The Italian implementation of #Article17, which requires content to stay blocked until a complaint is resolved, is incompatible with the CJEU judgment, which requires that platforms don’t block content that requires an independent assessment, says Finn Hümmer at #FilteredFutures
Fundamental rights safeguards in #Article17 must be taken seriously, filtering kept to an absolute minimum, says @bjjuette at #FilteredFutures conference. “Earmarking” content for which ex ante safeguards are ignored must be off the table.
RT @communia_eu: "We saw that academics & CSOs can have a strong impact on policy outcomes. That’s why we are here today at #FilteredFutures: to start a debate on the CJEU decision on #Article17". @Senficon opening remarks
RT @freiheitsrechte: Gleich geht’s los! Urheberrechtsexperte @Senficon u Susanne Zels (@BoschStiftung) eröffnen um 9:15 die #FilteredFutures-Konferenz über das EuGH-Urteil zu #Artikel17. Sind #Uploadfilter mit unserer Meinungs- und #Informationsfreiheit vereinbar? Schaut rein:
Join us today for #FilteredFutures Conference to discuss the impact of #Uploadfilters on #FreedomOfExpression following the European Court of Justice ruling on #Article17 of the #copyright directive! Follow the live stream from 9:15
Many problems with #uploadfilters in #copyright enforcement arise because they blindly trust the information provided by (alleged) rightsholders. When they claim rights that belong to somebody else, or concern #PublicDomain works, they face no sanctions.
RT @communia_eu: False ownership claims, trolling and misusing copyright as a tool of censorship are practices that decrease trust in the copyright system. Our Recommendation #19 asks…
RT @TerryReintke: Thanks for everything, @SkaKeller ❤️
You are such a wonderful person, an inspiration and an amazing politician.
And it will always stay that way - no matter which position you hold or not.
Als ich frisch gewählter MEP war, hat @SkaKeller mich vom ersten Tag unterstützt, obwohl ich andere Schwerpunkte hatte und für ne andere Partei gewählt wurde. Ohne sie hätte ich nicht halb soviel auf die Reihe gekriegt. #ThankYouSka
RT @SkaKeller: It was an honour to serve the @GreensEFA Group, I thank you wholeheartedly for your continuous support and look back fondly on my time as Group President. I will use my two remaining years i…
RT @SkaKeller: It was an honour to serve the @GreensEFA Group, I thank you wholeheartedly for your continuous support and look back fondly on my time as Group President. I will use my two remaining years in @europarl_en to continue fighting for a greener future!
Ska is the best! Really excited for whatever you do next, @SkaKeller! #ThankYouSka for your amazing work. 💚💚💚
RT @GreensEFA: Our @SkaKeller is stepping down as Co-President of our Group.
Thank you Ska for co-leading our Group since 2016!💚💚With you in the lead we have grown as a Group in 2019 and defended a more social, green, and democratic Europe.
Thank you for being in the forefront of our fight!
RT @freiheitsrechte: Happy Birthday GFF 🥳 Heute werden wir sieben Jahre alt! 🎉 Einige Klagen haben wir zwar schon gewonnen, doch wir sind noch lange nicht am Ziel. Was muss sich dringend ändern? Wir haben unser Team gefragt - und hoffen, dass die Geburtstagswünsche bald in Erfüllung gehen👇
Registration for next week's #FilteredFutures conference by @GFF_NGO & @communia_eu is now closed. You will still be able to follow the conference via live stream here, starting Monday at 9:15 with my opening speech on the legacy of #Article17:
RT @JJaursch: Here's an overview of how the DSA article numbering changed from the final trilogue version (July) to the Corrigendum version for today's @EP_SingleMarket meeting.
Original @EU_Commission draft had 74 articles, now it's 93. Recitals went from 106 to 156.
Filtered Futures conference is one week away. Sign up today if you wish to join @freiheitsrechte & @communia_eu in Berlin to discuss #Article17! #copyright #uploadfilter
RT @JujuSGL: Next week's plenary seating of the European Parliament will be pivotal for the state of forests 🌳🌲 both inside and outside of the EU, with 3 votes. Here is a very simplified summary of what's at stake:
Leistungsschutzrecht returns.
RT @mathver: Publishers didnt get an exemption for their content in the content moderation rules in Digital Services Act.But art.17 of the EU's proposed new Media Freedom Act does give publishers a foot in the door to demand "amicable solutions" for "unjustified restrictions" of their content
RT @freiheitsrechte: #AppStores regulieren den Zugang zu Apps, die unterschiedliche #Grundrechte berühren. Sollten App Stores deshalb grundgesetzliche Pflichten auferlegt werden? Spoiler: Ja! Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt @JuergenBering in seiner neuen Studie. 👉
Hier die Kurzfassung des #Pastiche-Gutachtens in Meme-Form. Die Langfassung findet Ihr bei @freiheitsrechte: #Artikel17 #Urheberrecht
Was wurde aus dem Versprechen der EU-Kommission bei #Artikel17, die Memes zu retten? Heute veröffentlichen wir das Gutachten "Der #Pastiche im #Urheberrecht" von Till Kreutzer. Dank dieser neuen Regelung werden große Teile der Internetkultur legalisiert.
RT @freiheitsrechte: #Memes, MashUps und Fanfiction sind für viele die Kunst des Internets. Bis vor Kurzem bewegten sie sich jedoch in einer urheberrechtlichen Grauzone. Wird die #Urh…
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