RT @EUClimateAction: Carbon markets & other solutions to decarbonise our economy take center stage today at the 🇪🇺 Pavilion at #COP27
Don't miss events on
🟣#FitFor55 with @TimmermansEU
🟣carbon pricing
🟣decarbonising 🚢
& more.
All events are webstreamed.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592454588275519488
RT @EUClimateAction: Join us for the launch of the #TeamEurope Initiative on Adaptation and Resilience in Africa tomorrow at #COP27 . 🌍
Among key speakers:
👉🏽 https://digital.cop27eusideevents.eu/event/eu-side-events-cop27/planning/UGxhbm5pbmdfMTA1Mjg3NA==
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592454376274399232
Every day at #COP27 the @EU_Commission and @EU2022_CZ coordinate with our 27 Member States on our negotiations for the day
Europe will keep pushing for the highest possible climate ambition and acting as a bridge builder
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592422521718308865
EVP @TimmermansEU starting the day with consultations with Zambian Minister of Green Economy and Environment Collins Nzozu, chair of the African Group of negotiators
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592401848925057024
#COP27 and #COP15 are interconnected
Because the climate and biodiversity crises are two sides of the same coin
That is why our Environment and Oceans Commissioner @VSinkevicius is also here in Sharm El-Sheikh 👇
RT @VSinkevicius: At #COP27 to get support for #COP15
A crucial challenge: financing #ForNature.
It’s difficult to move ahead when we’re moving backwards:
Currently, for 1💲mobilised for biodiversity, 8 are spent destr…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592225547924668416
It’s been a full day for EU Energy Commissioner @KadriSimson
Lors of important discussions about how we turn ambition into action at home and with our partners
Don’t miss the Commissioner speaking tomorrow morning at the #COP27 Energy Day too
RT @KadriSimson: Great discussion to end my 1st day at #COP27 in 🇪🇺 pavilion on renewable #hydrogen trade & partnerships.
Cooperation …
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592224525277876225
🚨 Starting now LIVE at #COP27 🚨
@TimmermansEU dialogue with youth representatives from around the world on climate action
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592210463177453568
Coordination with Ministers from the 27 EU Member States on how we achieve our negotiating objectives for the week ahead
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592198608601874434
Talking to China about how to keep increasing climate ambition
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592198593938853888
Bilateral conversations about EU priorities with @UNFCCC Executive Secretary @simonstiell and the @COP27P Presidency
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592198574636470273
Ministerial meetings and speeches on mitigation ambition and climate finance:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592198551056130054
RT @EUClimateAction: To prevent climate change from getting worse, we need to urgently reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Here are 3⃣ stories of how the EU 🇪🇺 is helping other countries cut emissions and switch to clean energy.
#EUatCOP27 #EUEnergyDay #TeamEurope
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592184982600290304
RT @KadriSimson: #Energyefficiency is a central pillar of EU’s #energy & #climate policy & a key element of the #Fitfor55 initiative.
It is often underappreciated as a tool to cut emissions & tackle the crisis, so highlighting the opportunities energy efficiency brings at #COP27
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592145074217168898
There's a full afternoon of great energy events coming up at the EU Pavilion at #COP27
Check out the programme below and watch online, or even better come and say hi to us!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592126437011881985
This winter is going to be challenging. But we are in this difficult position not because we have been too green, but because we have not been green enough. We are learning the hard way what relying on fossil fuels and untrustworthy partners can mean.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592118268550340610
Setting things straight:
@TimmermansEU at #COP27
"There's been this very strange narrative going around, that because of the challenges coming to Europe because of Putin's war against Ukraine, we would be stepping back from our ambitions.Nothing could be further from the truth."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592112022996811780
RT @EUClimateAction: We are kicking off week 2 at #COP27 with the #EUEnergyDay 🇪🇺⚡️
Check out the programme and follow events on the clean energy transition with
and more!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1592063897200197632
There’s no escaping the urgency of climate action.
Spotted this at the barbershop 💈
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1591385101417734144
RT @Energy4Europe: Register to take part or follow our high-level sessions at #EUEnergyDay ⚡️on Monday 14/11!
All sessions are web streamed - see more details➡️ https://ec.europa.eu/info/events/eu-energy-day-2022-nov-14_en
#EUatCOP27 #JustTransition #windpower #solarenergy #digitalisation #energyefficiency #EnergyTransition
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1591332642678374400
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