The @EU_Commission does the right thing. This step is very significant for the EU as a mature democracy. For years the @europarl_en has called for a firm stance on attacks on the rule of law. Now we expect the Council to show the same responsibility and endorse the decision
RT @EC_AVService: 🇪🇺🇭🇺 Commission finds that Hungary has not progressed enough in its reforms and must meet essential milestones for its recovery and resilience funds
📸 All the photos and 📽️ v…
Yet another victory of @EUProsecutor: uncovering a VAT scam worth a whopping €2.2 bio (yes, that’s TWO-POINT-TWO BILLION). To all ye crooks out there, beware! National borders will not serve to shield your criminal business anymore.
RT @EUProsecutor: 🚨Today, actions all over Europe are taking place to bring down Europe’s biggest VAT fraud. In less than 18 months, the #EPPO uncovered a web of organised crime groups responsible for EUR 2.2 billion loss to EU taxpaye…
RT @EP_PegaInquiry: ‼️ From 9.00 CET, tune in to @EP_PegaInquiry for a discussion on the use of spyware in Spain 👇
@icembrero @eyndePenal
Description of the digital traces of #Predator 👇. How much longer will @EC3Europol @Europol sit on its hands? Its inaction is dereliction of duty. @EP_PegaInquiry
RT @Konstan10070461: Αυτά είναι τα ψηφιακά ίχνη του Predator. 498 ίδια URL, ένας κοινός server, 1 κοινή IP, 1 κοινή κατάληξη), 1 όνομα.
Ακόμα αποκαλύπτεται η ιστορία του αμαρτωλού edolio5[.]com μόλυνε Κουκάκη, Καρυπίδη και επιχείρησε να μολύνει τον Ανδρουλάκη. @documentonews
Indications of abuse of #spyware #Predator piling up further. What is keeping the authorities from immediately launching a sweeping, indepth investigation?
RT @KostasVaxevanis: Νέα λίστα #predator στο #Documento. Υπό παρακολούθηση ο αρχηγός της ΕΛΑΣ αλλά και η Εισαγγελέας της ΕΥΠ. Το ερώτημα που μπαίνει, είναι αν κάποιοι από τους 100 και πλέον παρακολουθούμενους ήταν υπό εκβιασμό. Γιατί η Εισαγγελέας της ΕΥΠ υπέγραφε ο,τι ήθελε η κυβέρνηση;
Kollege @jcoetjen 🔥 in der Debatte über den Migrationspakt: "Es gibt kein Erkentnisproblem, es gibt ein Handlungsproblem"
RT @jcoetjen: Das 20-Punkte Programm der @EU_Commission ist nur alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen. Wir brauchen endlich richtigen Fortschritte beim europäischen Migrationspakt. Auch der @EUCouncil muss endlich konstruktiv Politik machen. Meine ganze Rede hier ⬇️
Rather than be divided over migration, Europe should have belief in its ability to cope with large numbers of people coming in. We have shown we can do it:
Dehumanising migrants has done nothing, other than sow division in society. My remarks at today’s debate on asylum and migration in @europarl_en today:
US acting with determination on the matter of mercenary spyware. EU needs to regulate strictly as well, and team up with US for global standards @EP_PegaInquiry
RT @jsrailton: "It looks like everyone is on the same page."
Senior official giving a peek into Biden Admin's plans to tackle mercenary #spyware like #Pegasus.
Including an executive order early next year.
By @timstarks w/@aaronjschaffer
Meanwhile @EU_Commission and #EUCO are trying to find wasy to justify disbursing €7,5 bio to this fine gentleman. #fail
RT @nexta_tv: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban appeared in public with a scarf depicting a map of "Greater Hungary".
This map includes the current territories of Austria, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia, Serbia and Ukraine.
Meanwhile, at least 12 EU member states happily continue to do business with NSO Group and facilitate its business activity
RT @jsrailton: 2/ NSO had asserted that because foreign governments - which they refused to name- used their tech...they should be entitled to immunity.
@TheJusticeDept's view is categorical. Nope.
Our @europarl_en evolved from an assembly of national delegates into a directly elected full-fledged co-legislator. As the EU rapidly becomes a geopolitical power, the European Parliament must evolve along into a fierce democratic watchdog that holds power to account.
RT @RenewEurope: Orban is trying to blackmail the EU into granting him billions of EU funds. But we won't give in. No funds before he has restored the #RuleofLaw!
🎥@SophieintVeld: "It's time for the Commission & Council to show some backbone. Giving in to blackmail will be a historic failure."
RT @RenewEurope: Did Orbán implement the necessary reforms to avoid #RuleofLaw sanctions?
No! The small steps taken by the 🇭🇺 Government to restore the Rule of Law aren't enough. We won't accept the release of billions of 🇪🇺 funds without real change
Follow the debate 👇
RT @moritzkoerner: Did the Hungarian government implement the necessary reforms to avoid rule of law sanctions? 🇭🇺🇪🇺
Based on our assessments: NO, #Orban couldn't deliver.
@petrisarvamaa @EGardiazabal @daniel_freund
RT @jsrailton: BREAKING: victims of #Pegasus hacking in 🇹🇭#Thailand just filed a lawsuit against NSO Group seeking damages.👇
Latest in a slew of legal actions against the notorious mercenary spyware company. 1/
RT @Jinek_RTL: .@APechtold over de uitspraken die FVD-Kamerlid Gideon van Meijeren deed in een Belgische podcast. “Ik bestempel dit als fascisme.” #Jinek
German authorities also stonewalling the @EP_PegaInquiry 👇
RT @EP_PegaInquiry: 🇩🇪 Today in @EP_PegaInquiry, MEPs and journalist @Andre_Meister discussed the use of spyware by authorities ("state hacking") in Germany.
Chair @jeroen_lenaers noted with regret that @BKA did not attend despite repeated invitations.
Watch the discussion:…
New details on the murky wheeling and dealing of governments and shady mercenary spyware vendors. Not for security of citizens, but for power and profit. How much longer before the prosecutor launches a serious investigation? @EP_PegaInquiry
RT @e_triantafillou: ⚠️Στο σημερινό μας ρεπορτάζ με @telloglou στο @insidestory_gr αποκαλύπτουμε:
📌Τη *ροή του χρήματος* μεταξύ δύο εταιρειών #Κρίκελ - #Intellexa, που επιχειρείται να εμφαν…
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Europarlementariër voor @D66. Voor een sterk en solidair Europa. Instagram: sophie.intveld 🦣