerationEU plan, the Recovery and Resilience Fund has been a vital instrument in rebuilding our economies after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Two ye…
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ @EU_Commission Executive Vice-President for an Economy that works for people, also Trade Commissioner🇱🇻🇪🇺