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RT @EuroSandor: Polish opposition leader @donaldtuskEPP told me remarks need clarification at EPP and his ties to Russia pose a problem for the whole party family. On the new Italian government he said: it's not my kind of policies and I hope I am not alone like this here at .


RT @panyiszabolcs: 'Dramatic turn of events: Ukraine has launched an attack against Russia,' Hungary's largest pro-Orbán news site claims in an article, considering Kherson as Russia's official territory.

This site (like many others) is directly controlled by the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office.


Europe is facing multiple crises.

A brutal aggression in Ukraine, an energy crisis, the climate and social crisis threatening millions of citizens.

We can only live up to these huge challenges if we work together as Europeans.

1st press briefing as @GreensEFA co-chair.


RT @RobertaMetsola: All smiles as I get to officially congratulate @TerryReintke on being elected as the new @GreensEFA co-chair.

I know Terry as an unrelenting advocate for a better, fairer, more just Europe and I am looking forward to us continuing to cooperate closely together. Good luck Terry!


RT @HNeumannMEP: Irgendwie gibt man die Hoffnung ja nie auf, dass Menschen und Parteien aus ihren Fehlern lernen, aber wenn das stimmt, dann weiß ich auch nicht mehr weiter. WTF @spdde @OlafScholz


Only 17 votes missing.

What an important step for self-determination in France and all over Europe.

The struggle continues.

RT @Melanie_Vogel_: Il n’a manqué que 17 voix.
Ce n’est pas fini.
On lâche rien.



Something truly historic is happening in France NOW.

The most wonderful French senator has proposed to introduce the right to abortion into the constitution.

I think I have never been more proud in my whole life.

Such a signal of hope in such dark times.
RT @Melanie_Vogel_: Préférons-nous une société où le droit à l’avortement est protégé au sommet de notre hiérarchie des normes ou une société où une simple…


RT @GreensEFA: “Putin wants to use energy & disinformation as a weapon to divide us and destabilize our democracies.

We call on all democrats to defend the stability & strength of EU democracy. Stop cooperating with right-wing extremists!”

@TerryReintke & @ph_lamberts


The EU faces a butal authoritarian backlash against democracy, freedom & equality. is taking advantage of it to divide and weaken us.

But if we work together for more social equality and independence, Putin won't win.



This poll is creating a lot of disbelief in my German time line.

For most people it is completely surreal that even if only amongst Tory members a person like Boris Johnson could still get so much support.

A politician who told lies and made such crucial mistakes.


Die sozialen Verwerfungen, die in den nächsten Monaten auf uns zukommen können, sind demokratiezersetzend.

Der europäische Gaspreisdeckel wird als Antwort nicht reichen.

Die EU muss stärker werden, wenn es um soziale Gerechtigkeit geht.

Auch da muss die Kommission liefern.


RT @GreensEFA: "We need an EU solidarity fund to invest in renewables. To counter Putin's strategy we must be less dependent on autocracies for our energy supply.

We need an EU solidarity fund, to protect our citizens from economic & social hits.

Social equality is essential for democracy."


RT @BenoitBiteau: Malgré les crises alimentaires successives, @vonderleyen n'a jamais dit un mot sur la souveraineté alimentaire.
Heureusement, nous pouvons compter sur les @GreensEFA pour alerter l'Union européenne et lui rappeler inlassablement que la voie empruntée n'est pas la bonne.


RT @phoenix_de: l Der europäische Zusammenhalt könne im kommenden Winter zu bröckeln beginnen, so Co-Vorsitzende der @greensefa @TerryReintke. Staatschefs wie Victor Orbán versuchten dabei immer wieder die europäische Union in "Geiselhaft" zu nehmen. Europäische Einigkeit sei gefragt


RT @phoenix_de: l Co-Vorsitzende der @greensefa, @TerryReintke, zur Bedeutung des innereuropäischen Zusammenhalts im Kontext der . Sie fordert einen europäischen für den Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien und zur Gebäudesanierung. @mr_steinhaeuser


This is how Orbán is trying to undermine European unity on sanctions against Russia.

The bomb is titled “sanctions”.

The full text is “Brussels sanctions destroy us”.

This is coming from the closest ally of the Polish government at European level.

Truly shameful.


RT @GreensEFA: "President @vonderleyen a dynamic price cap on gas will not be enough. We will need a bold and determined Commission also on tax and social issues.

We can't let the most vulnerable in our societies pay the price,"

- our co-president @TerryReintke


RT @GreensEFA: "There's a powerful authoritarian backlash ongoing in Europe. Against democracy, freedom & equality.

We need to stand with Ukraine, not only for the sake of the brave Ukrainian people, but also for our sake. For our own freedom and our own democracy," co-president @TerryReintke


Words. Have. Consequences.

On 12 October, two people lost their lives in an attack against the LGBTIQ community in Bratislava, Slovakia. Our hearts and thoughts are with their families and friends.


RT @MarchForRejoin: Come and see @TerryReintke at the National Rejoin March - Saturday 22nd October.
Meet at Park Lane, Noon, Opposite the Dorchester Hotel and tell all your friends!
For Growth Growth Growth -

Info, cheap transport, maps and more:


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