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RT @HNeumannMEP: „With the necessary solidarity and courage, EU and Ukraine will prevail and Russia will fail.“

@vonderleyen in her in the presence of @ZelenskaUA


RT @GreensEFA: What is the State of our European Union?

The EU faces a historic responsibility for action on climate change, energy crisis and Putin's war against Ukraine.

🔴 Follow live:


RT @GreensEFA: BREAKING: Our Group has nominated @GuajajaraSonia for the Prize, the European Parliament’s award for human rights defenders.

We are proud to nominate Sonia, who has dedicated her life to defending the rights and the ancestral lands of Indigenous peoples in .


RT @rosadamato634: La polizia serba ha vietato lo svolgimento di a Belgrado questo fine settimana.
Questo è inaccettabile. È necessario trovare una soluzione di compromesso per e per garantire che ci sia un percorso sicuro per tutti i partecipanti.


RT @Femi_Sorry: This Facebook post from the day before the Brexit Referendum, just gets more and more painful to read, the worse this poverty-crisis gets.


Dass @ManfredWeber im italienischen Wahlkampf ein Bündnis mit rechtsextremen Kräften unterstützt, ist geschichtsvergessen und gefährlich.

Die Konservativen haben offensichtlich nichts gelernt aus ihrem desaströsen Schlafwandeln gegenüber Orbán.


RT @JanLipavsky: I strongly disagree with the decision of the Serbian Ministry of Interior to ban the @EuroPride march in Belgrade. Glad our Embassy was there for the launch of the event. We as the Pirate Party @PiratskaStrana stand with the LGBT+ community. 🏳️‍🌈 rights are human rights.


RT @europeangreens: 🇮🇹 @europaverde_it & @SI_sinistra are in coalition under @Verdi_SI_Europa for the Italian general elections on 25 Sept!

👇 @GreensEFA MEPs @ernesturtasun, @marietouss1, @TerryReintke, @thomaswaitz, & @Vula_Tsetsi on their vision of climate and social justice for Italy and Europe


RT @AnnaLuehrmann: Today, the Serbian Police rejected the proposed route for the March. It is crucial that another route is authorised and this celebration of love and openness is able to proceed. LGBTIQ+ rights are human rights 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ @belgradepride


The right to protest and freedom of assembly are essential to democracy.

They are laid out in the European Convention on Human Rights.

Especially in times when democracy is under attack across the world, we have to defend them.

Everywhere in Europe.


RT @max_lucks: Das heutige Verbot der @belgradepride durch die Serbischen Polizeibehörden ist ein inakzeptabler Angriff auf die Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention. Solidarität mit der in Belgrad, jetzt erst Recht! 🏳️‍🌈


WE STAND WITH @belgradepride.

Today, the Serbian police has announced a ban on EuroPride that is set to take place in Belgrade on Saturday.

The @LGBTIintergroup will continue to do everything to March together.

Queers from across Europe are with you 🌈💕✨


RT @crdefenders: ❗️ Today, on 13 September, the upcoming Parade in Belgrade was banned by the police by handing over the official notice to organisers.
@belgradepride is preparing to appeal to court. An official statement is coming.



RT @EuroPride: NEWS: The March on Saturday has been banned by police because of threats from counter-protests. This is a total failure of political leadership in Serbia. We are working with the @BelgradePride team on alternative solutions.


RT @KharkivPride: is coming!

From September 17 to 25, the largest LGBT+ events on our side of the Dnipro , KharkivPride, will be held in the urban space of Kharkiv🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈


RT @Ricarda_Lang: Das Absurde am Verhalten von @SWagenknecht: sie zieht seit Jahren durch die Talkshows mit der These, Linke kümmerten sich zu wenig um die soziale Frage.

Bei jedem dieser Auftritte könnte sie über Hartz IV, steigende Mieten und Niedriglöhne sprechen. Tut sie aber nicht.


RT @anna_cavazzini: Every hour, we lose the size of 800 soccer fields of forest. By importing products that have led to deforestation, the EU is massively contributing to this. In the @europarl_en we have the chance to put a stop to it: Today, I say YES to deforestation-free supply chains! ✊


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