Bij de herdenking van de val van Srebrenica, bood minister Ollongren zojuist haar excuses aan namens de Nederlandse regering. Voor het eerst, na 27 jaar zwijgen. Laat dus, maar van niet te onderschatten belang.
During the conference of the Mothers of Srebrenica, it is emphasized that recognition of genocide and justice are the fundaments of reconciliation.
In the Lipa camp I visited, the victims of the Croatian pushback policy temporarily reside to recover from the violence they face. The facility is deliberately built on a 5 hour walk from residential area of Bihać, funded for a large part by the EU.
Kroatië wil graag toetreden tot het Schengen-gebied, maar respect voor mensenrechten aan de grens is wel een voorwaarde. De lidstaten willen het land al toelaten, maar het Parlement moet zijn opinie nog geven. Met dit werkbezoek wil ik een goed geïnformeerd advies uitbrengen. 4/
Want hoewel Kroatië claimt dat het asielrecht wordt gerespecteerd, schetsen de RvE, VN, ombudsman, onderzoeksjournalisten en ngo’s een totaal ander beeld. Zoals de onthulling over een Kroatisch schaduwleger, dat asielzoekers met geweld de EU uit duwt. 3/
Na 2 jaar ben ik opnieuw in Kroatië om de mensenrechtensituatie aan de grens met Bosnië-Herzegovina te onderzoeken. Hoe komt het dat de situatie niet verbetert en wat is de rol van de EU? Ik ga in gesprek met ministers, ngo’s, grenswachten en in BiH, slachtoffers van pushbacks.2/
Het staat onomstotelijk vast dat, mede met EU-geld, illegale #pushbacks plaatsvinden aan de buitengrenzen van Europa. Het Europees recht op asiel staat daarmee ernstig onder druk. 1/
This violation of data protection rules shows the same pattern as Frontex’ dealing with fundamental rights: internal watchdog disregarded and sidelined. We urged for clarifications. EU’s Frontex Tripped in Its Plan for ‘Intrusive’ Surveillance of Migrants
Yesterday, I told the Greek Prime Minister that covering up evidence of pushbacks won’t work. Evidence is recorded by UN bodies, NGOs and investigative journalists. European judges refuse to accept a reality that violates core EU values.
That, @kmitsotakis, is Europe.
@S_VanTeutem Mijn motie werd ook afgewezen: VVD, PvdA, D66 en PVV stemden tegen.
I strongly support the intention to hold the ICG on short notice, kicking off the accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania. We will continue to push and monitor that these talks respect EU accession criteria and reflect our principles and values.
RT @JosepBorrellF: Welcome the compromise proposal presented by the French Presidency @EmmanuelMacron, which now will be further broadly consulted in Skopje.
This is a mom…
RT @WiardiBeckman: Al jaren wordt er in Europa gesproken over een beter en eerlijker asielbeleid. In S&D beschrijven @Tineke_Strik en @julia_verheul hoe een humaan en effectief Europees asielsysteem eruit zou kunnen zien. Een draadje 🧵🪡 1/
Prime Minister of Greece @kmitsotakis now addresses the European Parliament about the state of Europe. I will question him about the common values that should guide his action towards refugees and civil society.
Follow the debate here ⤵️
@Frontex If @Frontex sustains its refusal to grant access next week, I will offer this case to the @EUombudsman. 3/3
@Frontex EU citizens also have the right to be informed about mismanagement or involvement in fundamental rights violations of EU agencies. I, therefore, submitted a formal request for public access. 2/3
After months of pressure from the European Parliament, the LIBE committee finally received the OLAF report on the role of the @Frontex executive management in covering up pushbacks. An essential first step to allow for scrutiny, but it is not enough. 1/3
Good first step, but linking funding border management to fundamental rights is not enough. We urgently need conditionality.
RT @YlvaJohansson: 3/3
…Pleased with their info that this will be in place by 1 September.
@EUHomeAffairs funding is linked to EU fundamental rights being correctly applied.
Currently co-hosting a conference with green friends from the Western Balkans, discussing difficulties and possibilities. Today they are our invited guests in the European Parliament, hopefully in the near future this will be their institution too.
RT @ecre: 1/ Addressing the Violation of Fundamental Rights at the External Borders of 🇪🇺 - Infringement Proceedings & Conditionality in EU Funding Instruments - new study by Jorrit Rijpma & Apostolis Fotiadis released by @GreensEFA:
Today, I present our study on tools that @EU_Commission can use to combat violent #Pushbacks at EU borders.
Key recommendations:
📌 make EU funds conditional on fundamental rights compliance
📌 start infringement procedures in case of systemic breaches
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Member European Parliament @GroenLinks @GreensEFA • Asylum, Migration, Rule of Law, Human Rights • Professor Citizenship and Migration Law Radboud University